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Everything posted by Craze

  1. @scrubyandwells Thanks a lot for you thoughts and the detailed write-up! One question: Do you think Spellweaver is the best choice we have in Gnarlroot? What does she add apart from the auto-unbind?
  2. What I ask myself is, if scythes are still the best way to go...Even in 1.0 Scythes were not STRICTLY better, but only better in the majority of situations. Now that we have Nighthaunt and Ethereal Amulets, I do not know if Scythes are still the best way to go, if you do not know who you are facing upfront.
  3. I have one question for experienced Gnarlroot players: Do you use the "free" Order Wizard in the batallion and which wizards do make sense? I was thinking about adding a squad of Evocaters but am not sure if it is worth it or if should just use the points for an additional unit of Kurnoth Hunters.
  4. From a competitive point of view, what is the actual "rating" of the most popular wargroves? Is Dreadwood still the best one to use?
  5. I would like to ask the question about Wyldwoods again: Has there been any change on how they work and if yes, where can I find the rulings?
  6. There is a change to the Citadel Wood warscroll...is this also applicable to Wyldwoods?
  7. One question: What exactly is the rule change to Wyldwoods and where can I read it? Thanks!
  8. @IndigoGirls some thoughts on your list: Offensively, it looks like you really pack a serious Punch, which i really like. Alarielle gives huge flexibility, but I am just not sure if she fits in a list where you "waste" 460 Points for Dreadwood requirements. I really miss an anvil in your list. Spites are imho really flimsy for holding objectives. Overall I am not sure, if Dreadwood + Alarielle really fit into a 2k game, but perhaps you can just really reliably alphastrike your opponent, then it could work.
  9. Ok, thanks. Yeah, I am moving next weekend, and am having 2 weeks off after that...this will be a good time to test all the endless spells and get a feeling for their strengths & weaknesses on the table. Will definetly give an update when I have some insights to share.
  10. @IndigoGirls This aspect of Lifeswarm is exactly what I thought. It will be quite hard for my opponent to benefit from it w/o me also benefitting. Just out of curiosity: Who/what is S&W?
  11. @scrubyandwells First of all: Thanks a lot for your feedback! Considering Hunters , you are probably right...I made the "mistake" of building my first ones with bows and especially in Dreadwood I guess scythes would be A LOT better. The Durthu + Ghyrstrike Combo also came to my mind, but I guess i will not have the space for him, as I really love the Drycha model and really want to play it. So I think I will first Switch the bow hunters for scythe ones and make one unit of 6. Warsinger also sounds good. I think I will try this. Thanks!
  12. Allegiance: Sylvaneth Leaders Treelord Ancient (300) - General - Trait: Gnarled Warrior - Artefact: Briarsheath - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth Drycha Hamadreth (280) - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth Branchwraith (80) - Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing Branchwych (80) - Artefact: Acorn of the Ages - Deepwood Spell: The Dwellers Below Battleline 30 x Dryads (270) 5 x Spite-Revenants (70) 5 x Spite-Revenants (70) 5 x Spite-Revenants (70) 5 x Spite-Revenants (70) Units 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200) - Greatbows 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200) - Scythes Battalions Dreadwood Wargrove (90) Outcasts (90) Endless Spells Chronomantic Cogs (60) Emerald Lifeswarm (60) Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 112 Hi everyone, this is my take on a Dreadwood list for 2.0. I think it is quite standard: - TLA with a setup for giving good survivability. - Wych with Acorn for ambushing + placing a safe Wyldwood - Wraith with Ranu's to get Cog and Summoning online more reliably. My plan A would be (calculating with an average of 2 Dreadwood powers per game) to: Setup Wych -_> Drop Wood -> Cast Cogs with Wraith from a safe distance -> Teleport half of my army onto the enemies head -> Charge. I know that this sounds way to easy and will not happen like this in a large percentage of games, but I think the list gives quite some flexibility. If the enemy has a juicy target that is not deployed perfectly, you could also just setup Scythe Hunters and try to kill it ASAP, while you move Drycha with an threatrange of almost 30". As I am not really experienced, I would love to have some Feedback from more experienced Sylvaneth Players. Also, do you Thing Lifeswarm is worth the try or would you prefer a damage dealing Endless Spell, like e.g. Geminids? Thanks!
  13. Summoning does take place in Hero Phase, right? Because if yes, then this doesn't work, as ambush setup takes place at the end of the movement phase. I also want to play a list with Mannfred, as I really like him as a character/model. So far I do not have any list ready.
  14. Wow, great work! Thanks a lot for the effort, I had a blast reading this!
  15. I would also happily jump onto the subscription time and would prefer it over ads!
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