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Everything posted by Enoby

  1. A lot of people on FB saying this rumour engine is nids, but the painting style doesn't look like nids at all - they always paint the grooves on them. Makes me think that it's a Moonclan insect.
  2. I really hope they do one for DoK - would be lovely to have a chance to start the army at an affordable price.
  3. If the Beastmen rumours are true, I hope this signals the start of more battletomes that focus on bringing a faction up to date. Unfortunately GW doesn't have the time/resources/schedule to have big releases for every faction, so it would be nice to see the factions that don't have much planned for them get something sooner rather than later.
  4. Sounds interesting is this from a source or is it speculation?
  5. Luckily and unluckily it was a tournament. Unlucky because I couldn't pack away without disrupting everyone, lucky because the TO came and sorted it out in about 2 seconds flat (basically just pointing to the rule and saying it worked as written, so the pile in from 6" away was allowed). Kind of annoyingly, the guy's friend was also adamant that it didn't work. Kind of wished I had used a different command trait as devotee of torment raised eyebrows every time it was used (to be fair, it is a rule that works directly against a lot of people's expectations). Ah well, the tournament was fun other than that
  6. Yeah, I thought it was pretty straight forward but my opponent disagreed. Unfortunately, in a two player game, an agreement has to be reached so when one player is certain a rule works differently than their opponent it makes it tough to continue.
  7. Kind of off the current topic, but I'm not sure where to put this - it was a bit of a passed rumour that seemed to amount to nothing, but came directly from GW. Did they give up on revamping the Chaos Lord on Manticore? If so, anyone hazard a guess as to why?
  8. I really hope this is how it works, but the amount of arguments people have about it not working makes me not want to use it (I just don't want to deal with it every othee game). I recently had a very long discussion about Devotee of Torment (someone saying it couldn't be used to pile in from 6" away) that went round and round in circles. Seems like Slaanesh rules often cause arguments, which is a big shame
  9. As far as I'm aware, they don't count at all it's a big shame, but it mostly means that you want to be in the opponent's face as fast as possible and slay their wizards/priests. Yeah, it can help make any 'meh' damage hero into a killing machine in no time.
  10. Not a Slaanesh specific artefact, but there is one from the realm of shadow which gives a -3 rend. Stick it on the claws of a keeper of secrets and it becomes a killing machine. The current keeper of secrets is on a 60mm base, so the ghorgon would be too big. However, you may be able to use it as an exalted keeper of secrets, which are very good (one of the few FW models I see used regularly in lists). I'd still suggest the -3 rend one, especially on the sword as he becomes an excellent hero killer then.
  11. Really hope this is the case! Not just because I love Slaaneshi stuff, but also because it'd be great to see the smaller subgames have a major impact on the lore. Not that I'd want it all to be based in Underworlds, but if it was kickstarted there I certainly wouldn't complain.
  12. Not exactly AoS, but is rumour engine related and that may let us tick a box (found on DakkaDakka)
  13. I kinda hope that the bull is a generic endless spell - would be nice for (nearly) everyone to get something!
  14. Yeah, you're right - just had another look that said, it is very similar in design so I wonder if there's a connection or if it's coincidence.
  15. It's difficult to tell, but is this the Slaanesh-like claw from the rumour engine? I hope not
  16. It's probably a total coincidence but that new rumour engine does share a resemblance this ancient model.
  17. @LLV do you know if Khorne is getting much else with Angron in December? Or is it only a small release?
  18. The Keeper of Secrets (or the exalted version) may be a better choice they get to cast and unbind, and have a surprisingly high damage output
  19. We just had an episode of Stormcast about us - not loads on rules, but it's cool to see.
  20. I think this tyre solves one of the rumour engines.
  21. The segmented parts remind me a lot of previous rumour engines. Not sure if there's any relationship.
  22. Orks are getting a specialist game soon called Speed Freeks. Not strictly an AoS rumour, but perhaps heralding in some more destruction love (hopefully). If not, hopefully it provides some good conversion pieces for greenskins.
  23. Looking at how nighthaunt has been upgraded from a GHB army to a battletome army - they kept some core themes, but had many upgrades to their allegiance abilities, and I think their artefacts may have changed.
  24. While a WE release is not out of the question, there doesn't seem to be many current rumour engines pointing to Khorne stuff, but there are many pointing towards Slaanesh. Would seem odd to release WE and EC close together - not impossible, just odd.
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