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Everything posted by Lucentia

  1. I found it basically impossible to try and sub-assemble these models for painting, the components tend to slot in and around one another in a way that would make it awkward to glue together after painting (lots of legs attached to other parts by those sashes and decoration and such). I would have liked to paint the wings separately but they generally formed too much of the overall shoulder/back portion to really leave off. On the other side I didn't find them too bad to paint despite that, if you're using the hair options instead of the full helmets then leaving the heads of is probably possible, otherwise they do get in the way a bit, but on such elevated models most of the other detail is fairly accessible.
  2. Boo at 25mm for the infantry characters, I like them on 32s so that they are more obvious amongst a sea of witches. Ah well, guess I'll see if I can rustle up some spare bases anywhere.
  3. Personally I'd prefer it if they focused on creating new characters over resurrecting popular old world ones. But on the other hand the updated Morathi is the best she's ever been (as far as I'm concerned), so I guess what do I know?
  4. I thought it was a little silly at first, but on reflection it doesn't seem a bad idea? Certainly the 9-12 demographic was when I was getting into the hobby, and some stuff designed to appeal directly to that audience can't hurt.
  5. That's just the high elf dragon model, there's a fyreslayer magmadroth there too, a mixed order assortment. The warhammer community article mention the double turn is still in, but now 'more strategic' whatever that might mean, interesting.
  6. Presumably some sort of big named character centre-piece for the Nighthaunt, ala Morathi, I don't know if anyone like that's been mentioned in fluff up to now.
  7. The wording on the command abilities for the Dark Elf legends rules is a little different to that in the AoS battletomes, and implies to me that non-general heroes can use their command abilities, though I don't know how much weight that necessarily bears. Perhaps some sort of command point style system to let you use abilities? Just a guess.
  8. I actually did convert half my ogors into women, all you really have to do is stick a vague top on them and trim any moustaches off, add some scraggly hair if you're feeling adventurous (Sisters of Slaughter whips make handy braids), I can't imagine ogor society puts any huge emphasis on beauty standards, or at least ogor standards of beauty are rather different to our own.
  9. I was just praising the cover art in the DoK thread, I was wondering if they were going to use the Morathi art already shown as the cover, but this piece is a better fit, imo.
  10. In order of likelihood: -The rumoured sea elves, probably rolling in the corsair models for good measure (and maybe the Order Serpentis stuff as well?) neither of those sub-factions got traits in GHB17 and have a modest number of kits between them. -Spooky ghost pirates, I do think we will probably see a wholly new death faction at some point, even with the Nagash battletome, but I would imagine any new death faction to tie into Nagash's grand plan in some way, and I don't know if undead sailors fit that necessarily? -Dreadfleet 2.0. Probably not.... I guess some sort of Man O' War rebranding could fit this bill too? But I don't know how much interest there would be in that. But that's all meaningless conjecture cos it's definitely a fishperson battletome.
  11. I will say for my general dislike of Orruk models their faces are very fun to paint, I'll give them that.
  12. I finished up the orruks, and I guess that's the end of my Shadespire painting adventure for the time being. I've never been a huge fan of the GW orc design look, so for me at least these were the least interesting models in the range, the boss is pretty good, but the other three are kinda static and samey, but, regardless, I do appreciate their face-smashing play-style, so I'm looking fowards to getting them on the board at some point!
  13. I did some bonies. Had a good time painting up the rusty bits, I've never done that before. These textured grave-earth bases aren't as much fun as the more detailed Stormcast/Bloodbound Shadespire bases though.
  14. I finished up my Khorneboyz as well, nothing too special, I just kinda slapdashed them cos I've been playing a lot of Shadespire lately and it was annoying me to have the stormcast all painted and the other team just primed, plus I've already painted a bunch of bloodreavers for Warhammer Quest, and whilst I don't have anything against shirtless, leather-bound men I don't find them hugely exciting to paint, even though the sculpts for Garrek's Reavers are notably excellent. I also got the Sepulchral Guard box for my Bday, already glued them up and played a few little test games, looking forwards to painting up them skellies.
  15. I only have the base box so far, and I'm pretty slow when it comes to painting, so I only have the Stormcast done so far.
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