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Everything posted by Enoby

  1. I think fiends and hounds in plastic are likely (really doubt they'd put either in the box in their current state), but I reckon Slaanesh may get a plastic hero - maybe just a new type of herald, but it could be bigger like the Nurgle snail.
  2. I'm very excited to see that Slaanesh is getting something, even though I don't know what it is exactly. If it's a boxed game (like Blightwar), will it be the first one without a Stormcast or will they put on in there for good measure? ?
  3. Yup, nothing stops you running and piling in. You have to let your opponent select a unit to go before your second pile in.
  4. Has anyone used Slaves to Darkness stuff with any success? Mainly Chaos Warriors, knights, and chosen. Every time I've tried, they've come across as pillow fisted and not particularly good at tanking, but perhaps I misused them. Do they have a place in a Slaanesh list?
  5. Do you know anyone in the UK that you trust enough to buy it and send it over to you? It is an excellent model (though horrendous to build), and very strong in game, so it'd be a shame to miss out because of FW pricing.
  6. That's good to hear. I'm really excited to see where our Battletome takes us, especially spell lores. I do worry that FW will nerf our Keeper to the ground; they have a tendency to overreact if anything is above average, so I hope we don't get the mornghul treatment.
  7. I wish I could find the rule for you, but it's an absolute maze in the FAQ section. Really hope someone knows where it's located.
  8. I'm 99.99999% certain that anything with the mark of Slaanesh is in the Slaanesh allegiance, including the daemon prince. Not sure where the rule is, though. Pretty sure Pestilens can be in Nurgle without allying, for the same reason.
  9. Congratulations Tzeentchmike Those reports were really interesting, so thanks for writing them up. How do you feel about where Slaanesh stands power-wise at the moment? Reckon we're in a league with the big boys?
  10. The new endless spells with a clearer picture
  11. Wonder if that points to Everchosen and Slaves to Darkness being combined (maybe into Darkoath?).
  12. Yeah, the oldest KoS did have a more standard bull head, but my main point was how similar the endless spell looked to the Gorgon - even down to the tendons. Even though the old KoS was more bovine, it still doesn't have that level of similarity.
  13. Makes me wonder if that rule will be removed with the new sculpt (assuming it will get new rules like the others did). It's cool for narrative purposes, but I have never seen it accepted. I kind of hope it's replaced with a similar ability, but one that doesn't give your opponent a choice and can be used at ranged (but doesn't instant kill either) - even a siren song that moved them closer to us would be nice.
  14. I'm not so sure about that. The KoS bull head is very elongated and has many jewels and other daemonic additives, whereas the endless spell is very bestial and looks more like a normal bull (sans the big teeth).
  15. True ? But it's more than just that - they have the same dental structure, the same tendons, the same lips, even the same nose. They're practically identical twins, if one of the twins were set on fire.
  16. It's remarkable how similar these two look.
  17. Sorry for the rubbish image, but that recent rumour engine may be the back of Fulgrim's tail (image from Slaves to Darkness). The colour image shares a more clear resemblance.
  18. Yep, pretty much this - I've tried being more defensive, but pretty much every army out tanks us and we can't take a hit at the best of times, so I decided to stick with what we're good at. A bit like how Khorne should focus on melee rather than trying to force a horde of skull canons in the list to get some shooting, we should focus on speed and finesse because the army is designed around that. The exalted keeper of secrets should blend whatever it goes into - especially big heroes like Nagash, who can't easily screen against you if you fly, and you can hack away at their key units before they have the chance to react. Even when it dies, there's a good chance it'll make itself back in depravity points (hoping they're not a mortal wound spamming army).
  19. I've never ran two exalted keepers, but one has never let me down so I think 2 would be great considering they're a brutal threat. I'd suggest extra movement + fly, mostly for the fly. You become an excellent hero hunter with this ability, especially with devotee of torment letting you run and pile in. Tbh, the seekers host may be a good option for hero hunting, though you would miss out on your second command trait.
  20. The whole 'no GHB allegiance ability = a release soon' confused me. Assuming that the rumours about warherds and Slaanesh are true, this would mean that three (inc. Nighthaunt) GHB armies got a release sooner/at the same time as one of the many Destruction armies that had nothing in the GHB. This, coupled with the fact that no battletome-less Destruction army was given a full spread in the CRB makes you wonder what they are planning.
  21. I can definitely see your point, but I've always quite liked them - gives more variety in list building for smaller armies. I play Slaanesh, and without being able to take Slaves to Darkness with the correct mark, I'd have a total of 1 whole unit to play for a mortal army. I'd have more mortal heroes than mortal units, and it would be a very dull list to play and paint. I imagine that there are many other armies in that position, and I think it would be good for those players to be able to play more well rounded army. Letting Beastmen, for example, take marks is not against the fluff and gives both Chaos God players and Beastmen players have a wider variety of options to choose from.
  22. Has anyone tried fiends? The most recent tournament list I saw for Slaanesh had 6 of them in (they came 17th out of 45), but I just cannot think of a proper use for them. Their average damage seems low, and for the price of them you may as well take seekers as they're faster if you want a unit to disrupt the opponent. That said, I've never played with them so I could be missing something.
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