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Posts posted by Lightbox

  1. I like building my Varanguard with lances, I recently tried them in a 6 man unit (no archaon but managed to get hit bonuses from generic chaos command trait and reroll 1's from unmarked shrine) and they did some damage for sure! Would have done more if I'd remembered about the pile in twice when I charged XD

    I haven't tried demonic weapons or ensorcelled but ensorcelled kinda looked better though I was building a demonic weapon unit because they look gorgeous so will have to try them with archaon sometime tbh. Honestly I think they have a decent warscroll, I'd like to see demonic blades get a buff for sure but the ability to get allegiance abilities with new slaves to darkness will really help them, especially if they can end up getting the buff from the chaos sorcerers spell (would need either std keyword or the spell to be changed to affect them too) I think they could maybe see a points drop but depends on how good allegiance is, they have a lot of potential for sure.

    Archaon I really want to see changed, currently the best thing he does for me is give +1 hit to varanguard (which really really helps their spear damage output hitting on 2's) and gives god keywords to varanguard (great for +1 attack from bloodsecrator on those charging lances) I'd like to see him made worth his high points cost or get a fair amount cheaper. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

    The shrieker is definately a good idea here. I have found list building really tight with the reapers and have trouble getting room for the endless spells, but usually there is at least one of them I'd like to bring, they are pretty cool and also creates quite a bit of board control and pressure on your opponents movement.

    I'm not sure besides the theme of course how much Crematorium will help you, but if running those a harvester might be worthwhile instead of stalkers, but that of course is some more investments right now. 

    Of course especially with this generalist list petrifex elite would be a far stronger sub faction, but we might all get bored of that sooner or later.

    So whilst I know that petrifex in general will be far superior I'm not too worried about not having the best allegiance as my local club varies between just-for-fun friendly to a sort of casual competitive. But like I mainly wanna do crematorium because I really like the idea of the paint scheme (though I've also considered a similar one with green or purple for 'necrotic energy' instead of fire to make them more subfaction neutral) I think a harvester could be a good option for sure though and do eventually plan to get 2 of them for my 2K. Though if I really find crematorium to be a bit gimmicky / hard to build around I may opt for a more cavalry stalliarch list or something but that seems potentially costly £££ wise for all the cav boys.

  3. 1k list

    So whereas I have some ideas for my 2k list I'm thinking of this as a dropping it down to 1k sort of thing (also cheaper/easier start to it)

    Subfaction: Crematorium

    Liege Kavalos - 200
    Boneshaper - 130

    Mortek Guard - 260
    Kavalos Deathriders - 180
    Necropolis Stalkers - 200

    This puts me at 970 points, might add the prismatic palisade or bone tithe shrieker to take me to 1k.

    This means that along with my feast of bones I'll need to buy a liege kavalos, box of deathriders and box of mortek guard (also possibly endless spells box) to get to this list. I may or may not need a boneshaper depending on whether I convert Vokmortian into one (something I'm currently considering as I don't plan to use ol' vokky)

  4. I am excited by the prospect of Archaon perhaps finally being worth his points (Give dorghar rend & better damage 2k19) and getting fun new ways to beat people over the head with varanguard spears :D Hopefully there'll be some really fun support spells and buffs for the wizards and shrine so that I can really gear up my everchosen elite into true heavy hitters!

  5. 13 minutes ago, Evil Bob said:

    I’ve been consider the same three heroes above for a several days now.  So seeing Page 52 have multiple people discuses it has been a real treat.

    For my battleline I’ve been leaning more towards:

    • 10 - 20 Mortek Guard
    • 5 - 10 Kavalos Deathriders
    • 5 - 10 Kavalos Deathriders

    Likely 20x Guard since a small unit would be a weaker objective holder and I’m getting a feeling the OBR should not  try to have cheap throwaway units like other Death armies.  Everyone needs a serious job to do.  I keep flip-flopping on the Deathriders unit sizes  over squeezing in other units.  Too many nice choices for competing missions.

    So are you planning on semi-bubble wrapping the Harvester in the smaller unit and throwing them into the enemy?  I suspect the explode-y list on Warhammer Community uses two harvesters so they can better cover the limited 3” bubble.

    Yeah that's kinda the plan. I'm definitely not wanting to just throw them away and I may end up swapping the crawler for a second harvester but it's just trying to fit things in for points... Not being able to get the stalkers as battleline certainly hurts a bit in that regard as I'd rather not have 3 units of guard. Will consider some cavalry though as they could be good besides just kersploding.

    If I go for two harvesters I'd want 2 units so I wasn't just pinning everything on one unit as I find that is a risky proposition (many a time I've had my key units get stuck somewhere). I'll mostly have to decide on whether I want to build around the 5+ boom for crematorium or build without it in mind and see it as a bit more of a little bonus. As depending on how much you go for exploding attrition really changes how your list will look.

  6. So using a bit of the explosive recycling list on Warhammer community as inspiration I'm looking at my own Crematorium list

    So presenting the lightbox initial draft of Mister Arkhan's Wild Ride:

    Arkhan - 360

    Liege Kavalos - 200 - General

    Bone shaper - 130


    20x Mortek Guard (Swords) - 260 - BL

    20x Mortek Guard (Swords) - 260 - BL

    10x Mortek Guard (Swords) - 130 - BL


    3x Necropolis Stalkers - 200


    Gothizzar Harvester - 200

    Mortek Crawler - 200


    Emerald lifeswarm - 50


    Points: 1990/2000

    So my ideas were arkhan and the bone shaper provide some nice resurrection though the shaper does have that nasty 6" range limit which could be hard to work around but he should be able to keep up with the guard. Arkhan also obviously provides some nice spellcasting and unbinding. The emerald lifeswarm also adds to the theme of recycling my guard for splosions and just generally war of attritioning my enemies out though it can be a bit double edged due to enemy being able to use it too but I should still be outressurecting them with all my healing put together.

    The guard I put in units of 20 partly to save points for other fun things (I don't want a pure guard list) and whilst I could have 1 unit of 30 and 2 units of 10 instead I don't like the idea of putting all my eggs in one unit basket (though I'm open to suggestions of why it might be a better idea.

    The Kavalos has his command ability for the nice +1 attack and he's not bad in combat (if a bit expensive) but he does add some useful mobility to the force too.

    The stalkers are a bit of a unit I can let run off and do their own thing as they won't need all the resurrection support though only 3 of them could be a bit too few but they are also gorgeous models I want to use.

    The Gothizzar gives some more resurrection potential and a smashy monster (though the 3" range could be a pain but he does at least allow for recycling from enemy units too). The crawler is another really cool model and provides the list some ranged support and hopefully the potential to shoot some backline targets if my guard struggle pushing through lines.

    I think the list provides some decent numbers whilst also having a few different options of punchy units and even if exploding doesn't do too much having the recycling to give me more staying power could be pretty nice.


    I'm very much open to (and looking for) C&C on this list and what might work better for crematorium in general. 

  7. So I'm definitely torn on what subfaction I want to play but leaning toward crematoriam because I like the sounds of their lore (slowly becoming aware they're throwaways) and exploding on death sounds super fun. I quite like the idea of the list on Warhammer community with lots of guard running around blowing up and getting healed but as stated that may be hard to pull off (and I don't like running massive units...) 

    As I play more casual I'll probably very much just get what I wanna build/paint and see how it goes. Whilst I love the look of the spears the swords will probably be a better choice so I'm thinking I may very well just replace the sword blades with the spear tips which could look pretty swell. I'm also gonna look at back banners to add to the samurai esque theme they kinda have going on, will possibly do the masking tape and brass rod method since they seem difficult/expensive to buy (and would be hard to find in the correct scale) I also may paint their faces like masks as opposed to being skull faces to get a bit of a mempo theme.

    Colour wise I'm considering the idea of the contrast with black drybrush over mentioned in the stormcast podcast for the flambe fellas but instead of yellows and oranges I might try blue, purple or green so it's less explody fire and more spirit energy so they can potentially be a different subfactions. I can also totally see that working well with a metallic drybrush instead of black for chamon.

    It may be finally time to go and buy arkhan since the ressing and spells could be quite useful.

  8. 13 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Hi all,

    Rather silly interactive quiz for anyone who can't decide which CoS allegiance to use that I've been fiddling around with as a means of procrastination today for your leisure.  May bump it up with some more questions down the line. Feedback as always very welcome. :)


    I got Hammerhal which I suppose fits with the blue heavy grey warden colour scheme I planned. Plus a demigryph  battalion sounds nice.

    • Like 1
  9. Me and @Azamar recently played a doubles tournament with both our kharadron forces. Which means I finally have 1000 points painted up ;)


    I have to say what I learnt from it was that brokk is a beast and having an admiral alongside him meant things got wrecked in melee! I think some next steps for my army are adding skywardens with guns or some endrinriggers for some mobile objective grabbers / more firepower. And of course a third unit of arkanauts. 

    Pics of the army I took during my game on Wednesday can be seen here: 


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    • LOVE IT! 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Verengard said:

    Fellow knights, with the upcomming Cities of Sigmar book, there might be an oppurtunity to field our minis with new rules (with proxing) and creating our own "Free City". What my picks are


    Your suggestions ?



    @Double Misfire put together a list of ideas on his blog for how to convert or proxy models which do include ideas for bretonnia: https://doublemisfire.blogspot.com/2019/09/no-substitute-discontinued-units-in.html 

    Could be helpful.

    • Thanks 1
  11. If points stay more or less the same then it's pretty easy to fit 4 rocket batteries and a steamtank in a 2000 point list... that'll be fun. I definitely plan to get a couple of rockets at least regardless of city just for that long ranged fire support. 


    I'm also definitely looking forward to seeing which cities/heroes open up each battleline option

  12. I'm considering sticking with the bone theme but a nice deep red for the armour/shields and possibly for the faces as well or maybe silver for the faces.

    But I am super excited about walking chair priest/priestess though I would like to see more melee smashy smash heroes. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    Do you reckon these guys have bones inside their bones?



    Also back onto topic of the models I find it a little visually odd how the catapault has such a massive frame but looks to be hurling some small skulls instead of something like a giant flaming bone skull...


    Though the idea of these things following behind the front lines and yeeting skulls at enemies is quite amusing. Even more so if you imagine a legion of skeletons behind them just handing the crew their heads to fire.


    I really really adore the cavalry featured though. I hope they have good rules, and I'm also hoping this army does become an elite one ala stormcast.  We have enough horde in death as it is!

    • Like 1
  14. Had my first two games with the cypher lords yesterday and ooh lordy were they fun! First game was basically capture table quarters and my opponent was Iron Golems. It started pretty intensely with us both launching people into each other to try and take out models. I managed to eradicate his ogre using our quad ability on my leader (the amount of attacks we get makes crit fishing great) and in round 2 I managed to get ahead in scores by clever use of shadowy recall. I then managed to start whittling down his forces enough with crits and using my mobility to stop him being able to bring the game back on turn 3.

    Second game vs same opponent but he swapped to his flesh eater courts. It was the scenario where you earn points by being on top of terrain, his army was smaller (2 flayers, 1 horror, 1 crypt infernal, 1 ghoul) but he had a lot of potential to eat my larger force up and make me lose my model advantage because cypher lords are kinda squish. Suffice to say his bad luck combined with my obscene amount of crits that game... (my luminate managed to do 37 points of damage to his crypt infernal in one activation [2 attacks with onslaught]) Unfortunately for him he struggled to kill off my models whilst I kinda somehow mulched his big beasties. 


    I'm looking forward to get more use out of them as I'm really enjoying their playstyle and with my fickle luck having lots of attacks is helpful for me (I did get a couple of attack activations with no wounds on 5 or 6 dice) shadowy recall also is really nice to have in ones back pocket for objective manoeuvring.

    • Like 1
  15. On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 12:15 PM, Circus of Paint said:

    For my Warcry hobby progress; currently basing up my Cypher Lords as well as a trio of Chaos Furies - initially plans were to convert them  to better match the Cypher Lords, big think I can only probably get away with some additional Nochseed branding (freehand) on their foreheads.

    As well as branding you could also look at putting collars or just chain around their necks with a little bit draping down like a leash to show that they've been taken and subjugated by your warband as opposed to roaming free etc. Also something like runes on parts of the skin or wings to basically be like magical symbols that bind the fury under the command of your leader etc. Also another way to capture the enslaved thrall beast feel would be using blood for the blood god or other paints to make little wounds or bruises on the model to show where its been beaten  into submission etc. Stuff like that all kinda helps reflect the brutality of chaos whereas the brands and runes show a more refined way of taking control etc.

    • Like 1
  16. I'm still building mine up (doing greenstuff rollers on my bases so will have to paint everything separately before putting them on bases) but I'm really keen to start hearing how people do. Looking at the cards they seem pretty squishy but I'm expecting a lot of their strengths is going to come from their abilities and getting extra attacks. Would be good to see how they do on boards without much levelled terrain as well just to see if that hampers them too much.

  17. 18 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Is there currently a Cities of Sigmar WhatsApp group going, and if not would anyone be interested in one?


    Also @Chris Tomlin clean your messages out so I can send you one please! ;) 

    Would have some interest. Free cities are such a great army for sharing conversions too since with their lore they could look like anything!

    • Like 2
  18. Speaking of warcry warscrolls (for our Warhammer wargame) I definitely like the look of iron golems for holding objectives, cheaper than my chaos warriors and with that nice rerollable save, I can definitely see myself gravitating toward them. I'll admit I'm disappointed with the cypher lord warscrolls as they just don't seem all that useful, the 4+ chance for a -1 to hit is a bit disappointing but as I want them for warcry I'm sure I'll give them a go in AoS and see if they can support some of my other units well. I'm interested to see what the warscrolls for the new bands will be like as all the warcry units seem to be based around some kind of ability to add to your army as opposed to just being beatsticks.

  19. 9 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    I'm still putting my money on Oriental themed Death army with constructs a la Terracotta army. Probably wrong haha but this idea gets me the most hyped. 

    Oh man... now I really want oriental vampires/liche's leading terracotta undead soldiers!!! That would be amazing.


    Personally I do hope they go oriental themed, would be something very different and super cool for death! Regular boring ol' skeletons would just feel too much like battletome legions of nagash 2: undead boogaloo

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