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Hello! Here are some Moonclan Grots




I recently speed painted up some Night Goblins...I mean Moonclan Grots. You may recognize them from such things as Battle for Skull Pass, low price eBay Auctions or kits you've had since you started the hobby *cough cough*. 

They were loads of fun to do. I've always wanted to have a huge Orcs and Goblins army, but there was so much going on it's hard to control ones Army ADD. I love the new Orders, so now I can have fun adding in lots of stuff everywhere and just work on stuff at random.

With that said, I'm going to focus on the Orruks...mainly Moonclan and Ironjawz...and Spider Goblins...maybe some Ogre conversions...for a while.

Here are a couple pics, there are more in the Painting and Modeling section here 


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Nice Moonclan Grots! They're looking ace. I really need to go back to my speed-painted IoB Moonclan Grots and do some proper work on them, they're a tad rushed and very rough around the edges at the mo.

I'm liking the blue details and the lava bases, it's a cool colour combo.

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Thanks all!

Yes the bases were airbrushed...I'd never done lava before. I have done a bit of fire once before, though so it wasn't too much of a stretch :) 


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