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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. @Baron Klatz In AOS1, it was already 1" coherency. Speaking of movement tray, I'm glad of the 0.5" because it is made to fit the official Warhammer 40k Apocalypse Movement Trays, which came with 25-32-40mm base sizes options, each with a 0.5" coherency distance (as per the rules of that game) : https://citadelcolour.com/videos/apocalypse-movement-trays/ EDIT : sorry didn't see the MOD HAT. Stopping here I must say I'm very excited about AOS4 rules and releases, way more than I anticipated. That means I sadly also completely stopped my AOS3 games projects with my 2 regulars AOS friends, focusing on my Warcry group instead...
  2. The Memorians Priests are really cool btw.
  3. GLORIOUS ART DECO GOTHIC ORDER CHAOS WARRIORS and cool side-kicks See the similarties between those two, down to the color schemes ? I'm painting mine like these !
  4. Very interesting, thank you for the numbers. Warcry 2nd ed. of course started bringing out some pure-AOS units too (well, Gorgers and Chamelons Skinks at least) as well as new scenery, but yeah that's an okay-ish production comparison between 2nd and 3rd... There clearly was a lull (probably China supply / COVID-caused) at the start of 3rd (and some rework of GW's plan including Thondia and the Incarnates, cf. the Spider Incarnate Rumor Engine). And we suffered the strange Cursed City logistical debacle too. But then with releases like COS, Ironjawz, Darkoath and Dawnbringers in general I think we got a fair treatment in the end. BRING IT ON 4th EDITION !!!
  5. Alright alright. ... I'M RESTARTING SKAVEN IN 4TH EDITION LETSGO WARPCANON GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Ahem. Wonderful models. Like the Gaunts for 40k, huge improvement while completely faithful to precedent iterations.
  6. Maybe things like poison ? or that would be auto hit or auto wound ?
  7. At least one of the rumor engine could be Epidemius (Plagubearer on palanquin) so there is credibility.
  8. @Nezzhil Do you heard a Rumor about it right ??? New plastic kits for those models with the next Deamon Codex
  9. RIP I just finished painting the Mistweaver Saih from Silver Tower ... yesterday (7 years and 11 months after release, I know). So, we know GW cannot entertain all the ranges they have right now, because : Logistical reasons (factory and worldwide issues) Profitability (some kits do not sell well and cost shelves space, etc.) Design choices (e.g. the Modernization by Primarization of the SM range). So let's recap (* = I own kits from this faction) : BS : get a free battletome legal (by GW event) 1 year + rules updates during 4th ed. The range will disappear for new collectors. BoC : get a free battletome legal 1 year + rules updates during 4th ed. The range will still be available through TOW. Warcry* and WUW* warbands : get Legend warscrolls + playable in Warcry / WUW + Proxy as Darkoath possible Skaven* and Warriors Chambers* : updated Sacrosanct* : get a free battletome legal 1 year + rules updates during 4th ed + Easy Proxy with the rest of the (IMO still bloated) wider SCE range. The sacrosanct range will disappear for new collectors (there is a second hand market for them since AOS2). IMO, the positive : AOS visual identity is consolidated (1. managable numbers of factions, 2. different look from TOW/WFB, 3. modern game without too many old resin kits). Also GW gave the head's up in advance as well as supported rules for some time. Dark Elves, Dispossessed, Ogors and Spiderfangs absolutely need to be re-imagined for AOS before going the BoC way (not the BS way) ! Also, possible lore reasons for the change : BoC : always exist as Chaos Mutants (on top of God-Marked units). Like in 40k and HH : there are billions Chaos Beastmen in the setting but not as factions (yet playable in Warcry, Kill Team, Blackstone Fortress, etc.) BS : they were the Age of Myth Orruk Race, that (d)evolved during the post-Apoc Age of Chaos into Ironjawz (the Gork way) or Kruleboyz (the Mork way). Sacrosanct : because of the Flaw and Ruination deployment, they are recalled to reinforce the Sigmarabullum. Warcry : Realms-flavoured Darkoath. TLDR I'm sorry for existing BoC and BS players losing rule support next year (and losing hope of new kits for time being). Fellow SCE and STD players, time to proxy
  10. Yes ! Compare the Scale of Talaxis set and the stand alone Pylon and then that intermediary set announced yesterday. https://www.warhammer.com/fr-FR/shop/age-of-sigmar-starfire-pylon-2024?queryID=7bb9c8794360dba14288dc002a06c43d https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/09/25/scramble-over-the-scales-of-talaxis-in-this-new-warcry-terrain-set/
  11. SKIRMISH WEEK YAYY Can't wait for Sylvaneth vs Ossiarch to be released, re-reading the Warcry Core Book we really should get inside the Eye of Chotec ruins for this edition's last year (with some nice 2D board) ... Btw, the stand alone Warcry scenery release for the Seraphon Pylon contains a platform that wasn't included in the Scales of Talaxis box ?!
  12. Everything's gonna be fine People already enjoyed AOS 1 rules with 2016 GHB add-on (the Three Ways To Play concept was introduced there, already "modularity"). I trust the current AOS team, Jervis legacy and 3rd Edition was clean, Simon-from-Warcry (Bottle) too.
  13. I was of the impression it was also the goal of 3rd edition. I.e. The Realms are very much in thralls of Chaos (a post-Apoc setting), Thunderstrike is a Stormcast reboot (design-wise), we got basic humans archetypes in drove (Warcry, CoS, Darkoath), and the Dawnbringers are in a way a re-installement of Season Of War : Seeds of Hope and Firestorm (Order crusades founding new Cities) from 1st edition. The only difference was the Ghurish & Desctrucions focus which wasn't that strong compared to Death in 2nd ed.
  14. Well the Light realm having cycles with the Shadow realm makes sense for the nights-and-days rythm. Azyr is the stary night sky realms (see evey artwork and video of it).
  15. Yes it's great they are doing it again, as each edition it should reach more people ! Also it baffles me GW wasn't spreading their videos of the setting more, as it is often asked on social media even in the Age of Internet ...
  16. Some of us of course weren't there in 2015-2018 but come on ! GW has done it many times, and the first iteration was the best IMO, during Malign Portents (on its website with the excellent short stories), 6 years ago before AOS2 ! Azyr is just spatialy above and the "axis" of the other realms rotation. Shyish isn't under the rest of the realms. Alas this video now is unreferenced, as it was then replaced in AOS2 with this one, less clear but still : All of it was also posted on Warhammer Community. BTW we are one click away from a Wiki answering how the Realms work. And the various iterations of the AOS website also have a map of the Realms and a timeline : https://ageofsigmar.com/explore-the-realms/
  17. Great to see Underworld so soon - a fine addition to my collection! For Warcry there is a Kill Team* battle report this week so maybe both boxes will go on pre-order announcement next sunday ? *Both boxes were announced at the same time at LVO 2024.
  18. 1. Why wouldn't you watch the trailer ? It's awesome. 2. Tzaangors are 💯 beastmen. Just the Tzeentch basic variant. https://ageofsigmar.fandom.com/wiki/Tzaangors https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tzaangor https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tzaangor __ On another note, I hope oh-so-dearly we'll get new plastic objectives with 4th Edition, the set with Soul Wars and Dominion were great !
  19. Leviathan still follow the Launch Box + 3 starter sets format though, and we already had terrain in the Extremis Starter Set variant for Dominion, so maybe not (I'd also still like intact Azyrite building...) BTW I'm late but what a preview ! Favorite was the Bolt Brethren and the AOS trailer (so much better than the Dominion one), showing both AOS larger-than-life aspects (literal GOD OF DEATH and continent-sized explosion) and the down-to-earth reality of the Realms : simple, human barbarian fighting against Beastmen, and the soldiery of the Cities of Sigmar, with the Stormcast Eternals tribulations in between. Speaking of which, the first death of that brave Liberator is a nod to the Swarming from AOS 1 (Realmgate Wars : Quest for Ghal Maraz, pp. 67 & 72), which is IMO pretty nice.
  20. I don't think that is the original source, as it is using the typical ">" citation mark originating from 4chan...
  21. At least with this one is relatively easy to go back to @Chikout's original post 😅 but yeah echo chambers and anonymous boards allow for funny effects !
  22. I was almost dying of sunburn in my hotel room in Italy reading the first AOS Core Book in Summer 2015 with the whole Brimstone Peninsula first strike opening chapter. Aqshy will always hold a very special please in my heart.
  23. The teasers are clearly in Aqshy (sad, I wanted it to by Azyr), but isn't the whole "one city will be destroyed" plotline the conclusion of the Dawnbringers saga ? I.e. coming alone with the Lady of Ruin probably destroying Verdigris in Ghyran in book VI ? When 4th hit, we'll already know what DB city was destroyed. And I think, like the Nighthaunts in second edition, that the Skaven invasion will happen EVERYWHERE IN THE MORTAL REALMS ! NO CITY IS SAFE ! RUUUUNNN
  24. I too think it is a Lord - but then maybe we misinterpreted Whitefangs likes in the rumor thread about the cover being a Liberator-Prime equivalent...
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