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Goodwin's Stampede



(Pictures below!)

Shartor Dragonchewer snorted, sending steam cutting through the evening frost.  They had marched far with their quarry and the air even this far from the Jotenburg was chill and harsh.  Still, they had escape the daemons of blood that had sought the precious Shard of the Herdstone.  First, escaping from the wailing bloodthirsty creatures through an land of haunting ruins continued to trouble the dreams of some of his tribe.  Then, as the daemons closed in, his monstrous tribe was able to destroy the ice-bridge that surrounded the deceased Jotenburg over the sea.  Sealing the daemons on the mainland and leaving the tribe free to continue their travel.  This was not without its costs though as the daemons, in their own desperation, shattered part of the ground themselves and sent many a bullgor to their icy death.

The hardest part of the entire endeavor was resisting the Bloodgreed.  There was much blood and gore to be had, but the Doombull needed to maintain his focus.  To fall to the Bloodgreed, to enter into open conflict with these daemons would be to forfeit the Herdstone and risk shackling his, and Beastlord Kaamagruul's tribes to servitude.

Still, what was arrayed before him was no better sight for it carried with it two risks.  One, the Bloodgreed, and two, the two armies arrayed before him.  Clearly, stopping to devour the nearby town was a necessary but costly ordeal.  He licked the frozen remnants of gore from his tusks and narrowed his eyes.  The tribesbull closest to him were already losing themselves, huffing, grunting and snorting, tearing at the ground with their hooves and paws.  For across this valley a column of the shimmering warriors of Azyr and their Fyreslayer dwarf allies were amassing.  Worse, from behind, he could make out the skittering shapes and disgusting sent of the Skaven.  These creatures, like the daemons, had sought to capture the Herdstone, and he had little doubt that the forces aligned against him were brought on by those most treacherous of beasts.  He needed to pass them.

He let the Bloodgreed take over. 


Vak the Manflayer charged forward as well.  The Wargor's own blood had risen to the occasion and he howled a warcry to his fellow Brayherd.  When, out of the frost-mists came an unexpected sight.

The howls of fury and bloodgreed were met by daemonic shrieks.  The air became coppery.  As droplets of sleet and moisture turned red, and then stuck to eachother - out of the newly reddened mists came dozens of Bloodletters.  The Daemons of Khorne had arrived, but were charging not at the Warherd, but with them.

A Blood-flurry tore across the valley.


My first game for the Season of War.  This was awesome!  Three friends challenged my previous enemy and I to a 2v3 game.  Stormcast, Fyreslayers and Skaven vs Beastmen and Khorne Daemons.

We played this weeks Battleplan.

My main highlight came when the Bullgor and Doombull charged Retributors and Vandus, with a Jabberslythe nearby having JUST made the Retributors unable to do ANYTHING (including attacking).  The carnage was much, and the Retributors blazed back to Azyr.  The doombull fell, but the bullgor send Vandus back as well.


The armies of Blood achieved victory, seizing the store for Chaos. 

In my head, I saw this as an awesome continuation to a mini-campaign my companion and I were playing, which was Khorne Daemons vs Beastmen.

Here are the culprits for my side!


The Bullgor




Hargum Stone Watcher




Pictures of Shartor Dragonchewer will come later!  He was shy and apparently I don't have any pictures of him.  The rest of the warherd will hopefully be done painting soon!  Cygor and Ghorgon, as well as some new Bullgor I ordered that I will be painting Khornate since the Tauroi stuff in Godbeasts has me inspired!





Oh, there is Shartor on the bottom picture.  He was made with a handful of Ogre Kingdoms bitz.  The joy of having too many armies.  You can always cannibalize them each time.

First picture shows what the Stormcast were facing. 

Second picture shows the battle lines, and the Daemon Prince of Khorne going Ratslaying.  Those treacherous creatures!  For their treachery, the Clan Skryre shooting did badly, very poor rolls for pretty much all of their shooting!  Poor guy.

Third picture shows the big fight on my side of the table.



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Ahhh! This is brilliant. Loved the story that went with.

Also would love to see a few more pics of that Shartor that you "made with a handful of Ogre Kingdoms bitz"

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I'm geeky enough that I have to have a running storyline in my head when I play. /blush

Its why I end up with so many armies "oh think of the stories, oh man that'd be amaaaazing! take my monies!"

I'll try to get a good picture of him soon.  Thanks for the comments!

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