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Painting: Lets add some colour!!



In this one I am going to paint most of my terrain; so that is the lava pool, the bridge, and the simple ground. Here we go!


With the carving all done I started to add some colour to my “lava pool”. First I watered-down yellow, and applied it all over, then a heavy drybrush of orange (you can’t see it very well in the photo)

Then a lighter drybrush of brown and then black.



I then painted the ghostly ground with a watered-down green, to which I then did a heavy drybrush of blue and then a heavy drybrush of black to create the really ghostly underworld earth.


Then I painted my bridge, starting with a basecoat of watered-down black, then a drybrush of grey mixed with black and finally a light drybrush of grey (left). Then because of it being above a lava pool, I added some glow effects (right). I started with a medium drybrush of orange then I proceeded to a light drybrush of yellow (I didn’t just do this for the bridge, I also did it around the lava pool).


I hope that you enjoyed!

Next one is going to be really short I'm afraid, doing some magic with the trench...

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