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Finished my first unit of Chaos warriors. This big blob of sword and board toting bad asses should be a real pain to deal with, especially with good support. 


I'm trying to get my easy builds out of the way before I start doing units with a lot of conversion work. These guys were super easy (just stupid mould lines :P) I tried to make them as dynamic as I could given the limitations of the kit.




Next up...Horsies!




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Nice to see some Slaanesh love!

It is difficult to get some dynamic poses out of those warriors, but those are lookin' good.  I find the more Chaos armies you buy into the more you can do to break up some of that drudgery - trying looking towards Marauder, Gor, Chosen, Knight, Hell Striders and similar kits to find the odd weapon or helm to make a model say "That's right, I am bad ass."

I'm really diggin' the look of round bases, I may have to rebase my own Warriors again. -.-

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I'm hoping once I paint them it will give them more slaanesh character. In all honesty though i'm a huge fan of the classic heavily armored spikey warrior so I didn't do much in terms of conversions with them. I'm planning on using some third party stuff and conversion work for some of my more elite units and heroes with lower model counts.  The knights and warriors will stay as they are as I love the models and feel they have enough flavor as is.

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This is one of my favorite kits, along with Chaos Knights :) I've got a bunch left over from my Tzeenth army, I'm thinking of going Nurgle for my next warband. I'm looking forward to seeing some paint on these!

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I have had unfinished slaanesh stuff for a long time, lots of conversions. I kit-bashed the daemonettes and witch elves to make some really cool deamonettes. I kit-bashed a deamon prince with some tyranid parts to make a really cool deamon prince of slaanesh .. but I never  painted it.

In terms of gameplay, the Slaanesh demon prince is amazing with his "me first" ability. Hellstriders are extremely potent, giving people -1 to hit. Seekers can easily get into combat the first turn. A lot of the slaanesh have been priced very cheap in the new system so they are a very viable army, though you would have to make a lot of them.

I have been waiting a long time for this as a Slaanesh KoS centerpiece to be released to get me motivated:


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I was looking at these guys again, and realized I NEED to get mine on round bases.  Those rounds really give those Warriors some character.  They seem much more menacing, to me at least.

More more!

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