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Showing my progress on my Troggherd army. 

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Fimirs join the herd!

Now while they arent exactly Troggoths or even playable in the Gitz allegiance I do think Fimir fit the aesthetic of a swampy Troggoth army very well. So I got warriors and a Noble so I could play them in Meeting Engagement games and I think they turned out great. The Fimirach Noble is a lovely model I love the cape and the pose he has going on! I am also happy that the water effects on his base came out pretty nice and smooth a few of the warrior bases werent that great.  He



Guide to swamp basing. Working with cork and watereffects.

Decided to do a quick little tutorial on how I do bases for my Troggoths. Here I'm working on a 60mm base thats for my new Dankhold Troggboss.  Materials used in this tutorial are. Cork trivet from Ikea Mushrooms from The Battleforge Skulls from GW  Sand and rocks from my yard Flock from Gale force nine Wasteland Tufts from Armypainter Vallejo Water Texture Paint and PVA Glue So starting out I just used a pencil to mark the si



Current situation on the Troggherd

So here we see the current Troggoth situation. We have a Hag, Gargant thats made from a 6th ed Gargant and Troggoth parts and I actually have 6 Fellwater Troggoths painted already but here we see 3 in the picture. I have 3 more being painted right now and 6 more still waiting in my drawer.  Now my armies wont be 100% Troggoths as I'm putting in a single Madcap Shaman for some spell casting and Hand of Morking stuff around. The amazing horde clearing spell that is Morks Mighty Mushroom



The Hag!

The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t



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