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Everything posted by TheAdequateWargamer

  1. Sprues cut into smaller pieces and a box of the gw skulls?
  2. Actually, thats a pretty critical change isnt it. RAW- Now we can claim objectives with daemons heros with an 'artifact of power'.
  3. Might be worth pointing out that GW is a company. Shareholders expect them to turn a coin. GW pitches itself as a miniatures company primarily- not a games company. Which may seem odd. They are here to sell models. Have a good ruleset to support that certainly helps having an attractive product. Historically they have released rules and then youve been stuck with them for better or worse for 3+ years until the next itteration of the game. What we have now is a game that is constantly being revised and tweaked so silly broken exploits actually get fixed (eventually). Imo that defo helps them sell models. Meta constantly changing, game always has something new and interesting to offer. From a players perspective we cant have it both ways. If youre in the hobby to be a waac player then khorne probably isnt your best bet. Infact being loyal to any faction is the wrong approach- you just go with the best, spend a massive amount on new models and expect to need to buy something completely different by the next tournament. You certainly dont need to have all the models or the best models to have fun playing, depending on your attitude, you dont need to win either. If youve recently started the hobby and want to get straight into full rules matched play, the up front cost for all the books (core/sorcery/ghb) is pretty steep. But two of those youll probably be using for the next 2/3 years. Ghb expect to have to buy a new one every year. When aos came out it was all free. Free! Cost for the rules has slowly crept up with needing a battletome for your faction. Then an annual ghb. Now theyve added a spells supplement to that. We probably talk about full matched play more than anything on this forum, but there are certainly more ways to play than that if budget/fear of models being nerfed is an issue.
  4. Errata & designers notes updated. Karank: quarry now reads as enemy hero Aspiring db is +1 attack to units wholly within 10" of any models using the ability- so think that means no more stacking
  5. My experience being hes actually not that bad to put together for a resin model. Pieces fit pretty well, no need for greenstuff. Hardest part was getting the lord to sit on the jugger at the right angle. Dont think the model photos particularly well, there is maybe one good angle. not fond of the way the resin models have their fur or skulls done. its subtle but different. Like the idea of converting one. You might be able to pick up a single skull crusher sprue from ebay. Might cost you a tenner with postage though, where as you could possible get 3 for £15-18 Skull crushers come with the riders lower torso attached. Bloodcrushers dont. But Bloodcrushers sell marginally cheaper on ebay, so keep in mind youd need to source some legs for him if you find one for a bargain price. Also skull crusher kit comes with the knight crest thing. Would probably use a spare wrathmonger/skullreaper torso then you have a bit of choice on weapon and arm poses. there is one in particular with the right arm tight around the front of the that could hold a shield. Wrathmonger/bloodwarrior champion/skull crusher heads all have the bunny ears helmet if youre looking to match the style of the original model. Sure there is a spare left hand + axe in your bits box somewhere. Skullreaper parts probably the first port of call for this too.
  6. From the gw site- hes a webstore only purchase. Or you could order it through your local store
  7. Its just a lot of points on battalions. Like 1/5 of your army They would have to work incredibly well together. Maybe getting everything in just two drops? Would gorepilgrims + murderhost (with 8 x fleshhounds) work? Youd be up the board with your battleline fyreslayer stylie pinning your opponent back. Just need to flood objectives with bodies and bolster with summoned units and hope you can hold off for 5 turns. Also this. I would also say Gore pilgrims is our competitive advantage. Stacking +1 to hit or +1 save. You dont really find that anywhere else in the game atm. Also bloodbind from the priests to pull people off objectives. Last night I spotted the Exaulted deathbringer with shield and axe has a 2+ save against wounds from magic- suddenly seems a lot more relevant that in aos1. Now that people have to attack in combat the exaulted db with skull gouger with +3 to save from gore pilgrims could be lethal against hordes (skellies with spears). D3 wounds back for every successful 3+ save you make.
  8. Agreed with this. Have run CoB with 2 WoK and a BiR. @2k points its half your army. You probably spend an extra 200 on a banner and stoker too. Its a lot of points for 42 wounds on a 4+ save. The biggest crux for me is the pile in and attack ability. Good on paper, but in reality being in combat at the start of your hero phase is hard. Youve either charged and removed your target, or youve been crippled by the return attacks. And if youve taken some blows, setting off the chain reaction of a further pile-in is unlikely. Possibly consider it with skarbrand and gear everything around getting him a run and charge into combat turn 1.. But thats more like 3/4 of your points. At which point Blood Host of Khorne is probably a more viable option.
  9. Has anyone else played with other artifacts? Having a look through and I see these as potentials: Ghyran - ghyrstrike - +1 to hit and +1 to wound Aqshy - onyxblade - +1 to wound (quite a lot of other +1 to wound artifacts in other realms too) Ghyrstrike defo on a BT insensate rage. 5+ to wound and you do the aoe mortal woundage. Maybe take slaughterborn command trait too. Chamon - runeblade - weapon is -3 rend maybe exaulted db? Chamon - Gildenban - enemy models in 3" cannot use artifacts of power Now this would stuff up someone with a doppleganger cloak. Shyish - blade of endings - a 6+ to hit is +2 damage
  10. Nagash is a beast in combat. Went to heat 2 earlier this year played him in two games. he pretty much takes a bloodthirster off the table each round of combat. Doppleganger cloak obv now a good choice to mitigate that. Also if you have gore pilgrims consider the impact of a single bronzed flesh prayer. Against his sword with -2 rend youre on a 6up save. (In theory) Him causing 14+ wounds per round of combat drops to 7+ wounds that +1 to your save. Depending on turn priority that could be the difference between 0 rounds of combat vs 3.
  11. Yes totally do this against LoN, pretty sure they have to summon within x of the gravesite but further than 9 from your models, so depends on where they place their sites. But if you can camp on them, then they are useless. Basically if you can out-horde the horde.
  12. They have not clarified this one- cap is 8 RAW. But reckon you should discuss with your opponent/TO prior to game. Its not an unreasonable request. Wouldnt recommend it though. You get much more bang for your buck with almost any other summoning choice(s)
  13. Stock bloodthirsters are pretty pants without an artifact or buff. Immense power increases max damage output. Increased minimum damage output. More assurance youll kill a 5 wound character (only need 3 unsaved wounds not to fluff it. Makes a massive difference if youre swinging against a unit rather than a hero/monster. Pretty much always run mine with immense power + deathdealer- assuming youre in range of a bloodsecrator youre looking at potential 35 wounds.
  14. Random thought on a potential stealth nerf. Now ive not read the new stormcast or nighthaunt battletomes, but have listened to a couple of review podcasts. There seems to be a lot of new abilities with 'on a roll of a natural 6' or 'before modifiers' as the condition. So +1 to hit doesnt help trigger the ability. Which got me thinking about the artifacts in blades of khorne- theres quite a few that have similar wording. On the roll of a 6. (Rather than being written as on the roll of a 6 or more). Eg crimson crown or gore cleaver. That was previously faq'd. Im sure they used wording along the lines of any roll of a 6 is synonamous with meaning 'a 6 or more'. Is that still the case in aos2? If so which faq/erratta is it in? Have looked, cant find.
  15. They can be pretty versatile- ive definitely used them for both in the past. The scary bit comes when you have multiple units of 10 and your opponent not knowing how to deal with them all. Their weakness is the lack of rend so you need to pick their fight if youre being agressive and you dont want them to get bogged down in combat. Make sure you build the champion as the one with the goreglaive weapon Depending on spare points I would tend to run a unit of 5 (or 10 reavers) as a dedicated objective holder. 30pt swing, so whatever is spare pointwise.
  16. Good luck! Plan b, bait. bloodthirster camping on an objective with wrathmongers in pilein range just behind.
  17. http://www.twitch.tv/thehonestwargamer/v/281110945?sr=a&t=3237s Aos 6 nations- khorne army in the swedish team has a WoK with immense power & doppleganger cloak. Fun!
  18. Perhaps a word of caution before everyone goes out and buys a karanak. There is likely going to be another faq in a week. So the raw loophole on using your own hero as a quarry may get resolved
  19. Depends on the build, but id probably go with halberds to spam out attacks from two ranks deep, or the great/double handed weapons for the rend.
  20. The star just denotes that the points for that unit have changed since ghb '17.
  21. But you do have to take a prescribed command trait and artifact though
  22. Forgeworld scrolls updated: https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-GB/Downloads#warhammeraos
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