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  1. I've been away for a bit, so sorry if this has been covered. For fate points; does casting a spell that has no effect because there are no targets in range count as a spell cast? The app tells me I cannot take daemon princes in a Tzeentch army and that mutaliths must be allies, did I miss something or is the app wrong?
  2. I play deamons, so I just take my army and use the rules there is an opponent available for. Play both no problem.
  3. Screams Nurgle to me, but could be undead (they do often look similar). Depending on how big it is, either a beast or new monster for the filthy old chaos god.
  4. Agreed. With the way GW writes rules, it's not that simple though.
  5. I personally think that to hit modifiers make more sense for cover (both thematically and for game design), it makes cover meaningful regardless of armour/toughness. For the OP: "visible to the attacker" is actually a very badly written rule. Does it mean "drawing line of sight from any part of the model" or does it mean "if the model was alive and on a battlefield then would it be able to see?". Considering how GW writes rules, I would think the latter. I would add that most people can't really see through a crowd, regarding units. The rule isn't clear enough to really say, but that is how I prefer to do it. If my opponent wants to "shoot at spear tips" then I let it slide (and do the same), it's not worth an argument or not having a game though, but I approach that game with a much more "gamey" attitude. The lack of clarity in all of GW's rules is a major issue and has really made me prefer other systems. It would resolve most of the "rule confusion" issues if GW just defined terms and used them consistently.
  6. I really hope we can take a batteltome as a sign that new mini's for that faction are a ways off.
  7. No! Not battletome Kharadron Overlords! Battletome Duardin, come on GW; remember how well Disciples of Tzeentch did? Also include the dispossessed in this one. I'm going to assume (for the time being) that they will be doing both.
  8. I definitely think that the included heroes are a reflection of the races getting attention and their style going froward. Which indicates "highborn" are coming and being aloof and magical; steamhead duradin and the the dark aelfs (or a faction of them) are aligned with order (but still not very nice) and are going for a maritime/pirate theme.
  9. That's a more Eastern aesthetic than I would have expected. I appears Tzeentch looks like a huge horror crossed with a flamer.
  10. There is a warscroll for familiars in general...
  11. Sounds like a plot device to get the most interesting events and/or fights happening and to fast forward past the "boring" stuff (like civic development and other not war). I expect a "gap" between all major battles or campaigns, that will be long enough to make the setup for the next thing sound plausible (or what passes for that in Warhammer fluff, I think GW could do with at east one less zero on all their stated time spans).
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