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Darkoath Chieftain



First up is one of the heroes from the new Warhammer Quest. I think he might be wearing a few too many skulls for what could be considered practical but I think it turned out good =)


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Liking that dirty metal on the pauldron. I see you built him with the Tzaangor head, looks good! As for the skulls, well... have you seen a Bloodsecrator? ;)

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5 hours ago, Urauloth said:

Liking that dirty metal on the pauldron. I see you built him with the Tzaangor head, looks good! As for the skulls, well... have you seen a Bloodsecrator? ;)

A friend of mine bought the set and we're painting it up together so he is the one who built it actually. 

That said I like the head far better than the axe because it adds a splash of blue that goes well with the red :)

Thanks for checking it out!

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Pfft... One can never wear too many skulls! 

Been real tempted by the box, if you keep posting more of these guys looking that good I might just have to get one. I particularly enjoy the sword, well done mate. 

You going to leave the base as is or have you got something planned perhaps?

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8 minutes ago, Markus said:

Pfft... One can never wear too many skulls! 

Been real tempted by the box, if you keep posting more of these guys looking that good I might just have to get one. I particularly enjoy the sword, well done mate. 

You going to leave the base as is or have you got something planned perhaps?

Thanks :)

I painted this fellow up for a friend. He got the set a while back and we gathered to assemble it and give it a go. Great fun weekend. I'm leaving the basing to him though for coherency's sake.

I'll ask him to bring something else along with him when he visits next time though! :) 

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Ah, yeah. That makes a lot of sense to be fair. Both the basing and the collective effort to put it all together. 

Always great to see what others have done for their bases, I've yet to decide myself what I would want to do with mine so I'm keeping an eye out for some inspirational stuff. :) 

Only just realized as well, I've got the Knight-Questor in my drawer waiting to be assembled and painted. I really enjoyed the model, always thought SE would look good with proper cloaks so was an instabuy on Ebay when I first saw him. Giving him a go might push me into getting the rest as well.

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5 minutes ago, Markus said:

Ah, yeah. That makes a lot of sense to be fair. Both the basing and the collective effort to put it all together. 

Always great to see what others have done for their bases, I've yet to decide myself what I would want to do with mine so I'm keeping an eye out for some inspirational stuff. :) 

Only just realized as well, I've got the Knight-Questor in my drawer waiting to be assembled and painted. I really enjoyed the model, always thought SE would look good with proper cloaks so was an instabuy on Ebay when I first saw him. Giving him a go might push me into getting the rest as well.

It's quite the kit so make sure you have room in your schedule for some serious painting sessions! :P 

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Wow an awesome model, I have the set myself but trying to get more painted in my army before I start on it. Love the use of colour, especially the corroded metal. Really well done :) Played any good games with him recently?

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2 hours ago, Realms_walker85 said:

Wow an awesome model, I have the set myself but trying to get more painted in my army before I start on it. Love the use of colour, especially the corroded metal. Really well done :) Played any good games with him recently?

Thanks :)

I've only had the chance to try it once so far but we played it for three days straight basically :P 

I'm helping a friend paint up some of the models in the kit to ease the burden a bit. Next time we'll have more of the adversaries painted too I hope :)

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