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Everything posted by Barkanaut

  1. Oh I don't know if its been mentioned but Howl's Moving Castle could be great inspiration for a cog fort too.
  2. Waiting for that sweet sweet Idoneth value box in december. This is basically right, oh I'm so hyped for new releases next year. Even if I have no intention of collecting them because I have my own AoS models are so exciting to see and look at. You never know what's going to wow you. I'm hoping Sepharon get an update next year as then I can have my 3 fav's all up to date for AoS.
  3. Second funniest video all year other than to hell I can’t. It even sounds like they got Adam Jensen’s voice actor from the game to do that too lol.
  4. Yeah its pretty clear of all the official ports Mhornar is probably the second most popular other than the default scheme. I don't really think they were ready for how popular it would be as they clearly tried to show off other armies and schemes. Even before it became in vogue I see tons and tons of people painting their models in this port scheme. Here's hoping our popularity will get us a cool character at some point.
  5. A good model. I usually don’t care for Slaanesh models.
  6. Man I think Fyreslayers need something to break the pallet up when looked at. I get the feeling some sort of giant chrome and red monstrosity would be cool. Like the metal is melting near its firey core. Perhaps some sort of chrome Magmadroth? I definitely think it would look like an animal and something off of a heavy metal album color. Kind of like the chrome demon from brutal legend.
  7. Absolutely fantastic. I like the bases in particular. Once I get my next Frigate done I'll post my army here. I don't get much time to paint these days and want them to look really good.
  8. Also GW doesn’t release anything except box sets in December so keep that in mind too. I’m hoping for a good Deepkin one.
  9. Kharadron Overlords: Painted: 1 squad arkanauts 1 navgaor 1 Gunhauler Sub-Assembled and primed: Frigate x1 (being painted now) 1 squad thunderer’s 1 squad rigges 1 Admiral Partially Sub-Assebled but not primed: Ironclad. Unassembked: Frigate Squad of Arkanauts Gunhaule Squad of riggers
  10. I got a feeling we’ll get our update in 2020. It helps we sell better than most factions.
  11. We’re getting cool mini’s for shadespire. Check the new video on warcom.
  12. Those are sweet Kharadron Overlord mini’s. Going to get for sure, now all I need is ko battletomb 2.0 with a few new models to give us more play style options and to buff us up from our bad level and I’ll be happy.
  13. Some are starting to doubt there will be a moonclan release other than the shadespire one.
  14. Fair enough it might not appeal to me, but then again it’s been 2 years since Deathwatch and genestealer. No good models since then since I don’t like Primaris and they still haven’t given Tau or dark Eldar new models. They didn’t make any new armies that appeal to me either like a Kroot or new xenos in general. They sure act like they don’t want my money. Hence my cynism it’s been a long rough road and the only great thing is orks getting updated in two years. I’m too skeptical of 40k GW to think rt will ever become a full army, and now a little worried if they did it would be an imperial guard refluff.
  15. I looked at the rt rules for 40k and all I see is bog standard lasguns and guardsman profile. Of all the ways to make rt they make it as boring as possible. Really rocking the boat there 40k. The models looked intriguing but the rules meh, if anyone should have cool tricks and technology due to wealth it’s a Rogue Trader and their crew. I want to like 40k I really do because I remember loving the lore growing up but recently feels like they lost their mojo.
  16. Less rocking the boat than you think. It’s just nostalgia bringing them back. They used to be around way back.
  17. Some previews have been around for up to a year. Still as a hardcore KO player this doesn't look like KO. Not enough rivets and chains. Or domes for ships. Its definitely Imperial of some sort. Probably safe bet its something for Primaris marines until proven otherwise. Some speculate rogue trader, but I really doubt that GW would do that. They've said KT is meant to explore smaller factions that don't get full codices and even given them a mini-codice in KT itself. So I don't see it as a thing. Now I would love for 40k to do something as creative as a rogue trader release, and even more happy if it was KO. I am telling you right now though its probably not. Like 99.999999999999999999999999999% unlikely to be that. With GW telling us the next three "new" confirmed armies are all chaos marine chapters I mean do you think they'll rock the boat with a new army now lol? Especially when primaris players complaining they don't have enough stuff. Here's the 40k release window for the next 2 years. 6+ marine releases spread across chaos and imp probably 2 non-marine Imp releases. And maybe 2 xenos updates in that time. 40k never ever ever rocks the boat with any of its releases and the faster people learn that the less disappointed they will be. That's why I came to AoS in the first place.
  18. Its just the ship to drop of our latest round of nerfs. We're like welshie from futurama at this point.
  19. I wasn’t at the seminar but heard them mention "other armies not here" as well. From how they said it does that imply more marines of some variety, more Imperium, or something else?
  20. This the whole point of playing KO is the ships and the theme. All of a sudden cutting all of that out and forcing me to use almost an entire other army is dumb. I shouldn't have to do that, but it should be an option. Also the way KO work and are theoretically supposed to play there isn't much other allies that make them work who don't work better in other armies. KO is so strange as it is right now it needs a redesign for 2.0 and possibly new dedicated KO models if they want to make KO melee a thing as allies don't seem to be doing much for us right now. Also my KO brothers I have a question. What do you use for storage and transport of the ships? They are kind of unusual models in terms of their size so it can be hard to move them around.
  21. I don’t really care for it. I liked the shaman they did, but for some reason this doesn’t look like it fits the army.
  22. So how long until the next round of nerfs boys? lol.
  23. There is the big tournament in less than two weeks. They are probably saving some stuff for that.
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