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Everything posted by rattila

  1. To get back with chaos dwarfs (the only faction that will make me start a third army), my guess is that they will first be in a soup chaos tome when out. Like orruk have in one tome kruleboyz, ironjawz and binesplitterz allegiance but can make a big waagh with all three armies, you could have à chaos tome with slaves to darkness, guard of the everchosen or chorfs only allegiance, and a big chaos soup. This way they can just throw 2-3 heroes, one dual kit shooters/non shooter base unit, and some war machines like thé apocalypse cannon (what a kit it was !) and some flamethrowers. Then if it sells well expand the range. Of course the Horns of Hashut warband and some hobgrots would be there but maybe locked in a chorfs-only allegiance.
  2. Alternatively, as arkhan is out of the normal line of command, its ok if he isnt painted the same, for me. Maybe juste have some touch of your new color, maybe by adding something on the base (ground decor, some spare mortek guard parts - like shield, banners, helmet…) can do the trick to integrate him in the army.
  3. The guy on the left seem to have dreadlocks ... its more 40k than AoS, but then the other guy seems to habe pointy ears and to be old ? Its really intriguing...
  4. Ossiarch just got a new battletome (may) and we got no special rampage for our monster. But then day 1 we got the rewriting of some things so that may not be the best written book.
  5. It sure is a big hand. Can someone make a list of 4-fingered creature of the mortal realms ?
  6. Nope, the wing is not the same. This is definitely something for thé ossiarchs.
  7. It would be Nice to have one subfaction who serve nagash with a big ghoul as mortarch, then another subfaction following Ushoran, and then maybe other subfaction who dont particularly follow someone. So you could do Civil War with one book.
  8. Someone has to make a diaporama with all these folks
  9. Ah, never trust an orruk. My dream would be that kragnos discover this treachery, and subsequently become corrupted by the Chaos who offer him to recreate his species, leading us with new centigor / drogukh and kragnos himself going in GA Chaos. A man can dream.
  10. I’d like to have a necropolis stalker - sized winged unit or hero. But a single morghast hero is the best educated guess at the moment, altough OBR need more units than heroes. Like unit with missile weapon (its the real « regular » army of the Death so…)
  11. We have already seen the sigil on the little rectangular element somewhere no?
  12. Yeah multi kit are being axed for sure. I dont think one single AoS-born kit is multi-faction.
  13. Then you have the khornate stage at 2-3 where they are blind with rage for no reason =p But truly, having kids is the best thing that happened to me. So Congrats to everyone who have / expect kids. Best trip on the world. Still, hoping for a resurrected Arkhan for halloween, or at least a arch-morghast as hero. But maybe that will be the army of renown for thé ossiarch (morghast-heavy army). Apart from the picture of the rumor engine, we dont have any clue of what is coming?
  14. Oh man, here comes the nerf bat for my bonereapers. I wonder where it will hit.
  15. Yeah the celestant - prime have underwhelming stats for what is basically the primarch of stormcasts. He really should be better, and worth more points. Also have an impact to help armies (like a permanent inspiring presence bubble, or a bonus vs non-order armies, etc).
  16. I think ogor can have stonehorn and thundertusk; and that FEC can have zombie dragon / terrorgheist. Nothing for OBR =(( i always wanted an army of harvester
  17. Man do i hope for that. You have my vote. The story of Arkhan is probably my favorite of all warhammer and it feels not enough for him to have a miniature the size of a human (ok, he is on a mount, but himself isnt really impressive). Having a bigger body is just logical for generals of death after being dead/reborn. Look at Katakros and Nagash. As he already have a link with the morghast, it would be Nice to reinforce that link. It will be a little bummer because i just got a 3D print to make a proxy for him, if they make a new nice miniature i will have to buy it!
  18. On the other hand, what units of the new cities of sigmar make great allies for stormcast eternals ? Steelhelms for bodies ? The cannon? Or other things? I did not have read the warscrolls already.
  19. That is so dwarfy! Ahaha! what do we think will be in the possible ossiarch christmas box? Morghast / mortek catapult / ossifector / mortek guards?
  20. Maybe something will come out for halloween. Its spooktober after all.
  21. Wait what ? Is that a thing ? It is a rumor or in story?
  22. One another topic, its gonna be halloween soon. What do we expect at this occasion? At least one mini for Death (like the rumored « hero morghast »), or the FEC tome? Something for SBLG or nighthaunt ?
  23. A little bit off topic, but what would you think of à formation with: - one ossifector (general, -1 to hit / wound for missile weapon, artefact +1 to wound, spell -1 to hit and -1 to save of one ennemy) - two gothizzar harvester -1x3 immortis guard all in null myriad or petrifex elite. The idea is to have a good hammer unit with at least one gothizzar fully buffed with +1 to hit (all out attack), +1 to wound (artefact), -3/-4 rend (-1/-2, -1 for thé ability of the ossifector, -1 for thé spell). The block itself is protected from magic on 2+ and from shooting attacks with the aura of the general, who is himself protected thanks to the immortis guard. Having 2 gothizzar make sure at least one can wreck havoc. Seems like a little deathstar, anyone have already tried something like that?
  24. Also, the kruleboyz just got a Warcry warband no? Would be disappointing to have two soulblight warband when nighthaunt and ossiarch dont have one. Now i prefer having nothing for my boney men than something inusable or who look like something we already got. Mortek archer will be ok, if underwhelming. A band of a new archetype of construct would be better (someone suggested mini-morghast).
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