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Skaven vs. Sylvaneth - Total Conquest



My List


Allegiance: Skaventide
Mortal Realm: Ulgu

Verminlord Warpseer (320)
- General
- Trait: Master of Magic
Verminlord Corruptor (280)
- Artefact: Sword of Judgement
Verminlord Deceiver (320)
Arch-Warlock (160)
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: Chain Warp Lightning
Grey Seer (140)
- Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap

40 x Clanrats (200)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Warp Lightning Vortex (100)
Aethervoid Pendulum (50)
Balewind Vortex (40)
Vermintide (40)
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 127

Their List (he was slightly under due to their points changes and not having the models built, said he would've included more 10 Tree Revs)


Allegiance: Sylvaneth
- Glade: Gnarlroot
Mortal Realm: Ghyran

Treelord Ancient (260)
- General
- Trait: Nurtured by Magic
- Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony
Spirit of Durthu (300)
- Artefact: Ghyrstrike
Arch-Revenant (100)
Branchwych (80)
- Artefact: Chalice of Nectar
- Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines
Branchwych (80)
- Deepwood Spell: Regrowth

5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
5 x Tree-Revenants (80)

3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
- Scythes
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
- Scythes
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
- Scythes

Free Spirits (140)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Balewind Vortex (40)

Total: 1840 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 99

He outdrops me and chooses to go first. He immediately puts a woods in front of my right side Clanrats but fails all of his spells except the +2 to casts throne of vines on his left side Wych. Durthu and the 3 Hunter units all come down from the woods (1 on left side with Wych, the other 2 with Durthu on right), but only 1 unit of them manages to get a charge into the Clanrats, and combined with TLA\Durthu shooting kill a total of 19.

My turn sees pretty much everything go off except for Dreaded Skitterleap, so that put a stop to the Corruptor doing anything this turn. Dreaded Warpgale went off to do 6 MW's to Durthu, and the AW is well within range without Skitterleap to get the WLV into the Kurnoths, TLA and Durthu. The Warpseer launches out Pendulum while the Grey Seer throws out Geminids (proxying with Spellportal as I forgot mine) to give the Kurnoths in combat with the Clanrats -1 to hit and -1 attack on Durthu... but altogether this was enough to finish him off. On the left side, the Deceiver throws out Vermintide which is just in range to hit the Tree-Revs doing 5 MW's. Altogether he's lost 1 1/2 Kurnoths on the right side and killing Durthu put an abrupt stop to his momentum, especially with the spells blocking some movement. I retreat the right Clanrats out of combat with the Kurnoths, but otherwise just slowly advance the left up.


He wins priority, but I move the Pendulum into his TLA for 6 MW's and Vermintide into his left Wych for 4 MW's. He moves the Geminids into the Clanrats, killing 2 and making them -1 to hit. He immediately heals up the TLA for the 6 I just caused and teleports the left Hunters over to help out the now obliterated right side. WLV goes off and does 5 MW's across 2 Kurnoth units. 4 of them manage to get in and kill 14 Clanrats, but the Tree-Rev charge pulled in the Deceiver who promptly killed what was remaining with the Clanrats.


In my turn, I dispell Vermintide but fail to recast it.. and I yet again fail Dreaded Skitterleap by 1. However, everything else largely goes off, including an overcharged Warp-Lightning Storm and 5 MW's onto the TLA and some Kurnoths, leaving ~3 left from 2 units. Warpseer jumps up top of the middle terrain piece to kill his Arch-Revenant while the left side moves up in range of the objective. The Deceiver makes a charge into his 10 summoned Dryads, killing enough with BS for me to take his objective.

We work through the next round and call the game there, ending 5-4 Skaven Major Victory.
(sorry, forgot to take a proper final picture of the table before we started pulling off stuff to pack up)

Overall Thoughts
I mean, it went about as well as it could have. I like to say this is my more casual list simple because it isn't consistent enough for me to consider it good for a tournament. I've had games were neither Skitterleap goes off, WLV fails, etc and it just all falls apart. As you saw, the Corruptor couldn't do anything due to not getting Skitterleaped. I know the power of Durthu, so I tried to game where he would deploy and sure enoug he did on that right side where I put most of my Wizards. I threw everything I could at the cluster of stuff he had brought in and rolled nicely for any d3\6 MW's I threw out (mostly 5's and 6's) and once Durthu was gone that largely sealed the deal for me.

I've been using a variant of this for awhile now, so not sure there's anything major I would change. Thanks for reading, and as always I love any questions or discussion 😉

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Thanks for a great battle report!
Personally I would be terrified of using your list. It feels so frail in a way. Like you don't have any hammer units (well... Except for the hero killing corruptor).  Would you say that on average you can offset this by doing enough damage with spells?
I guess you also have quite a bit movement control with some of those endless spells, and the warpseer spell.

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3 hours ago, gronnelg said:

Thanks for a great battle report!
Personally I would be terrified of using your list. It feels so frail in a way. Like you don't have any hammer units (well... Except for the hero killing corruptor).  Would you say that on average you can offset this by doing enough damage with spells?
I guess you also have quite a bit movement control with some of those endless spells, and the warpseer spell.

Like I said, it's my 'casual' list. It is frail and it fully depends on how that hero phase goes and the Corruptor getting into their important units is what can cause them to split focus... just in this instance that didn't happen as I never got off Dreaded Skitterleap. Your biggest tool is negating movement, as you suggested. Look at recent Changehost lists that block movement and you'll see what I mean. I will likely take out the BW and throw Shackles back in.. though I could also just remove some for 20 more Clanrats. Who knows.

This was won because he made his Durthu visible and failed his charges when he decided to take 1st turn.. at that point all of his stuff got blocked and obliterated by spells.. but had I missed a lot of my casts or wasn't rolling 4-6 damage on all the d6 stuff it could've swung the other way with him winning priority.

Edited by Gwendar
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You keep whipping that Sylvaneth army.  Why doesn’t he bring numbers to counter your big bricks?  Even with gnarroot Sylvaneth would be hard pressed to be skaven in the hero phase with 3 verminlords casting on top of the  Grey seer and ikit klaw

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On 12/27/2019 at 5:28 PM, Gorthor21 said:

You keep whipping that Sylvaneth army.  Why doesn’t he bring numbers to counter your big bricks?  Even with gnarroot Sylvaneth would be hard pressed to be skaven in the hero phase with 3 verminlords casting on top of the  Grey seer and ikit klaw

The guy is newer to Sylvaneth so he's actively trying out different lists. I think he is largely trying to build off tournament lists which is fine, but yeah he often doesn't have the tools to counter anything and was relying on Dryad summoning I think.

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