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A blog to track the progress with my AoS armies

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Mortal Realms - Knight Incantor

Introducing the latest addition to my Astral Templars Stormhost - Vora Suremane - The Warden of the Howling Gale.    This is the exclusive Knight Incantor that comes with the mortal realms subscription. I must say I prefer this model to the slightly more static pose of the regular Incantor (though I'll be painting up at least two more at some point!), Plus she was great fun to paint with lots of small details to pick out.    Ive tried to get a glowing effect workin



Mortal Realms - less death rain, more a light drizzle

Continuing on from my last post the next unit from the Mortal Realms magazine has been completed: Castigators provide ranged support in a Sacrosanct army, very much counterparts to the Judicators in a strike chamber. That said the opinion of their performance on the battlefield according to the internet is lukewarm at best....   Still, the units was good fun to paint with alot of detail on the models allowing for a bit of variation from the scheme I used for the Sequitors. 



Mortal Realms - Castigators

Mortal Realms - Progress 4 - Castigators Progress continues to be made in clearing the back log of Stormcast from the mortal realms magazine. The next delivery lands any day now so it's all hands to the pump so to speak.    I've pretty much put the base colours on the collection of Castigators I've got. Now the eagle eyed amongst you will have picked up on the fact that by issue 10 (the issue I'm currently up to on deliveries), I should only have 5 Castigators, whereas I have 8. E



First step on the Stormcast road

So I've completed my first unit of Sequitors with Stormsmite mauls and a couple of great maces to lay the smackdown on the bigger gribblies out there.  I've got no real backstory for these guys except that they're Astral Templars, so probably hunting something. As members of the Sacrosanct chamber that might take the form of a troublesome endless spell, or maybe even an escaped Stormcast soul from Azyr! Who knows, I need to do some reading up on these guys at some point so maybe I'll get so



Mortal Realms magazine 1st delivery

So the first delivery of the Mortal realms magazine has come. I'm splitting this with a friend and will be painting the Stormcast half whilst he has the Nighthaunt.    Between us we actually got two copies of the first 3 issues so that gives me 6 Sequitors, 6 castigators and 2 Gryphounds to paint. The aim is to try and stay on top of the deliveries by painting what comes before the next one arrives. At my usual pace of painting that's going to be hard.    In



Kurnoth Hunters

So I know these aren't technically elves but the Wood Elves from the land that was hung around with walking trees so why should it be any different in the mortal realms! Sorry, what's that... wanderers betrayal in Ghyran?.... surely that's water under the bridge now!  Anywho, here's my 3 kurnoth hunters, minus one head. We'll just say he's the unit champion for now until I source a replacement. For those that are wandering where the head has gone I've used it for my Avatar of the Hunt conve



Wanderers of the Hidden Paths

So, first post, I originally started collecting the Wood Elves way back in 2002 during the 6th edition of Warhammer Fantasy as it was known then (and also when all of this around us was fields *shakes walking stick*). I played a few games with the Elves but was more into 40k as more people were playing that in my FLGS at the time and it was easier to get a game in as a result. This focus on 40k continued when I stopped going to the store for games and started gaming regularly with a small group



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