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Everything posted by Enoby

  1. Congratulations! Sounds like it went really well Shame you were the only Slaanesh player there - I'm hoping we get an influx into the hosts when we get our release and book. I feel that the lack of Slaanesh players mean they don't reach their full potential in more tournaments - after all, more players means more chances to place high and more discussion. At least you've proved that they can do very well! --- Kind of unrelated, but when we do get our book, do you guys reckon that the hosts will be expanded to include multiple benefits per host? While I reckon that our current abilities are good, I think they're a bit lacking when compared to other armies (including some GHB armies) because we get 1 of 3, whereas most armies get all of their allegiance abilities.
  2. Just wanted to say thank you very much for compiling everything - it's super useful! Edit: also, it's really interesting to look at the patterns in rumours. We often get a string of 3 or 4 together all pointing towards a very close release. Hopefully that means Moonclan soon, as well as Slaanesh.
  3. I'm thinking it may be one we haven't seen yet, or maybe an expansion for RT. It could even be new shadespire stuff for Nurgle.
  4. It certainly would be cool if it was grots - maybe some fungus infected giant with an armpit full of nasties. That said, I think Nurgle mutated Rogue Trader is the most likely.
  5. I think they've had a few rumours that have been already revealed before, like the sealed door in some 40k scenery, or the clock-compass thing for some other 40k scenery.
  6. Yeah, that does look VERY Nurgley. Would be strange to get a big Nurgle release though, especially after Death Guard and Maggotkin have already came out. I kind of hope it isn't Nurgle as they've had quite a bit already, but I'm not sure what else it'd be.
  7. I'm just wondering - if we are to see a Darkoath release this year, what rumour engines would suggest Darkoath? The only one that looks barbaric is the skull on a stick. Could it be that Darkoath will be a bit like Legions of Nagash in that it will roll up some of the Chaos factions into one book rather than getting new models?
  8. I don't have the battalion in front of me, but but if it's a Slaves to Darkness/Everchosen battalion then unfortunately not without using ally points on every unit in the battalion (which may make it too expensive). This was an unfortunate casualty of the FAQ
  9. It really depends on the tournament restrictions - if the games/tournaments are using realm spells (which GW recommends) then you'll have a different selection each game as for endless spells, the pendulum is pretty good; basically just a safe d6 mortal wounds on the cheap - gives us some limited hero sniping.
  10. I'll give a quick comment it's very similar to what I run, though I might suggest trading the daemon prince and chariot for another keeper if you're using realm spells as they're all incredibly powerful, and being able to cast almost all of them could be very useful.
  11. She's cheap, annoying for the opponent (you can stop them being able to reach objectives for a round, or get in range of charges), and a potential pocket of depravity points. All in all, she has a lot of potential tactics bundled into 80 points.
  12. New rumour engine reminds me of a daemonette alluress claw
  13. Chances are you won't be hit in combat much with devotee of torment, so I'd take that.
  14. Definitely don't pass up on devotee of torment - it's amazing. Run and pile in, retreat and pile in, choose attack order, move nearly 12" with proper placement on two pile ins with the KoS, and escape defensive abilities that trigger on a charge. Absolutely amazing.
  15. I always heard that Tomb Kings disappeared because of copyright issues - that being that they couldn't copyright something historically grounded (I believe there was a lawsuit with another miniatures company). I heard this from the admins of the AoS fan Facebook page, and they said they had talked to a GW representative. Copyright did seem to be a big thing during AoS's lauch, with all of the renaming. Anyway, regardless of what is the actual reason, if they did get rid of TK because they forgot about them then this means they could come back (at least, it's much more likely than if they were cancelled for copyright reasons). Even if they are not currently included in the lore, neither are the multitudes of other yet-to-be-released factions. I can't imagine it would take that big of an investment to reuse the old casts and write a book for them, and as they seem to have become more popular after disappearing, a release wouldn't be a huge gamble. Also, is there any evidence that DoK flopped, or is it more just speculation?
  16. I'd always suggest devotee of torment - it is incredibly versatile in what it technically allows you to do
  17. Kind of off topic, but that reminded me of the daemonette in the picture who was grasping at her slashed throat; kind of a normal reaction, until you remember that they have crab claws. Not sure if that would have helped stop the bleeding.
  18. I'm no businessman, but it makes sense to me that combining factions would lead to better sales; if you have a lion ranger army and want to expand on it, there's very little reason to buy into the other aelf factions after you've filled your ally points. A person playing Slaves to Darkness has the benefit of being able to buy any of the other chaos god models that they like without worrying if they can use them, so surely they have more chance of buying more.
  19. Someone just mentioned that the most recent rumour engine may be a vespid stingwing update. Seems kind of weird for them to get a release now, but take it as you will. Thinking about it, have there been any rumour engines that would tease for a Khorne release? Obviously anything could be secretly Khorne, but does anything look obviously Khorne that I'm missing?
  20. Maybe it was resolved and I missed it, but what about the jeweled sword? It looked GSC, but I don't know if it was confirmed.
  21. I'd even suggest 30/20 (with Hellstriders counting as your 3rd battleline); a unit of 30 daemonettes means you get the large unit bonus for longer, and it has a 30 point discount.
  22. You can't go wrong with daemonettes, a keeper of secrets, or the Masque of Slaanesh. Daemonettes are brilliant for battleline troops, and will dish out very heavy damage. The keeper of secrets has an amazing command ability and does decent damage itself. The Masque is just very annoying for the opponent, and provides good defence for very few points. Other than that, we don't really have any bad units - everything has a place. Looks like an interesting list it will generate a lot of depravity points, that's for sure. The only issue I can see is that Chaos warriors hit like pillows - you might be better swapping them for lots of daemonettes.
  23. Well, now you mention it, it may be the Rabid Squig with muzzle.
  24. Ah, fair enough - I can see where you're coming from. I guess I just like my barbarian hordes to be more decisive when it comes to choosing a god
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