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Everything posted by rattila

  1. Ah, Nice catch, would be fun to have a unit of mini-morghast. Altough i would much prefer some shooting unit. Like a ballista shooting giant bones, or some necropolis with javelins. Didnt we expect a unit in the form of a Warcry band ?
  2. Any idea who’s this guy is? Is it an existing chaos warrior or something ? I dont recognise it.
  3. If you look well, you can see a stormcast looking at the map. Its reflected next to the Watch (the watch itself lead to cities of sigmar). We’ll see tomorrow !
  4. Its more like a Cities of sigmar édition of Warboss in mega armor with the little grot and his gun than of the mirebrute ^^
  5. Imho you will lack lethality. None of our spells really do damages (its only buffs and debuff), si you just have to count on the morteks to kill things… but i gladly would hear the result of a game with that ^^
  6. So i got another 1500 game last week. List was Soulmason (aura of sterility), boneshaper (artisan key), 20 mortek, 1 harvester, 2*3 immortis and 2 morghast harbinger. Petrifex elite. I went again lumineth with 3 hero, 2*5 windrider, 1*5horses, 20 sentinel and 10 warden. No idea what i was going to face before the battle. Didnt remember the plan, but 4 obj, one wholly within in each territory and two partially in both territory. Hard defeat 6-15 at the end of turn 3 (was fun, tho) What i learned: - nerf of harvester is harmful. I had 4 dice to throw on the game, where before the nerf i would have at least throw 30 dices. The fact that its only in the combat phase suck (damn you sentinel), the fact that you cant use the corpse of ennemies to replenish yourself also hurt. So from a viable strategie, its now just a little bonus. And you wonder then why take a gothizzar (also, i totally forgot to roar etc but still.). - nerf of petrifex elite : -1 to wound isnt as great as -1 dmg. Still can be good, but not VS sunmetal weapons who make mortal wounds on 5 to hit. And anyway it works only in combat... So lumineth is hard to counter, because none of our subfaction allegiance is really worth it for me. - lack of galletian champion suck. I had only the boneshaper, which was really hard because the battleplan and a lot of the tactics needed one or two galletian champions, or required them to kill something, or to be somewhere. I really had no chance to score; even if i had killed a lot of ennemies, i would have lost because of the lack of galletian champions. - lack of use of the deep strike of the morghast : honestly, its been 4-5 times and i never could have landed them in a good way. They have a big footprint so are easy to deny, and have no way to go inside this damn 9'' bubble. Or you have to wait turn 3 to make a suprise, but surely you lost before. Will take the archai next time; a possible ward is better than nothing. But i do think they lack punch (honestly, 3 attacks only for those monster...) for their point. - null myriad would have been not better, as almost all spells where buffs or indirect debuff. Total eclipse is a ****** and i have really felt the lack of command point in the game. - additionnal attacks on 6 to hit was great. Had several times more hits than attacks (even tho i messed my to wound rolls after, it was great to see the face of my opponent after the to hit roll). - i need to roll higher to make my nightmare predator coming. Maybe train 1 hour / day to roll dices. In the end, i made some bad choices, but a really think that my list had no chance: - no way to score - no protection vs sunmetal weapons of the sentinel - no real way to protect my soulmason vs assassination (i lost him first turn), which harmed me a lot (i planned to make a good use of our spells... well.)
  7. Hi everyone! I’m currently struggling to choose what to take to round up my 2000 pts list. I have only played in 1500 pts so far. Here is what i have: celestant prime, vandus hammerhand, 10 liberators, 5 judicator with crossbow, 3 castigator, 3 prosecutors, 1 ballista, 5 evocators and 3-4 knight/lords. My biggest concern is about battlelines. I feel that 5 liberator is too easily wiped so i want to take 10 in one unit. But then i’m short of one battleline unit. Here is the list i tought to have : Army Faction: Stormcast Eternals - Army Type: Scions of the Storm - Army Subfaction: Hammers of Sigmar - Grand Strategy: Defend What’s Ours - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADER 1 x Celestant-Prime (330) 1 x Vandus Hammerhand (190) 1 x Lord-Relictor (150) - General - Command Traits: High Priest - Artefacts: Mirrorshield - Prayers: Divine Light 1 x Knight-Incantor (120) - Spells: Lightning Blast - Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master BATTLELINE 5 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (190) - Thunderbolt Crossbow 10 x Liberators (240) - Liberator-Prime - Heavens-wrought Weapon and Sigmarite Shield - 2 x Grandweapon 10 x Vindictors (260) - Vindictor-Prime - Azyrite Signifier ARTILLERY 1 x Celestar Ballista (130) ENDLESS SPELL 1 x Quicksilver Swords (60) OTHER 5 x Evocators (220) - 5 x Grandstave 3 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (110) - Prosecutor-Prime - Pair of Celestial Hammers TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App so i complete my army with 10 vindictors. Cheap to buy, big unit, mortal wounds, synergy with Vandus. But i could also take two dracoths. Or 5 paladins in knight excelsior. Or 3 palladors in astral templar. Thing is, i would love your opinion on those options. I feel that vindicators is the best choice (more wounds, battleline without condition), but i’m not sure 10 liberator and 10 vindictor in the same list bring something. Happy games everybody,
  8. What do we think about domitan stormcoven ? Strike first or last is a great buff / debuff, but is it worth 275 pts? Also, what about the new warcry unit?
  9. Would love to keep the possibility to mix stormcast and cities. Also, cant wait to see if this rumor is true for the cities and ossiarch warband for warcry. Its always a Nice set of miniatures.
  10. Wait wait, its gonna be on console? Of course not the Nintendo switch i guess =( i’ m more interested in speed freeks, looking fun. I mean, mario kart in Waaagh. Hope its gonna be on Nintendo switch… dream would be split screen.
  11. Well, about mortal wounds spam. The ossiarchs have only one unit who does it, only on the charge, and then the wizard. So its almost an army without mortal wounds. Same for rerolls (to hit or to save): not one anymore. Dont the other books also go that way?
  12. Well i dont know. Mortis Praetorian have a strong potential but you need to build the list around to make the most of it (morghast, kavalos), have good dice on the charge, and be really cunning for it to have a good effect. petrifex elite is obviously strong but you cant play morteks and kavalos if you want to have the most of it. And it does not work versus weapons with a damage value of 1 or mortals so some armies can counter you. Stalliarch lords works only for kavalos. And you can have the same bonus for 1 CP. And we have a lot of CP. Ivory host is not easy to be triggered and depends on dices. Crematorian is useful whatever you take, its just a nice bonus to have. If you want to make the most of it go heavy mortek, boneshaper, harvesters; but its useful no matter what. Except vs magic heavy or shooting heavy lists… Null myriad does not seem to have a lot of love but i do think its more useful than a lot of people think it is. Mostly, its just because the other option can not be useful , on this regard then « dispelling » on a 2+ is useful. I mean, you can save your « normal dispelling » for the spell which reinforce the ennemy units or mess with your game without targeting a specific unit, and then shrugging of all the arcane bolt and debuffs on a 2+. Of course if you play null myriad you will have several mortisan, so you might have more « normal dispelling » than spells that the ennemy can cast. But then if they cast an arcane Bolt or a debuff, you will have 2 chances to dispell it (one « normal » and one on a 2+). Overall this subfaction ability needed to work vs spells and prayers, vs Endless spells and invocation. Then it would have been really interesting. In the end, i feel like all subfaction abilities, on a combined arms army, offer some smalls bonus. Everything is kinda good (except stalliarch, yes). And two of the subfaction (petrifex and crematorian) are really good if you build your army around it. But if you just play what you have not competitively, then all subfaction can bring you something, on an equal measure (again, not stalliarch lords).
  13. Aggradon lancers as battleline ! Wouhouh ! Now i can plan cavalry - only list who will looking good with that army… plan for 2024 !
  14. I have the same list in my head but with one less immortis and one less stalker. And one unit of morghast and another little caster.
  15. He can join a unit but then je must stay with it all game. That is never seen before. So you just pay add-up to your units. Or HP to your leader.
  16. Still, that is a lot of bones who are not claimed for the Tithe… I do find enjoyable to be limited in our choices. Frustrating, but enjoyable because thé challenge start from the army selection, where other armies have a unit for every role so you just take them for what you need and thats it, where this is less the case in ossiarch. Sure the stalker have only one purpose. But the immortis guard can be made more deadly or more tanky, and so are mortek guards, harvesters. You can make a list with morteks as anvils or as hammer, following what buffs you want them to have. Too bad our shooting abilities depends just on the crawler, who is a monster « miniature » at 200 pts…
  17. Truth is the soulreaper doesnt offer much. A good attack, yeah, but that is not what you want from a wizard hero in the first place. And a spell who just does damage. A the same price you can have a boneshaper (and there is nothing wrong with having 2, 3, 4 boneshaper) or un ossifector (who can take the gothizzar cartouche). Si really, no reason to take the soulreaper, and that is sad.
  18. Well you need to roll well, then wounding, then thé ennemy must miss his save and ward. I prefer abilities useful no matter what, like petrifex elite. Maybe crematorian (its mortal wound and on 5+) and mortis praetorian.
  19. Still have the artisan key for the boneshaper. Then one of two generic artfact are also not that bad. The gothizzar cartouche stays, but on the ossifector so… who will take this guy, except in a list focus on him with at least 3 haverster / crawler / morghast (hello 750 pts)… agreed that the traits are mostly good. Non dispellable spell, protection bubble vs missile weapon, messing with ennemy CA and substract 3 from charge roll in a bubble are all string contender i think. Even if the anti missile bubble can do nothing vs some armies (Well. Most of them actually) and the anti CA thing is unreliable (on a 5+), they have their uses.
  20. Nadirite weapons for everyone is GREAT! Imagine immortis guard and morghast with more attacks (specially with empower nadirite weapon, who have now a good target to be launched at), thats just great. Buffs everywhere it seems. Ossifector doesnt seem auto include tough, but we dont have seen everything. Maybe the other capacities or the spell are good. also looks like everybody will have bludgeon ? Works well with counter attack (not the same phase so you can have +1 to wound and -1 rend for the same unit). CP will flow, at least 8 at the start of every battleround, 9 if you go second. + the one from heroic phase. Cant wait to read the book and see the other change (kof kof soulreaper scroll kof kof)
  21. That is an interesting idea. So the hero could be some kind of « extra » for units. Battle report tomorrow, lets hope some people will screenshot the best parts !
  22. I guess its just to have the occasion to make different armies without having two times the same mini. I mean, the lore have a huge impact on that. A blood angel isnt a space wolve, where a celestial vindicator and a hammer of sigmar are both stormcast. The difference of depth is huuuge. You can have a space marine army with mostly guns, another with mostly cc, another with mind bullets… and feel like having 3 différent armies, where if you do the same with the stormcast it will not feel the same, imo. Also, everybody loves big guys in big armor. But i feel the same than you for AoS: i’ m glad with every new miniature, even tho i only have stormcast and bonereaper (sad me to just have one blank foot hero for the next 3-4 years. I hope new bonesplitterz come at some point so i will have an excuse to start a Destruction faction. Maybe in a warcry setting next year)
  23. Mortal contract is actually one of our spell (put it on a ennemy unit, each time this unit kill something they take mortal wound). No idea for the rest. I just hope a total rewrinting of the soulreaper and morghast warscrolls. Cant wait to see what change this battletome brings us. Never played a game with that army for now (i'm still finishing to paint the first 1000 pts), but glad i didnt buy the battletome last year!
  24. Well i do like more the old design. It makes them less human, i find that the thunderstrike design make them more like « classic knight » and less « super human knight ». Dont get me wrong, the mini are great. But they look perfect, where old stormcast look more machine than human. But if à redesign lead to less warscroll, its a win. You could have a warscroll for basic troop where guys with +/- the same weapons (liberators, sequitors, vindictors / judicators, new archer guys) share a statline. We’ll see.
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