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I had one of those cult moments last night, where I got tabled, but still got the major win on the scenario.

So my question for all the Megabosses out there is, when have you been thinkin' like Mork and pulled off the major despite getting smashed off the table?  

Give me your war stories!

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I played in a tournament on the weekend and my final game, of 3, was against a stormcast.

It was duality of death, he had a bunch of archers, a big unit of the 3" Spears, some standard things and 3 trumpets.

I deployed my brutes on my left flank and ardboyz on the right with my ggs in the middle. My plan was to try and use the ardboyz to block the right objective and get my footboss onto the left.

Turn 1 he dropped all 3 of his trumpets onto his right flank, his only units in azhir, and got a block of liberators in front of them. On my turn 2 I got a mighty destroyers from my first Warchanter and moved the ggs forward, I got it again from the second and had left the back end of one of the pigs in 6 so I fired them again. I then got it a third time on my megaboss and moved the pigs a third time.

The pigs ended up moving 21" in my hero phase, 3 from Ironfist, and with their move and charge slipped through the line to get on his trumpets. My double turn on 2/3 then finished all 3 of them and my megaboss spent the rest of the game hiding behind the scenery the objective was on. Combined with the ardboyz tanking like clamps on the other I won the game 11-1. 

At the end I had a warchanter 6 brutes a megaboss and some grots left. He lose 2 units of 5 liberators and 4 of his 5 heroes, kill points was something like 1400 to 560. I got smashed but grabbed the major confidently. 

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While it wasn't playing Ironjawz, I did do this in our last local tournament. It was Scorched Earth, I was playing Hammerstrike SCE vs Beastclaw Raiders using the Mortal Wounds on Charge battalion. I was able to hold my own objectives, and scorched his out from under him. He ended up rolling around the board, killing me dead, but by the time I was tabled I was up something like 19-2. I ended up winning the tournament, with a hilarious negative in kill points! Gotta play to those scenarios, kids!


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