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I really like artillery. It`s just facinating to have this big boom. :D
Thats why I directly bought 2 Helfire Rocket Batteries and painted them at once. This was before I really understood pointcosts and the principles of alliances and allegiances. Atm its 180 points for one of these bad boys. So two of them only barely fit into a free peoples army :(


I had a lot of fun painting those. in the picture you may see that i magnetized them. One big magnet (5mm) at the end of the gun and a small one in each Wheel. I think they just look better without a base and so they fit to every underground. Man, it`s just fun to paint big rocket guns. I put quit some effort into them. This was the first time i made some color testing:


If i recall it correctly its form left to right: Balthasar Gold, Balthasar Gold and a Layer of Gehennas Gold, Balthasar Gold and a Layer of Auric Amour Gold.
I don`t know anymore(was in april ;)). But I think i went with the Auric Amour Gold variant. Could also be the Gehennas. It`s definitly with heavy Agrax shading. Future projects will be documented here directly so i can always look it up if i forget color combinations i used. :)

Here the final pics:


At the end I`m really happy with how they turned out. Except for the eyes. I learned to paint better eyes later. Just don`t try to put the black dot in the middle of the white. It looks much much better if the black dot touches the upper of the eye. You`ll see in the next pictures. For example the Empire Great Cannon which is just a gorgeous model and the mother of all artillery pieces 🤩

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