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Everything posted by Enoby

  1. Good spot. For those who can't flip their monitors:
  2. I really hope the Darkoath/beastmen can be marked. The best thing about Slaves to Darkness was how you could use them in so many different ways depending on their mark (as well as theme them around a god), and I think it would be a massive shame to lose this. It was one of the big disappointments about varanguard for me - they were champions of the Chaos Gods that forget their past allegiance unless Archaon reminds them. It would have also been nice to include a unit or two of them properly in a god-aligned army just for their cool aesthetics.
  3. I don't think I could even hazard a guess with this one, but it seems too neat to be Destruction or barbarian related, and too fantastical to be 40k (but could be GSC).
  4. Thanks for the info Do you know if Slaanesh is getting a release in 2019, or is it more that it's not getting a release this year so we should wait for 2019 in case we hear anything?
  5. Yeah, it's really good very powerful if you can get the opponent to a 5+ or 6+ to hit(e.g. gemnids + hellstriders on a unit with 3+ or 4+ to hit). You basically become unhittable as they have to reroll (nearly) all of their successful hits.
  6. There's been no concrete proof of a Moonclan release, but GW have said that Destruction would be getting something at some point (I think it was on a Warhammer Community Article), and the last Order and Death release were based on the two heralds. It makes sense that the Destruction release would be Moonclan related. That said, there is no solid evidence, and Moonclan has got very little lore-wise besides the herald (it didn't even get a dedicated page in the core rule book).
  7. Rerolls happen before modifiers, so the + of the 6+ is meaingless - the reroll happens even with the -1 from Hellstriders there was an FAQ about this a while ago (though not specifically daemonettes) This was the most relevant FAQ I could find, though I'm sure there was a more specific one.
  8. Oops - looks like a totally misunderstood then! Sorry
  9. I feel actual Gorkamorka would be a really weird character to get a model release - isn't he as strong as a Chaos god (pretty sure he's stronger in 40k)? I don't think we'll get a Gorkamorka model in the same way I doubt we'll ever see a model for Khorne, Sigmar, or the God Emperor. Then again, I could be completely wrong
  10. Well, I hope you're right this time I agree - I think that Slaanesh will be the next big story, but I don't think we'll have another big story for at least a year. Until then, I think we'll be getting a Chaos Undivided list to tide us over.
  11. I've found Seekers pretty strong - their negative can be negated by running most units, and the ability to get a first turn charge can be game changing. Perhaps more importantly, they can get to objectives more quickly than any other army in the game. Like Slaanesh as a whole, they can take a bit of getting use to.
  12. This is a total guess here, but I feel we won't see anything until the end of next year for them - at least, following the other Chaos gods (40k may get Angron or Abaddon around this time). If we're lucky, we'll get a Skaven united battletome. That said, I don't know if we'll see a Slaanesh release in either system by the end of the year (but will next year). I think Abaddon and his Black Legion will be getting a release, alongside Slaves to Darkness/Everchosen. Nothing really to go on here, but that's kind of what I'm feeling - I reckon Slaanesh will be a big narrative event in both systems, which seems odd to come at the end of Malign Portents. But, on the other hand, it may get a release before any narrative event to boost popularity and attention.
  13. Unless there's a realm artefact I missed, the only way to get a +1 to cast is by using supremely vain (and that's pretty unreliable).
  14. Take it as you wish, but was just at Warhammer World and I bought some noise marine arms. I made a remark about how it was a shame that we had super old models, and one of the workers in the shop said "don't worry, Slaanesh is getting a release soon". Maybe he was just trying to cheer me up, but speculation fuel either way.
  15. The geminids of Ulgh-Hysh (probably butchered the spelling); an endless spell.
  16. Good points. I may consider adding another 30 for when I play pretenders - they usually pull their weight. Has anyone found a good way to use mortals in Slaanesh? I keep trying and keep running into a wall. The best I had was mauraders with the command abilities put on them (pile in and attack twice + extra attack on a 6+). Chaos warriors and knights seem entirely pillow fisted (except on a glaive charge, but then they go back to being pillow fisted).
  17. Do you guys think we're better with 60 or 90 daemonettes? I can't decide - it tends to mean fewer depravity points and a slower army in general, but more bodies for objectives and wounds to soak up damage.
  18. Yup, give them the keyword and they're Slaanesh allegiance (ignore what the Azyr app says - it's broken at the moment). I would suggest jazzed up Kyric acolytes, but they're a bit too big. You could try daemonette bodies with 2nd hand Sister of Slaughter heads and arms (should be cheap because they're spare parts).
  19. The PDF was messing up for me - most of the pages were white; I may be mistaken, but there weren't any heroes from Chaos or Order there, were there? I'm unsure if I missed them.
  20. Does anyone know how the list performed? All I know is that NI came 4th out of 6, but they had the second highest number of victories; this doesn't tell us much, though.
  21. It struck me as very strange - but interesting. I'd love to see it played, and an explanation of why they didn't use pretenders when they have so many 10+ units. I also am curious about how well the Seekers of Slaanesh did - with 30 of them, they seem to be there for a purpose but I've always felt they were a tad weak (due to low damage). As a guess, I feel they may have been hero light because they weren't use to depravity points so weren't comfortable building a tournament list around them.
  22. I love how every time Slaanesh gets a mention in anything official, Slaanesh fans instantly become excited for a possible new release. I think we like to be reminded that Slaanesh continues to exist. At least, that's how I've been feeling
  23. Yeah, I reckon that sounds reasonable. I think, with depravity points, there's going to be a bigger focus on our heroes - and hopefully with that, an easier way to make them perform like the egotistical maniacs they are. More artefacts and traits would be nice for that.
  24. I reckon we'd have a debuff focussed spell lore, with some stuff carried over from 40k (like delightful agonies, which provides a 5+ ward save). I think some tricky spells would be nice too - like a spell that could force a model to attack itself, or make it move. I hope we don't get a load of mortal wound focussed spells because, while they're good, they're boring (that said, a share the pain spell would be cool - if we take a wound then there's a chance that a selected enemy hero takes the wound too, and vice versa). Other than that, spell lores that allowed us to make a first turn charge would be great - an endless spell that caused mortal wounds to those using it but gave an extra d6" move would be nice. Reckon we'll get any extra artifacts, in the same way that Stormcast have mount traits and Kharadron have ship traits? I don't know what we could add it on, but these extra option seem pretty commonplace in new battletomes.
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