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What's in Aesthetics



So today I'm going to write about aesthetics and why the sub-faction break down was both a good and a bad thing for Age of Sigmar.


Games Workshop at the beginning (and still is) in a tough spot when they decided to reboot the Warhammer Fantasy game. They wanted to create a world, where you could focus on a particular faction, or branch out and collect whatever you want. They wanted to create worlds where they could introduce new factions into the game, and wouldn't have to launch a huge product range at the same time just to put them up to par with the factions that had been out for 20 years. 

So what did Games Workshop do? They took each significant idea, each aesethetic they had created for the old world Warhammer races, and created a faction out of it. No longer was there a combined Empire, but there were the Freeguilds, the militaristic might of the humans. There was the Devoted of Sigmar, those with unflinching faith in Sigmar. The Ironweld Arsenal, a combination of both Human and Duardin engineering. And there was the Collegiate Arcane, those Humans who spent their life dedicated to learning the ways of magic. No longer one combined human force, but a diverse range of Humans following their own ideals and goals. And in future, if Games Workshop wants to introduce a new faction of Humans, lets say some techno-wizards from Chamon, or Barbarians from Ghur, they can do so. Because they're not trying to fit in those factions with the existing Empire, they're just trying to fit another smaller faction into a part of the larger world.


The Free Guilds aren't the core of the Humans now, they are now their own faction amongst many Humans

A lot of people complain about how the Aelf factions turned out. Instead of the cohesive and larger factions from yesteryear, they've been split into a dozen tiny factions. For many, a hero and a few units if they're lucky. But I would actually argue, the bigger sin isn't that they were split up, but how they were split up. There's a big difference between creating a world, and transitioning an existing world. Unfortunately Games Workshop don't have a blank slate to work from, they have an existing model range that they still want to make money off of, but they need to transition those ranges into the new realms.

And this is where the Aelves come in. I'll tackle the High and Dark Elves separately. For the most part, the Wood Elves transitioned over pretty easily, the Aelf side stayed as Wanderers, while the Tree folks went into the Sylvaneth. A good and easy divide between the two different aesthetics the old army shared.

Let's tackle the High Elves first. They were actually split fine for the most part. Yep, you're gonna yell at me. You're going to say stuff like "But they've got these tiny little micro-factions, how am I supposed to build an army out of one of those!?". And the answer is, you shouldn't, not yet. You see, the High Elves actually had some pretty distinct but shared aesthetics within their armies. This largely came from Games Workshop promoting differences in how the different units looked due to coming from different regions of Ulthuan. Dragon Princes, don't look that similar to Swordmasters who again don't look that similar to White Lions. Sure, they're all Aelves, they all have tall helms, and they all wear scale mail. But there are notable differences also. Dragon Princes wear Dragon helms and their armour is embossed with dragons all over the place, White Lions wear lion cloaks draped over their bodies, and have shorter scale to allow them to move around more easily. Swordmasters are largely the more boring of the lot, as they just have plumes and large swords. But you see what I mean, differences in aesthetics.


Similar though they may be, they are very clearly different

So now we get back to, not yet. Games Workshop have sadly been lacking on the follow through. They can't magically bring out new models for everyone, but other than the initial 'promise' of expanding these factions, they haven't acted on it yet. So we have these sub-factions like the Order Draconis, Eldritch Council and Lion Rangers that have the glimmer of that gem in the rough. Will they turn into diamonds? I certainly hope so.

So where have the High Elves gone wrong if the split was actually good for them? There are two things I would like to point out, one minor and one a bigger disaster.

The first minor one, is the Dragon Noble (and slightly the Dragonlord). The Dragon Noble kit has the issue in that it was supposed to represent a High Elf Prince originally, one that could've been from one of Ulthuans many realms. So while there's some Dragon Iconography in the kit, there's plenty that's not. I mean, there's a Phoenix Banner in there, what do Phoenixe's have to do with Dragons? Much better in the apt named Phoenix Temple faction huh? And that's a problem when transferring these kits across, they don't mesh seamlessly. You've got Dragonlords riding around shooting bows, just because they're an option in the kit. 

The second one is more of a tragedy, as there are lots of good models in the faction individually. I'm talking about the Swifthawk Agents. This faction is essentially a mish mash of everything else that they wanted to support in the game. You've got the Skycutter, cool model, makes sense they want to keep it around. Spireguard should've been recut already so they're not relying on the Spire of Dawn set, but sure, makes aesethetic sense with the Skycutter and Skywarden. But the rest of the faction? How do Shadow Warriors fit in with flying Sky Chariots? They're running around in the shadows. Why weren't they put into the Shadowblades instead? A faction that far better fits their aesthetic. The Reavers don't fit in with either the Spireguard nor the Shadow Warriors, only back in action due to the Spire of Dawn set again. And then you've got the worst offender of the lot, the simply named 'Chariots'. The only reason this kit is still around is because they want to use it for the Lion Chariot set. So hey, Swifthawk Agents are swift... lets just cram it in there.


There's no place here for you my friend, but marketing says we need to keep you around

It's a shamble of a faction, that has a super cool premise but at the end of the day it's this complete mish mash of Aesthetics. The only reason I can surmise they created this faction was they wanted to keep the Skycutter Chariot kit around, so built a hodge podge faction around it instead. Better to have retired some of these models and left them in the legacy Highborn faction.


So that's the High Elf side of things done, so now, the Dark Elf side. The Dark Elves I think are fine, but they were split just one too many ways. There are some good splits, and some bad, so let's tackle the factions.

The Daughters of Khaine, an examplar of a faction. They have a hugely distinct aesthetic due in part to basically being bare women. The only criticism I have is why put the Warlocks in this faction? The Daughters aren't exactly known for using magic. I guess because they're part naked? No, I think they would've been better off in the Darkling Covens.

Next up, Scourge Privateers! Another great example of taking the Aesthetic and going with it. A faction that only has models in it that make sense. If I were to add anything, is that the War Hydra should belong to this faction, and not the Order Draconis. The handlers have the sea dragon cloaks that the Scourge Privateers are known for, the War Hydra looks pretty aquatic also due to sharing the kit with the Kharibdyss, a better match in my opinion.


Examples of good splits, two factions that have a core identity

Those two factions are the diamonds in the rough. A few more characters, a new unit or two, and they'd be great factions to collect and have strong aesthetics and thematic appeals to the players.

So then where did the Dark Elf split go wrong? I'd argue by separating out the Darkling Covens, Order Serpentis and Shadowblades. A big part of this is aesthetic similarity between the troops of these factions. You've already got in game links between the Serpentis and Darkling Covens as the Sorceress' get Black Dragons from them (A thing so rare that they needed to create Drakespawn, but Sorceress' can just waltz in and ask for one huh?), but the problem is that the Drakespawn Knights armour, and the Darkling Covens infantry just don't look all that different. Then you've got the Charioteers on the Drakespawn Chariot also. Not only that, but again, you've got Charioteers using ranged weapons in a faction that shouldn't really have any. 


Not so different, these two

So personally, I feel that the Order Serpentis should just be a part of the Darkling Covens. Perhaps they could've changed the fluff, so each Coven is led by a Sorceress and a Coven Master. The faction then, would be much more cohesive due to the factions shared Aesthetics, and a much more diverse faction also. You wouldn't have the problem where they have no leaders with command abilities, or the faction is made up purely of infantry. These two, bridge the gap and make the faction that much more interesting and balanced.

Lastly I briefly mentioned the Shadowblades. I don't really see them ever becoming a fully fledged faction. I think they could've just been merged into the Darkling Covens also, especially since the Dark Riders are similar to the Darkshards also. I also mentioned the Warlocks, it's a lot easier to keep the aesthetics tightened up if boxed sets only belong to a single faction. It also means you can market that boxed set for that particular faction. I mean, Shadow Warriors/Sisters of the Watch have this issue where they're in two different factions, so do you market the box for Wanderers or Swifthawk Agents? A lot easier if they just belong to a single faction.


So then, why didn't they keep Darkling Covens, Order Serpentis and Shadowblades as part of one larger faction? The only two reasons I can think of is they thought that there was enough identity for them to forge their own path, but also they didn't necessarily want to make it 'too' easy for a player to transition their older armies. Yep, money huh. If we look at all the other 8th edition forces, they all got split into multiple factions also. Especially the core parts of each army were split across multiple factions. Ogre Kingtoms were split between Gutbuster and Beastclaw Raiders. Orcs and Goblins by each different aspect of Grots of Orruk. If you had an 8th edition army, you could run your existing collection as a Grand Alliance army with less synergy. But it made you think, do I take one aspect of my army, and expand that instead to make a more synergistic army?


Overall, I appreciate what Games Workshop are trying to do. I just think they need to follow through on some of their ideas. Show us it's not just a hindrance to us (Where before, we could run a synergistic Highborn or Exiles army). I want to play an army full of Dragon Armoured Aelf Warriors, but I don't want to play with just Dragon Blades and Dragonlords. I want to create a Phoenix Temple force, but I could use some mini-Phoenixes! I love the Scourge Privateers, so where's their flying skyship? Tons of great ideas that are just waiting for some awesome models and a battletome to go with.


As a parting thought, I'll leave you with this. Did Deathrattle kill off the Tomb Kings? In some respects, you could definitely make the Tomb Kings work in Age of Sigmar (Likely as 2 separate factions). You can even get rid of a bunch of old kits like the older Skeletons. But was the fact that there'd then be two factions largely composed of Skeletons a problem for Games Workshop?


Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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Pretty interesting ideas especially that last one, would to see them re-imagine some of the tomb kings units as Deathrattle. I'm currently in the process of building a themed deathrattle army that makes use of tomb kings warscrolls with the deathrattle keyword alongside more regular warscrolls to build a fully mounted skeleton army, with knights, chariots and horse archers led by a mounted wight lord and tomb herald (pretty much all converted) Really wish they'd kept the tomb kings models around and positioned them as "deathrattle kingdoms" or something along those lines and re-envisioned the liche priests as a deathrattle summoner.

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Overall, I appreciate what Games Workshop are trying to do. I just think they need to follow through on some of their ideas. Show us it's not just a hindrance to us (Where before, we could run a synergistic Highborn or Exiles army). I want to play an army full of Dragon Armoured Aelf Warriors, but I don't want to play with just Dragon Blades and Dragonlords. I want to create a Phoenix Temple force, but I could use some mini-Phoenixes! I love the Scourge Privateers, so where's their flying skyship? Tons of great ideas that are just waiting for some awesome models and a battletome to go with.

The problem is, thats what they WERE trying to do.  You are judging a decision made probably 3 years ago in a place where they either didnt have a plan or have certainly diverted from it.  Path to Glory handbook has grouped Aelfs back together, we need to see what GHB2 does to these legacy units.  I dont see any new models or tomes for any of these factions though, seems like their current approach is to just create a new well rounded faction that just happens to be a Orc/Human/Dwarf/Elf.

Edited by stato
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10 hours ago, Moonlightwolf said:

Pretty interesting ideas especially that last one, would to see them re-imagine some of the tomb kings units as Deathrattle. I'm currently in the process of building a themed deathrattle army that makes use of tomb kings warscrolls with the deathrattle keyword alongside more regular warscrolls to build a fully mounted skeleton army, with knights, chariots and horse archers led by a mounted wight lord and tomb herald (pretty much all converted) Really wish they'd kept the tomb kings models around and positioned them as "deathrattle kingdoms" or something along those lines and re-envisioned the liche priests as a deathrattle summoner.

Personally, if it were up to me, I would've split the Tomb Kings into two factions.

Desert Princes : Tomb King, Liche Priest, Tomb Herald, Royal Warsphinx, Casket of Souls, Tomb Guard, Skeleton Chariots, Necropolis Knights, War Sphinx

Architects of Death: Necrotect, Ushabti, Sepulchral Stalkers, Necrosphinx

Kill the Skeleton Warriors, Skeletal Horsemen, Carrion, Bone Giant, Tomb Swarm, Tomb Scorpion kits. 

That way you have two very clear factions, the Tomb Kings and their servants as well as the ones who make the statues of war. I actually think both factions are kind've interesting, where the Desert Princes are basically done and dusted while the Architects of Death can be added onto later on.

But if I had to say, I think Games Workshop didn't want another faction primarily based on Skeleton Warriors. Even if those Warriors are quite different (Elite Warriors, Chariots, Snake Riders, Sphinxes) to the Deathrattle ones (Warriors, Horsemen, Elite Warriors). And perhaps the idea of Skeleton Legions being led by Tomb Kings just isn't that much different than Skeleton Warriors being led by Barrow Kings.


I do think it's such a shame, I'd be pretty tempted by a Tomb Kings list like that I reckon. Don't need to collect the old drudgy Skeleton models, you just get to make a list out of the best models in the range.

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8 hours ago, stato said:

The problem is, thats what they WERE trying to do.  You are judging a decision made probably 3 years ago in a place where they either didnt have a plan or have certainly diverted from it.  Path to Glory handbook has grouped Aelfs back together, we need to see what GHB2 does to these legacy units.  I dont see any new models or tomes for any of these factions though, seems like their current approach is to just create a new well rounded faction that just happens to be a Orc/Human/Dwarf/Elf.

So all I'll say is, perhaps my points wasn't clear enough. I like what they are trying to do, but the execution has been lacking. Maybe the direction has changed, but certainly they haven't communicated that with us.

I also don't think Path to Glory proves anything in terms of what GW is going to do with older factions. Any faction that doesn't have a battletome was rolled into a larger grouping. Skaven clans were lumped under Skaven apart from Pestilens which has a battletome. All of Death was lumped under Death apart from Flesh-Eater Courts which, again, has a battletome. The only faction that wasn't lumped into another was Slaves to Darkness, as I guess, they can represent any of the Chaos Gods.

We already know that Nighthaunts are getting their own allegiance abilities in GHB2, a faction that in Path to Glory was lumped under Death. So yeah, I don't think we should be jumping up and shouting at GW just yet.


It's also important to recall, that Games Workshop have actually migrated some of the legacy factions into the Age of Sigmar. They've done so with Seraphon, Flesh-Eater Courts, Sylvaneth, Beastclaw Raiders and Bonesplitterz. 3 of those (4 if you count Flesh Eaters) were done after the Grand Alliance books came out.

Many of those were no-model releases, which is disappointing in some respects, but Games Workshop have been transitioning legacy armies. We just tend to forget.


I suspect that we're both a bit right. Games Workshop probably are never going to give some of the factions in the Grand Alliance books any love. I think they'll pick and choose the things they are interested in working on. They obviously want to do a lot of new stuff, but I think they'll also choose some older stuff as well.

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A lot of interesting thoughts and analysis here. Speaking as a High elf player I think GW's treatment of the faction has been awful (I feel more incentive to rebase my Bretonnians than my High elves... if that doesn't suggest a problem I don't know what does), but I agree with many of your thoughts regarding the sub-factions.

I think the biggest problem is that there's simply too many to handle. It would take years to try and update even some of the aelf factions. IMO the best way forward would be to pick 2 or 3 of the ones with the most distinct themes - say, Scourge Privateers, Phoenix Temple, Lion Rangers, or Daughters of Khaine - and slot them for updates in the next 12-18 months. Everything else would be merged back into armies more like the old Dark/High elf armies, perhaps as Darkling Covens and Swifthawk Agents respectively.

It wouldn't be ideal, since there'd be some different aesthetics in the merged factions, but no more than the differences between vanilla and vanguard Stormcast. And of course some potentially interesting factions might miss out. However, it would make sure every aelf faction has the legs to stand on its own, which I think is more important given how unappealing they are and how few people seem to be playing them nowadays.

I'm not sure how much promise there is for many of the aelf factions though. What future does Order Draconis have when Stormcast have already gotten a bigger, better dragon and monstrous drake-like cavalry? Likewise for Lion Rangers and Vanguard Stormcast (and you just know we're going to see a Space Wolves equivalent Stormcast chamber at some point 9_9). If there are new Cthulhu aelves coming, Scourge Privateers might find themselves redundant. And so on.

One final unit you didn't cover but is probably worth mentioning is the Sisters of the Watch. I'm still baffled that GW moved them to Wanderers when literally every high elf faction is desperately starved for units. The aesthetics of the models are very much high elven, too. They even have a fire motif for crying out loud - which doesn't exactly fit with the green leafy forest look of the Wanderers.

Personally I'd like to see them moved over to Phoenix Temple (aelfs with firebows in a fire themed faction? Madness I know). They fit perfectly aesthetically and would add some shooting to a defensive but currently melee only army. And at that point, Phoenix Temple would be dangerously close to a fully fleshed out faction - just add a couple of heroes and a basic battleline unit and you'd pretty much be done. It'll probably never happen though xD

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Thanks for the comment Davariel, interesting thoughts also. Here are some of my thoughts on your thoughts below!

On 7/29/2017 at 11:48 AM, Davariel said:

I think the biggest problem is that there's simply too many to handle. It would take years to try and update even some of the aelf factions. IMO the best way forward would be to pick 2 or 3 of the ones with the most distinct themes - say, Scourge Privateers, Phoenix Temple, Lion Rangers, or Daughters of Khaine - and slot them for updates in the next 12-18 months. Everything else would be merged back into armies more like the old Dark/High elf armies, perhaps as Darkling Covens and Swifthawk Agents respectively.

I've said it before, but the Grand Alliance books IMO were both a blessing and a curse. It gave us all these additional factions, and fluff for Age of Sigmar, but it didn't really do anything to make the game better. If anything, for some players (like High Elves), it made it worse.

In regards to recombining them. I think for the Dark Elves, I do agree, which is why I think Darkling Covens and Order Serpentis make logical sense together. Shadowblades I would merge in as well, as I don't think they'll ever be expanded upon. I think the other Dark Elf factions (Daughters, Privateers) can stand on their own though, with a unique aesthetic and theme behind them.

The High Elves I don't necessarily agree though, because when they transitioned them they purged the 'core' of the High Elven race. That's why the High Elves are in an odd spot, because they don't have a common place to goto to be the 'bridging' faction, as the units that previously did that (Spearmen, Archers) are all legacy Highborn now. So to me preferably, it's the High Elves that actually need a lot of love soon out of any of the factions in the game.

On 7/29/2017 at 11:48 AM, Davariel said:

I'm not sure how much promise there is for many of the aelf factions though. What future does Order Draconis have when Stormcast have already gotten a bigger, better dragon and monstrous drake-like cavalry? Likewise for Lion Rangers and Vanguard Stormcast (and you just know we're going to see a Space Wolves equivalent Stormcast chamber at some point 9_9). If there are new Cthulhu aelves coming, Scourge Privateers might find themselves redundant. And so on.

While I hate Stormcast stealing the Aesthetics of the other factions, I think it'd probably resolve alright. Order Draconis could ride on proper proper Dragonlings (With wings), or infantry versions of the Dragonblades I think would look really cool, because the most distinctive thing about the Order Draconis isn't necessarily the Dragons, but their Dragon armour.

No idea what GW were thinking by stealing the Lion Ranger aesthetic for the Vanguard Chamber. Honestly, I'm just not really sure where they can go with the Lion Rangers. I suppose the much desired Lion Cavalry makes sense. I think Lion Rangers struggle a bit because the Lion is also a strong motif in the Stormcast.

I think the Scourge Privateers will come out alright. There's definitely the links with the sea beasts with the Cthulu stuff incoming, but I think the Privateers are one of those forces which are interesting to build a small force around. I don't necessarily think every faction has to be interesting enough to build a 2000 point army for, it's just currently none of the Aelf factions (bar perhaps Wanderers) are interesting enough to build an army for.

But back to that point on building a small force. I think the game needs smaller factions also, the ones that are more interesting to play small games or start a Skirmish force. Where they might have heroes/units appear in fiction. The types of factions that you can use as allies. I love that Scourge Privateers showed up in City of Secrets for example, but I don't necessarily know how to expand the faction to make it a worthwhile '2000 point' army faction.

That being said, I think most factions should be able to built into a proper army if the collector so chooses choose. So not so happy with where Lion Rangers currently are, especially since it could've been remedied by keeping the Korhil model around and just making him a generic Hero for Lion Rangers. So most if not all factions should both have battleline and hero units at minimum apart from factions that are clearly designed to be auxillary factions (Ironweld Arsenal and Collegiate Arcane for example).

On 7/29/2017 at 11:48 AM, Davariel said:

One final unit you didn't cover but is probably worth mentioning is the Sisters of the Watch. I'm still baffled that GW moved them to Wanderers when literally every high elf faction is desperately starved for units. The aesthetics of the models are very much high elven, too. They even have a fire motif for crying out loud - which doesn't exactly fit with the green leafy forest look of the Wanderers.

I did write something about the Sisters initially. I don't particularly mind that they're in the Wanderers, but I do think they'd fit better elsewhere. My preference is actually in the Swifthawk Agents or Eldritch Council. In Swifthawk, they would be the guardians of sacred places (While the Shadow Warriors wage the undercover wars). My favourite is actually putting them in the Eldritch Council. Obviously their arrows are magical, and I think they could present the Eldritch Council as a gathering of those who use the Elements in various ways to fight against Chaos. The Swordmasters being non-magical warrior monks. The Sisters being matriarchical fire wielding archers. It would give an interesting way to evolve that faction in future, with other elemental themed units.

I don't necessarily like Phoenix Temple like you suggest, only because other than fire, there's not really anything to link them. No phoenix motifs or iconography, which I find to be a strong part of the Phoenix Temple Aesthetic (and hence, wouldn't want to dilute it). For a similar reason, I wouldn't put them in Order Draconis (dilutes the aesthetic). Eldritch Council and Swifthawks on the other hand don't have a hugely unique Aesthetic to dilute in the first place.

Edited by someone2040
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Nice article. I thinkthat the Aesthetics are a good point why some factions got splitted.

The mainproblem with the High Elves (or High Aelfs) is that there linetimes are quite the same as the ones used by the Wanderers (but with another optic). So why should we have multiple aelfish archer and spearmen units.

In case of the Dark Covens and Order Serpendis. It's true. After GW released the new models in 8. Edition. Both factions aren't as different in there optic as they were in 7. Editon. So this split could have been a little rushed.

I think we have to see, what we will get.

On 29.7.2017 at 4:18 AM, Davariel said:

One final unit you didn't cover but is probably worth mentioning is the Sisters of the Watch. I'm still baffled that GW moved them to Wanderers when literally every high elf faction is desperately starved for units. The aesthetics of the models are very much high elven, too. They even have a fire motif for crying out loud - which doesn't exactly fit with the green leafy forest look of the Wanderers.

I think, there could be another point why they became wanders, even its a little strange to fit there. The point could be because they follow Alarielle.

When they came out in 8. Edition they where the guardians of the hand-maidens and the Everqueen. And the Everqueen was Alarielle. And Allarielle herself was a High Elves model.

After the wanderers are the faction that could be the closest to Allarielle and the Sisters are perhaps worshiping and fighting for her (if GW wants to stay with some of this background), that could be the connection, why they are Wanderers.


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