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A story of how I made my scenic board for my warhammer set in the realm of death.

Entries in this blog

The walls of my Ossiarch Necropolis

So, my latest diorama, is going to be an Ossiarch Bonereapers Necropolis by the stormy ghoulish sea. The only thing is, I don't know what to make the walls look like. In the battletome,  it says that all the Necropolises are meant to be very similar looking, and the walls in the art are made of stone and bone. This makes me feel like I should do them like this, but I don't really know, because I think they look cool, but aren't that interesting. Another option is to make them solely ou



Water and Lava

This one is going to be our last one, I'm afraid, or at least for a while, I am starting to make a new diorama for armies on parade at the moment, but it is at very early stages. I have not included the part about the tower yet, and stuff like that because I did not take any good pictures for it. I may do another little outro as my next piece with the completed thing, but anyway let's get on with making the water and the lava. Then I started to do my water feature which was a complete



Magic Sand Things

Another short one I'm afraid, and I've only got a few left to go so I thought I would keep it alive by not merging this one into another one. This one was quite interesting to think up, I was wondering what was going to make my trench special. Then a few days later someone told me about using sand on your models to sort of look like grass, I wasn't interested at first since I already new what the bases of my models look like. Then I thought that that would be good in my trench, but what would ma



Painting: Lets add some colour!!

In this one I am going to paint most of my terrain; so that is the lava pool, the bridge, and the simple ground. Here we go!   With the carving all done I started to add some colour to my “lava pool”. First I watered-down yellow, and applied it all over, then a heavy drybrush of orange (you can’t see it very well in the photo) Then a lighter drybrush of brown and then black.   I then painted the ghostly ground with a watered-down green, to which I then did a heavy



Gathering boulders and dead trees (obviously not in lockdown)

This one is quite a short one, but I will do my next one tomorrow. First, I went to the beach and collected some driftwood, stones and shells… (I wasn't in lockdown at the time) And here you can see that I am positioning them on my model, I tried a few varieties of where they would go, but I was pretty certain of where I thought they would go already. I liked the idea that there would be a tree (stick) hanging over the lava pool. I was even at one point thinking about



Starting the carving

This entry is of how I started to carve the area of my scenic board set in the realm of death. I started with these two pieces of equipment that I got on Amazon, below, you can see my electric foam cutter and my bottle of “ Vallejo Water Texture” Here is the scalpel that I used for more rough cuts I started with this piece of insulation foam.  Then I did my first carving, as shown here. Here is the rough start of the positioning of my pieces.  



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