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Everything posted by MeSmashDaNoobs

  1. I have a few questions regarding Slaanesh that i would love to get some feedback on. 1: The Choir of Torments - Is there a points cost for this battalion and is it legal in matched play? 2: I've seen people writing that the Enrapturess costs 120 points, but can't find it? 3: Experienced players feedback and if you want to put in the time, i would like to get a "competetive" list for 2000 points. Main reason is to get an idea around the army and build from there. 4: Chaos allies, anything in particular you think fits for Slaanesh?
  2. haha of course not. i wrote to much in one thread! my point is that you can retreat very long and /or possition yourself to charge THE NEXT TURN to have long threat range
  3. I played this list at my local tournament and never lost a match (though a little one but got 3-0). I have most experience in playing against Death, Stormcast, Khorne, Nurgle This is a brief idea and tips to play Ironjawz in 1K matches. LeadersOrruk Megaboss (140)Orruk Warchanter (80)Orruk Warchanter (80)BattlelineUnits5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Pair of Brute Choppas5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Pair of Brute Choppas10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)BattalionsIronfist (180)Total: 1000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 69 First of: Turn one helps alot for melee oriented armies. that's why i played with the Ironfist battalion to get a 1+ to my roll (my tournament had that rule) bcs i could deploy my army with just 4 drops and increase my chances of getting it ( Ironfist is really good aswell ) You'll be suprised how little people play battalions in 1K. How i played each unit Brutes: Deploy as close to the front as you possibly can and go for elite units first. if you're up against monster then brutes can do even more damage. If they deploy thier characters in the open...go for them at once. In 1k characters are your most important aspect imo and you can cripple synergies and buffs really well and that often makes players do bad moves later on and hesitate on being aggressive. 10 brutes in 1k is more than enough damage to survive against most lists when it comes do damage output. Ardboyz: 1 mission - Camp an objective as long as possible to get points. Usually they are underestimated too. Megaboss: MVP in most of my matches. buff him with HULKING MUSCLE-BOUND BRUTE + DESTROYER.. i played him without hesitation and buffed him with max damage and oh boy could he smack some faces in. I even killed Arkhan with some help of brutes in 1 turn. Have him close to both or one of the brutes for the buff and assist. Watch out for Mortal Wounds and if you can't assure a pretty simple charge i would suggest not leaving him in the open. i usually put him a bit further back from my brutes so they can lock a unit up and cripple it and then end it with the megaboss. The WAAAAAAGH + attack buff is.....everything. If you wait 1 turn to use it you'll have 3 Command points turn 2 with this list. HINT: if you know he is up against something you need to be killed...use the warchanter buff on him. using 3 command points and warchanter buffs gives your choppa a nasty profile: 9 Attacks 2+ / 3+ re rolling 1's -1 Rend 3 Damage - you can kill arkhan with this dude alone.... Warchanter: Really important unit. i would give him the extra artefact (The Golden Toof) so he can safely stand back and assure nothing flees. go to the nearest objective and leave him there. this guy saved me a game bcs he usually gets ignored. Combination: Objective + reaching the buff. could be tricky but it's awsome when it works. ALWAYS GO FOR POINTS WHEN PLAYING IRONJAWZ - Cripple them and then use your movement to back up and camp objectives. Summary: If you're up against armies that is slow and tough and rely on synergies you try to counter charge them. stack the Command Points and then swoop in using them all on the WAAAAGH buff from your Megaboss and things will die. Use Ardboyz and Warchanters as objective holders and Brutes + Megaboss for the damage. If you face a squishy army / normal wound army you go for the throat as soon as you can. tie up units just outside objectives if possible. this list gives you 2 command points turn 1...use them both turn 1 and use your 2D6 move to get a sweet charge in the face. In my experience this works best when you get the deployment type that lets you deploy 9" from the middle. perfect for Ironjawz in every way. Quick Math: go for the charge if you have 19" from your opponents nearest enemy model or less. that gives you over 50% chance of completing the charge bcs we have +1 to charge rolls. If you get the MIGHTY DESTROYERS move in you should always think 19,5 inch threat bubble. every unit in this list have base 4" move so the math is this 4 + 4 + D6 (3) + D6 (3) + Charge 6" (becomes 5" with Ironjawz) to be exactly right you could be 19,5 away beacause the charge is completed if you're half a inch away. Same mindset goes in when trying too reach an objective (Remember you cant run if you use the D6 move...if you need 6" use the Command points for automatic 6" run instead of the D6. The best thing to learn when playing Ironjawz is the movement. you can use it in many ways: Get out of combat in the hero phase and charge other units and/or Run later in the same turn. Get a 19,5 inch threat range with brutes when rolling average D6 and Average Charge rolls and Mighty Destroyers (4+ roll with megaboss) Go for far away objectives and surprise your opponent. It's all about putting your opponent off guard. this army is really good in the end game bcs of the movement. I won 2 of my games when u charged fully buffed and then backed off to go for every objective turn 2 and after that they fell behind in points. they usually had more units than me turn 4 but i got the points to win the game. that's the good thing about Sigmar, even if you get tabled you can still win. Best Advice when playing Ironjawz: Stack as much command points and use them all at the same turn. When you've crippled summoning armies and Elite armies...back off and go for the big price (Objectives) Go for Characters left in the open. Use the movement to your advantage and always think points before killing units (Except turn 1 if you get it) This is my experience on how to use them well. The movement + command ability is everything in this list. when you get the timing right...you'll be a hard opponent to win against.
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