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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. So, Slaanesh being only 1 week release, and with all those scenery talk, we'll probably see Forbidden Power on preorder 4th May (next week), release 11th May. 

    Because of those two links ...

    - Warcry seminar at Warhammer Fest :


    - "Paint" reveal at Warhammer Fest too (and the funny trailer) : 


    ... It's safe to assume we'll have full reveals of WARCRY and of that mysterious paint thing at the event. (Given the rather limited nature of the Looncurse trailer, I think they'll be back at it at WHF too). So it only leaves Forbidden Power before that.



    1 hour ago, Benkei said:

    Aaaand 1000 pages

    Glorious.  Long live TGA and this thread !

    17 minutes ago, michu said:

    Preview for May WD and new release date for future WD.


    I hope against all evidence that we'll get new artworks of Ulgu and even a MAP or two... But I don't hold my hopes up.

    14 minutes ago, zamerion said:

    This makes larger models with multiple Wounds, like the Keeper of Secrets and Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot extremely useful.

    .... And I can guarantee all of you it's just a normal Herald on Exalted chariot with a new name, like "Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne" (not a new unit nor a named unit like Skull Taker). EDIT : or the Herald of Nurgle now called : Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle. 


  3. Just now, Clan's Cynic said:

    Khorne is on it's third Battletome in, what, three years? Emperor's Children are probably at least a year out what with CSM only just getting a release. I could see it happening.

    Well... True for Khorne, but in fact it was an AOS 1 Bloodbound book, followed by and AOS 1 Blades Of Khorne, recently updated by a AOS 2 book.

    No AOS2-era books have been updated as of yet, even Stormcast (as many armies are stuck with AOS1 books or no book at all).

    Many armies deserve their turns with this second edition : amidst that why make an incomplete Slaanesh tome, GW, why ? 

  4. Just now, shinros said:

    As Clan said I think when EC roll around they're just going to give us their cultist options. They might add in an extra sprue to make them AOS units. 

    Yeah that's our only hope (just like 40k 7th Ed Tzaangor release, later coming for AOS without the pistols sprue). 

    But still : that would outdate the Battletome at once. So, so strange...

  5. 3 minutes ago, shinros said:

    Well this response just came in an hour ago. 

    User:So no new mortals, huh?

    GW:Not this week, user, though there is a brand new game focusing on the trials and tribulations of the mortal followers of the Dark Gods on the horizon in the form of Warcry.

    You could read this response as they are referring to warcry mortals that worship slaanesh and not new ones coming with the book. But...Who knows.  

    The other FB comments don't have the "this week", and all point out to Warcry, which is not released until this summer...

    So yeah it's dead. 

    Well, I'm mostly a Daemon player anyway, but still sad to NOT have Mortals on foot...

  6. 2 minutes ago, shinros said:

    Still holding out that it might happen, my expectations for this release just has been significantly lowered. 

    It's such a shame really.

    Warcry will be Undivided mortals.

    The only hope was another week of release with the Enrapturess and the Fiends.... But the reaction of GW guys on FB makes it clear : no Mortals. 

    1 minute ago, Overread said:

    Not really, Chaos 40K got a whole load of new releases less than a month ago and they've only had their 40K Codex for a while. 

    Sure in the past previous editions a new Tome was the end of releases until a new edition and new Tome - GW has proven time and again that that is NO longer the case for a long while. Even before the end of the Kirby era we were seeing a lot of model updates between codexs 

    We are talking about AOS Mortals. Emperor's Children may come this year too (I hope!), but there won't be any mortals before a very very hypothetic campaign release (with Aelves, maybe)..... But I'm left contemplating what could have been, like this guy : https://malignportents.com/story/the-scent/

  7. 17 minutes ago, Overread said:

    If I recall right when the others got their new Greater Demons they didn't get much else at the same time - don't forget the new Keeper is going to be a big model in the £70 region and a very big one on the table. That's a massive release in itself. Many of the other armies had to wait after that to get anything more ontop of a big new Greater Demon. 

    We are getting spells, tome, terrain, new heroes and a new prince (another pretty big model) 

    Yes but the release of the Tome seals the release window for Slaanesh for month, even years (the WarCom guys on FB are now trying to redirect people asking for mortals to WarCry....). It's so sad....

  8. 7 minutes ago, Sete said:

    This went from a +300£ buy to 0 real fast.

    What's the point of adding  this image, with a lot of humans around, and it's just a daemon release?

    Talk about empty hype. :/




    ...... So,  that was "just" dismounted Hellstriders after all. Well, I'll just get the book and the KOS, then. 

    Maybe the "daemon" prince too, as the Xerxers-300-persians looks fits slaanesh really well. 

    What a SHAME.... I mean just IMAGINE how cool a whole Mortals range based on that "Xerxes-300-Persians" design would have looked !!!

    • Like 3
  9. 6 minutes ago, Incineroar87 said:

    Are we expecting a Slaanesh release first or the looncurse boxed set thing ?

    With the articles about Slaanesh last week, it's possible we'll see announcements for Slaanesh preorder tomorrow. 

    For AOS we still have the Forbidden power expansion to come too, so IMO it's gonna be :

    Slaanesh - FP expansion - Looncurse - Warcry. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Mortarch said:

    Probably rolling out coloured sprues per army like they have in the shadespire ranges.

    They precisely said on Facebook it wasn't that. 

    It's either new spray cans, an airbrush or a whole rehash of the paints range. 

    • Like 1
  11. Regarding the 8-9 existing factions. If GW indeed support the game like Kill Team, we can hope as mentioned to get boxsets of existing units with at least a new  plastic character.

    I'm still not convinced the symbol top right is Stormcast. The other symbols are all already associated with an existing race, but this one, while clearly Azyrite, never was shown to represent the Stromcast faction : not on the SCE kits boxes, not in the Battletome, not on dice, even not on the Firestorm campaign rosters.

    SO to me that means this symbol refers to the Devoted Of Sigmar : they would fit the skirmish scales better than Stormcast, and the lone lightning bolt makes me think of the Excelsior Warpriest robes design.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Emmetation said:

    Hey all,

    We chatted to Geek & Sundry recently and you can read the interview here. We also revealed a new Archetype: the Branchwych

      Reveal hidden contents



    Thanks for linking the interview ! 

    I like the fact WFRP's role in worldbulding WFB is recognized here ; and the idea that it made the World-that-was "smaller".

    That should be useful for the Mortal Realms too, knowing that in contrast with what was said in the interview, they are not and never were infinite (as shown below).


  13. O M G

    Warcry looks AMAZING. 

    - So the Warbands are modular (compare the pictures, the second and the first trailers) !!!

    - They are non-Chaos Warband at launch ; I though they might be "rules-only" warbands, but then the Order symbol isn't entirely Stormcast, and there isn't enough Soulblight models already to create a warband with the current model line, so that must mean NEW MODELS TOO. 

    - Fyreslayers Battletome at last ! The invocations are really cool, the scenery is PERFECT. 

    - The Looncurse box with Sylvaneth vs Gloomspite tells us already what the next Batteltome is : it's tree time !

    - The WHU Kharadron Overlord Warband is nice. The baloon guy is probably the inspiration for the RPG cover art. 

    - Forbidden Power looks nice too. Less goofy Endless spells are always a good thing IMO, and next fluff chapter : perfect.

    - SLAANESH ! Love the theme. Not convinced on the Endless spells and the little girls with the mirror thingy, but the rest, especially the Keeper and NOT!-Xerxes are awesome. Love the eastern theme (again).



    • Like 4
    • LOVE IT! 1
  14. On the French side of things, I've heard : Fyreslayers 2.0, Slaanesh and Slyvaneth for the next 3-4 months...

    - The Fyreslayers were apparently due November last year (I think it "just" means new battletome, terrain, endless spells, and why not (COMPLETE GUESS, based on the Realmslayer cover artwork), a new Gotrek ??

    - Slaanesh is obviously coming this year (according to WarCom, different clues, etc.), but as we discussed with @NurglesFirstChosen I think it's STD/Everchosen/Darkoath first. Then I'd love to see Slaanesh before them - so I can complete my quartet of plastic Greater Daemons :D

    We had rumors already for Slyvaneth (alongside Ironjawz), and we have the underworld warband coming soon, so why not...

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, Requizen said:

    I wonder if that'll have anything to do with the upcoming Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath/Everchosen mixed Battletome. There's nothing about the terrain piece that screams "40k only" to me, so maybe as an altar for Chaos Mortals armies to summon in support from the Realm of Chaos or something. Would be an easy win for GW to get double sales off one box.

    Well the crown itself has clearly industrial "feet", and is full of plasma glowing cables.

    It would be easy to convert it to AOS (corrupted Realmgate ?) removing the too "technological" parts, though.

  16. 2 hours ago, Riavan said:

    Are we getting info about warcry this week? I'm a bit confused.

    The GW studio preview seminar at Adepticon will be around 2-3 hours in the morning next Thursday (not tomorrow).


    The AOS website has a new WARCRY section ; I think it's a safe bet we'll get more news on this game at Adepticon. 


    • Like 7
  17. 3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I think it’s pretty cool. I’m sure everyone will complain about more Stormcast, but it’s great to have a female model front and centre at gw.

    It is also a nice sculpt. 


    Even if she's described as a Liberator-Prime, she looks like the female Knight-Questor on the cover of the new AOS RPG. Nice one anyway ! 



    • Like 2
  18. I have both WD (FRE and ENG) in front of me, Phil Kelly obviously talk about the WFB Ogre Kingdom Armybook of old. 

    We also learned that PK wrote much of the Malign Portent short stories ; that remained me of the Ogre Kingdom short stories in the WD of that time (about an Imperial marchant traveling the Ivory / Silk Road toward the Mountains of Mourn) ; they were brilliant and totally in the mood of some of the AOS short stories we got with MP (i.e. more epic / exotic / high fantasy but still with the Warhammer grimdark, realistic tone).


    Waiting for Adepticon, as @VascoPinto noted on the other thread, the AOS website has been updated with a proper WARCRY section :D 


  19. 6 minutes ago, VascoPinto said:

    Was it already mentioned that warcry is prominantly featured on top of the ageofsigmar.com page? Warhammer underworlds is not. From that I could guess warcry is sort of a AoS "light" afterall. My hopes and dreams of warcry being a AoS kill team were crushed when I watched the big reveal at Gama. Seeing all new chaos models my hope to play seraphon and kharadron warbands were out the window. But perhaps the warcry starter is just a means of presenting a new or updating and existing army. I'm not really knowledgeable of chaos but that would be ...darkoath? Or could these warbands never be united in one army? Anyway perhaps playing warbands from existing factions could be a possibility afterall.    

    Ohoho yeah !


    Nice spot. Can't wait for more info at Adepticon next week ! I think Warcry will be all Chaos first but with possible new races add-on later. 

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