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Posts posted by Frozenbeast

  1. 23 hours ago, TheKingInYellow said:

    So I have a ton of Wanderer units that I bought at the tail end of 8th edition and never got around to putting together.  It looks, however, like half the units are just gone now?  No Eagles, Glade Riders or Warhawks?

    I can understand them dropping the metal only models, but Glade Riders were in plastic in the battalion boxes.  Am I missing something?

    They still have the profile on the app though so finding the old compendium points you will be able to play them (of course not competitively).

  2. 5 hours ago, thebloody9 said:

    Yep, the more I use chariots the more I appreciate them for their points.

    The fact that they're single units mitigates one of the herds biggest problems, their bravery. 

    Any good ideas on modelling them? I've gone for Chaos chariot with orruc boar boy boars.

    How much would you put into the first wave though, just screening or something with some heft?

    I think that a part from DE and Slaanesh chariots any chariot with the boars from the boar boys will do. Lionchariots with some good conversions on the lions will come out really nice. I have always used orruk chariots and any big beast as mount (they are mutated anyway so you can free your immagination). 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, GM_Monkey said:

    You need to purchase the in-app ebook Grand Alliance Order to be able to access the Waystone Pathfinder battalion in app. But the "Grand Alliance: Order" is missing from the store in app which looks like a bug. You can report this to them if you want. However it's easy enough to find the Battalion rules online. (I've just e-mailed them about it cause it's a bit bad).

    Most Terrain rules seem to be missing as well from the app. The Wyldwood pdf is available from the games workshop website.

    I have not purchased it tho. And I can see it. I thought it was another of those gentle concessions from GW seen all the Grand Alliance books are soooo outdated?

    To make another example I am able to open the brayherd only battalion which is too only on the GA chaos book. Is it a bug then? 

  4. EI found the battalion and it opens up, IDK what happened to you but the app is very bug-y and they know at GW. Just report it to the app email and they ll fix on next patch. The wyildwood i m not sure if it is on the app. It might be in the GHB 2018 where all the scenary rules and profiles are. If not flag that too in your report email. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, GM_Monkey said:

    No because the phase goes "gain the Invisible Hunter ability", and as once you've gained it you can't gain it again it doesn't stack, and it also doesn't get applied twice to other waywatchers as they already have the ability.

    Or at least this is my interpretation.

    Cool, yeah I have always used it like that too but you know, seen all the shenaningans that came out...?

    • Like 1
  6. Hey guys I have a doubt. Does our "See but not be seen" CA from the WW stack?? Seen what happened in 6N turnament I was wondering if we could exploitit before they change it. Or am I missing something in how I read it that makes it so it is not stackable anyway? 

  7. @Gwill_of_the_Woods I loved the Quicksilver swords too, itis sooo much unpredictable dmg for so few points, (of course it can be 0 but average 2). And even if the opponent decides to move it insead of make you move it, it won t realisticly reach your lines as it will be fully behind his lines aftern casting it.

    I have not tried it yet I have just written it down but this is what I thought could be useful and having a bit of everything: 

    Allegiance: Wanderers
    Mortal Realm: Hysh (Ulgu) 
    Nomad Prince (80)
    - Artefact: Mirrored Cuirass (alternatively the Doppleganger Cloak from Ulgu) 
    Waywatcher (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Masterful Hunter 
    Waywatcher (120)
    Spellweaver (100)
    - Heartwood Staff
    Waystrider (80)
    - Artefact: Forget-me-knot 
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    20 x Sisters of the Watch (360)
    20 x Wildwood Rangers (280)
    5 x Wild Riders (120)
    5 x Sisters of the Thorn (220)
    6 x Gryph-Hound (140)
    - Allies
    Waystone Pathfinders (200)
    Soulsnare Shackles (20)
    Quicksilver Swords (20)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 140 / 400
    Wounds: 123

    It is a two drop list which in most cases will decide to go first or second. The idea is: 

    -deploy one waystrider WWR and waywatchers (unless i face a shooting heavy army so I need the WW CA) to have flexibility with deployment and maybe be able to pick my fights a bit better;

    - Gryph-hounds are mypersonal curiosity as they now occcupy a big area on the board and their ability is basically a double down on our battalion. They are for summoning armies to keep them away from my lines;

    - fighty and resilient characters to have the option to defend against shooting and big monsters/heroes. 

    - shooting: of course SotW are more reliable in 20 man unit and hopefully deal some substantial dmg(andifnotI can always replace them with 30xGG) plus WW are always there available either from reserve (1-man unit is difficult to keep off the board and my opponent will have to deploy well)

    - WR will do WR so either capture obj or screen and EG do the same

    - And then endless spells are always an option and as I said the swords are unpredictable but not something I relay on so if they pull something off is good if not...well too bad. 

    Critics and comments are welcome, would you do something different? 

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, decker_cky said:

    I think brayherd is in the best condition it's been under any GHB. The brayshaman's new spell is way more useful than a high cost summon, and the points discounts make the army much stronger overall.

    To be honest with the +1 from the stone and +1 from Scion of the Dark gods it was pretty easy to summon in my opinion (you just needed a 7 which is more than 50% to cast spell that normally has a 30% chance of being cast). Thing is that it was not convinient to fall so far behind on deployed points for something that anyway had a chance to not happen. 

    I don t think this new spell will beof any utility for us as we already fly across the table and our strenght rely on number not on picking off weak units desplacing the strongest ones. Idk, Idon t see much utility to it for now. I might be wrong. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Aezeal said:

    No self respecting opponent will let them reach their lines intact. There is literally no reason for them to target anything else if you have such a unit on the table.

    So is this enough for us to not use a unit that HAS to be shot down in our lists? I fully understand the fluff component in Wanderers that makes you lean towaed shooting more than CC. But I fully agree here. WWR are our best unit and we have to start playing them if we want to have a chance of victory sometimes (imo of course). Let s ally something else that takes the attention of our enemies if we are concerned about WWR being targeted. Give them some sort of target saturation. Now we have endless spells that we can use (the palissade for example to hide our units, or the pendulum for mortal wounds, or anyway some offensive spells even the sun!! ) I think they might be very useful. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Aezeal said:

    Yes they are too expensive for those stats... they are better but still a niche unit that needs to be put against monsters. General damage output should come from somewhere else I'd say.

    But that is the thing. Which other unit? I think GG are not consistent enough. And in wanderers army the most consistent now are SotW Waywatcher and WWR imo. I am ok taking one big unit of GG for alfa strike but then what? Enemy armies will not have just one strong unit, so when the strongest goes we will still have to face other, full strenght, units. I m just a bit puzzled on how to pull out consistent reliable dmg. 

  11. 2 hours ago, adreal said:

    @Frozenbeast I always viewed wanderers as a shooting army, so my lists tend to double down on the shooting aspect. I just find it off that you feel combat is the way to go, as pur combat units seem like a trap to me (eternal guard have 'okay' defence, wild riders are useless in combat without rend, wwr are still pretty expensive)

    Well, me too. The thing is that, considering the point reduction to wwr and SotW I see the army shifted a lot more toward CC and without the GG as they are not consistent (if ee take in consideration thatwe cannot  keep them safe anymore thanks to the changes to Realm Wanderers. 

    Do you really think they are still too expensive for a 2" 2a 3+ 3+ - 1 with high bravery? 

    4 hours ago, Ohnoflash said:

    Thanks for the battle report! :) I noticed you Said ”I deploy everything leaving the WR behind to avoid him deploying in the storm (or whatever the name of the ability is) and decide to go first”. Can you explain? Doesnt Every unit need to be deployed 6” from board edge?

    Leaving the WR behing the rest of my army. Physically behind not behind as in to be able to deploy the with the battalion ability. SCE can be kept "in the storm" and deep stiked 9" away from enemy units. So because I did not want this to happen behind my lines (and the deployment for this battle plan is basically siagonal), I deployed my WR basicalli in the corner, so bwhind all my other units, to avoid this to happen. 

    Is it clearer? ?

  12. @Kugane.

    Hey man, I stumbled across this video

    and I remembered you were trying to find out how to blend a blue-green iridescent effect color. Check it out!

    On the Youtube page it also has links to the creator (at least this is what is advertised in here) of the blending technique if it can be useful for other projects. I will definitely give it a go at some point.


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  13. Back from yesterday testing. It was 1500 pts Wanderers against SCE. From the beginning I knew it was not a good matchup (I think we can do gigantic ****** against SCE) and we decided to try the bouncing orb Battleplan, nontheless I tried my best.....and miserably failed!!!?

    Wanderers: Nomad Prince (I also forgot to take a second artifact due to the batallion but I think it would not have made the difference), Spellweaver, Waywatcher general with +1 to hit trait, Waywatcher, Waystrider with Forget-me-knot, 2x10 EG, 10xSotW, 10x WWR, 5x WR, 5xSotT

    SCE: Lord Celestant on Dracoth, Lord relictor, Lord Castellant+gryph-hound, Knight Heraldor, 10xLiberators w/ swords, 2xDracoths, 2x5 Judicators, 3xLongstrikes. (cannot remember artifacts but didn t really matter)

    First point, he had more shooting than me and therefore he hit hard on my EG shield-units and second turn they where out. Second point I had no ways of dealing with his dracoths a part from shielding them and considering the EG went in 2 turns I had to use the WR which disappeared in one swing.

    I deploy everything leaving the WR behind to avoid him deploying in the storm (or whatever the name of the ability is) and decide to go first (in hindsight I could have deployed further away from him and let him have the first turn but the objective was only one and I had to push forward) so I could grab the objective and shoot at him without him having buffs on his units. Used the waywatcher CA and made all his shooting -1 to hit which at least took away the mortal wounds on the Longstrikes. Got magic off to try and protect my units a bit. Moved the general along the side of the board to shoot without penalties but first roll went bad against judicators and that was the only chance I had to get rid of one entire unit. After that he would get cover into the wood and survive the rest of the game. Moved my WWR into cover alongside with the Waystrider and moved up a bit everything. Shooting did very little as I had to move to get in range. His first turn he get his buffs off and moves forward starting to pepper my EG with his shooting. Dracoths charge one unit of EG Celestant misses long charge. Liberators get in range of the objective and capture.  1-1

    The objective moves. Second turn I win roll off and decide to take it. None of the magic is successful, and I decide to use my 2 CP for the 2 main CA (waywatcher and Nomad Prince), shooting from the batallion rule does ****** killing maybe one or two Libs. . I move forward the WWR and Waystrider to engage the LCoD, shuffle forward with the remaining EG but already they are useless...too few to be effective in anything. WR go shield the Dracoths which in the meantime they deleted the other EG unit. The SotT regain the obj making me scoring. The general keeps shooting bad at the Judicators in the wood and SotW kill another Lib or two but with their rule they heal wounds back. I manage to charge the LCoD using Forget-me-knot...........and I go short one single wound!!!!!!!!!! His second turn he gets most of his buffs off but cannot heal the LCoD back. Knight Heraldor deals a bunch of MW with his horn blowing (I recon it is legit his MVP as he dealt I think at least 10 MW in all game ). He moves everything forward again and shoots finishing my EG and targeting the WWR for a couple of wounds. he charges and atomize the WR with his Dracoths. Libs charge the SotT+ NP and they do not do much a part from recapturing the obj while my NP defends himself well. His LCoD whiffs a lot of attacks and I try, with a much less efficient unit, to finish him off but between 5 WWR and a Waystrider the result of the DMG dealt is.....0 wounds!!!!!!!!!! the Celestant is still alive as he saves everything!! 2-2

    Objective moves again toward me ( I got very lucky with the bouncing but if not the game would have been over by now). He eventually double turns me and here is where thing get unfix-able. All his buffs go off(Libs can now retreat and charge do to the Heraldor ability), Dracoths advance, LCoD flee to avoid death and shooting delete my unit of WWR. Lord Castellant engage on the Waystrider (which BTW goes very close to killing the ****** lantern-bearer but again he saves incredibly high. On the other flank SptT+NP hold the Libs which retreat in the moving phase and charge toward the SotW (NP is pulled back into the fight) that anyway were halved already by his shooting. On my go I can only put the NP CA to try and hit a bit harder and again I manages to whiff all the magic (but I don t really know what benefit would have brought me). Waystrider resist one more fight outnumbered (gryph-hound was there too). Waywatcher general went picking mushrooms. As the obj moved toward me I regain it and he cannot get enough Libs to at least contest it. 3-2

    Objective bounces twice and toward him so from then on I can just Hope and Pray it then moves toward my Waywatcher general who is alone picking mushrooms. He wins again and go first, heals up the LCoD whih is not useful anymore as it wont charge. shooting finishes Waystrier (RIP) SotT and SotW. Dracoths charge Spellweaver and Waywatcher deleting them. Castellant captures obj Libs do nothing against NP. My turn Waywatcher general comes back from mushroom picking and cannot do ****** again as he saves everything. NP last breath of life managed to kill a couple of Libs leaving just the Champion but the perishes badly. 3-3

    Objective moves in the wrong direction and I concede he wins 3-4 with a suboptimal performance on my side and on the Wanderers side.

    As I said I got luck with the bounces but I found extremely difficult to put dmg out. The battalion abilities I found them useless at least in this situation (I could not keep all the Waywatchers close to me as I tried to get rid of at least one unit of Judicators, and SotW plus SotT were not enough to do substantial dmg). Realm wanderers looks very underwhelming as only one unit moving is just not enough (plus again, the battle plan did not really make it easy) although Forget-me-knot combo'd with the WWR can be knee-capping. I really liked it. Maybe I could have done something differently and I will definitely try this list again and against somebody else as SCE are a prohibitive army for us to beat, but all in all I am not satisfied with how it played. I think getting read of the WR and doubling on SotW (either 1x20 or 2x10) and WWR might be the way to go. I thing If we want to try and play at a higher level Wanderers have to be played  more CC oriented with no more than 2 units that shoot (without considering the Waywatchers). I am sure I remember somebody posting a list like 2x30WWR, 2x30GG, 1x30EG and some hroes (maybe even allies like a Phoenix) and I wanna say that now that they have reduced the cost for them, WWR might indeed be the way to go. comparing their stats with other armies units the are competitive and basing our armies on them might be beneficial (from model count point of view also as we would have more elitè army).



  14. 41 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    Am I the only one who doesn't feel like allying with the deepkin at all due to not matching that well on both aesthetic and lore level?

    No you are not! Now that they wen down I much rather ally 6 Kurnouth Hunters than the soulless teenagers. 

    25 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    To me, Wanderers and Idoneth have much in common, one wanders the land, the other the sea - both are deeply connected to the natural world.  Wanderers were rejected by Alarielle and The Idoneth were rejected by Teclis, both for reasons beyond their ability to control.  Both live on the margins of ordered society, not really understood by others within Order - even other Aelven societies.  There are more similarities between these two factions than you might think. 

    I feel they are very different in lore. Wanderers were rejected by Alarielle because we betrayed her and now we are trying to redeem ourselves. Idoneth Deepkins rebelled from Teclis because he wanted to exterminate them; plus now that they have their own society they need to kill to survive, and Aelves are their favorite prays as Aelves souls are the ones that fit better with them. Darkling covens and Daughters of Khaine are in Order Allegiance too but up until End Times they were seeking revenge on all other Elves (they were still Elves and not Aelves) and now they are in Order just because they decided to fight Archaon as Slaanesh was killing them too. I am oing a bit off topic here but it was just to explain what I ment?. I see Deepkin (lore wise) as another of the order controversies so I would not ally them to Wanderers. If though we are speaking about competitive play then I might have a change of heart.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Gwill_of_the_Woods said:

    Hey everyone,

    Can I please get some confirmation that this is a valid Waystone Pathfinder list.

    I haven't chosen any artefacts, but will take the Wanderers allegiance and will be playing a Nurgle army in the realm of Life.

    I'm open to suggestions on the artefacts, command traits, and who to use as general.

    Nomad Prince

    Spell Weaver

    3x Way Watcher

    1x10 Wild Riders

    1x5 Sisters of the Thorn

    1x20 Eternal Guard

    2x20 Glade Guard

    1x Sisters of the Watch

    Battalion: Waystone Pathfinder

    Total: 2000.

    Thanks :)

    Game on Sunday, I'll give feedback. :D

    It does look ok to me point wise and limits wise.

    I guess your choices are dictated by the amount of models you own and not by the fact that one unit is better or worst than another. 

    If this is not the case I would take the Waywatcher as a general, and personally lean toward more SotW than GG. you could drop 5 WR and do just one 30 man unit of GG and get a second SotW unit for more dmg output (while still having the chance of reducing big target down with the 1x -3 rend). Like this you will have 60 spare points to use in Endless spells maybe (I tried both the Swords and the shackles and they are very useful, or the pendulum too could be devastating if paired with the Realm Wanderers). Or further more keep only 20 GG and get something to ally that is 180 pts worth.

  16. Agreed against cavalry. Although mine was not a general talking and had something intrinsic: you have to teleport with a bit of grain of salt. I would not teleport my alfa-striking unit if I know it will get melted by somebody in CC. Maybe it was stupid of me talking about a topic that requires too many variables consideration and should not be discussed unless we talk of specific situations. But, considering the numbers you also wrote down (not far away from what I said), an isolated infantry unit would not be able to charge. Right?

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, Glam The Laughing Warrior said:

    Has anyone considered making the High Sister in a unit of SotW their general? She could take Stalker of the Hidden Paths so the SotW would be able to teleport to any table edge every turn.

    With the FAQ, they could always shoot twice, and if someone does manage to charge them, they get to shot again. The High Sister could also take Forget-me-not in case anything really scary charges them to give them a chance to Realm Wander away.

    Seems like it would turn them into a mobile killing machine, especially if it’s a unit of 20.

    (Obviously the SotW would not be battleline in this case so would have to get EG or GG)



    I am pretty sure from GHB2017 GW specified the General MUST be a model with the HERO keyword and not any model on the battlefield. I did not go through all of it yet but I am pretty sure this did not change in the new edition. Plus unless the opponent can do movement shenanigans he will not be in your face straight away (it is at least a 15" movement+charge) so in your next turn you could teleport another unit to shield them wherever they are (unless he gets double turn but that is to be taken in account).

    We normally play with the Battlehost limits at 1500 pts and I am planning to take that list @Aelfric wrote up because I wanna clear out my mind of any doubt (how do I do dmg, is the batallion really worth it or should I just get rid of the WR and double on SotW and WWR?). Let you know if it was effective or not.

  18. At 1500 pts we always used the limits for 2000, a part from allies which are easy to calculate (1000->200, 1500->300, 2000->400), which is 6 leaders, 3+ BL, 300 allies, 4 behemoth. Are you guys used to follow other limits?

  19. 4 hours ago, decker_cky said:

    I don't really care about ambushing generals (much less important now too since non-generals can use command abilities).

    I think the herdstone deployment rules are worse than GHB2017, since it allowed you deploy much further forward. Under the old rules, it could be ~10" beyond your deployment zone (general at edge of the deployment zone, nearest edge of a 4" herdstone deployed 6" out.  

    The advantage now is that the herdstone deployment isn't tied to the general, so is more flexible. 

    In most cases it's not a major difference, but there's some battle plans where the herdstone is forced to deploy way too far back (for example, total conquest and relocation orb).


    I  think deployment zone is good for Herdstone what is worst is the rules for special scenaries (Damned, Inspiring, etc...) as now only units within 1", either friends or foes, suffer the effects of it an it means our GBS are forced very near to it.

    Ambushing Beastlord are good if they are not the general as they are as expendable as every other beast in your army.

    So I have been looking for all the other warscrolls we could include in ours beast lists and I came across something we already talked about previously but the rules were of dodgy interpretation. I am talking about Skin Wolves. I saw they have looked into their warscroll and changed it a bit. It is true they have increased the pt cost to 160 and removed  the -1 Bravery within 3", although now they are 4A (nothing new here) 3+ 3+ -1 2 they also have the similar (I would say better) rule to bullgors' (every unmodified 6 on HIT rolls generate 2 hits instead). 

    I think they might be a good addition to our bestial ranks. What do you guys think?

  20. Yeah, Masterful sniper can be good too especially if you leave the opponent the first turn so he gets closer to you, definitely generating attacks on 4+ is not bad at all even for a single hero. Plus you can try and put him on a flank within 6" of an edge and move up using realm wanderers as it counts as not moved for the ability to get+1 to hit. You will move 6" anyway.

    In my experience none of our units resist a charge and our opponent swinging first at us especially with big center pieces or hitty units so you will have to choose your fights very well even if in many situations it is just not possible. Looking forward to hearing from you, let us know how it went. I might actually try this myself.

    Good luck m8.

    • Thanks 1
  21. 34 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    There's a small 1500 point tournament next week at my local shop and I've been dithering between Wanderers and mixed order.  However, I have put together a Wanderers list and would welcome some feedback.

    Nomad Prince - General - Myst Walker - Forget-me-Knot

    Spellweaver - Viridescent Shawl




    10 Eternal Guard

    10 Eternal Guard

    10 Wildwood Rangers

    10 Sisters of the Watch

    5 Sisters of the Thorn

    5 Wild Riders

    Waystone Pathfinders Battalion

    This comes to exactly 1500 points.  The aim is really to hope for a good alpha strike to deplete the enemy enough to weather the rest of the battle - the "Who Dares Wins" approach. 2 command points in the first turn to re-roll charges and the Forget-me-knot to take out big heroes ( like Morathi ).  What do you think?

    (Found a use for the Waystrider at last :) )

    Do you not need one more BL?? Why not moving the general to one of the Wywatchers to have the SotW as BL? Plus you will get the 10" range trait and can keep it safer.

    I see the excitement of playing the Batallion at 1500 pts but I cannot really see the dmg output in this list, or is it just me? What is your plan?

    With the new changes to the trait we will need to have more and more units to "take the hit" from the  opponent and 10 man units I think are a little bit too fragile. I like the forget me knot choice I will definitely a go myself at some point. 

  22. 1 hour ago, Origin said:

    That FAQ... Bloody hell. They take with one hand and give with the other. The FAQ is great, it's what we all wanted, for one freaking unit a turn...! 

    Even if it might seem obvious, let's not drawing conclusions before having read the change. The video that spoiled the ability did not specified other changes but this does not mean there won't be any. Maybe it is restricted to one unit but all table edge and not just the one yo came out of and then maybe Sothp specify that you can move all the units within x" from the bearer. Do not despair my friends, our time will come and it will be bloody painful then!!!!

  23. 8 hours ago, awcamawn said:

    The Aethervoid pendulum will perhaps prove to be the best endless spell - even if your opponent gets to move it they can't move it backwards towards you and it deals the big d6 wounds, all at 20 points less the the Lifeswarm. Sure, they perform very different functions but it's hard to overlook the disparity in point efficiency. 

    I still think I will find a way to fit it in a list and field it, looks fun to paint and everything. Combine with the Spellweaver's Blessing of Life to bring back 2d3 slain Sisters of the Watch per turn, as you say, and laugh maniacally. 

    I have been thinking the same about the Pendulum. As it is not predatory (or it is, I don't remember but still our opponent cannot move it toward us) it could be a sick combo having our spellweaver teleporting to one table edge and flank the opponent with the pendulum hitting a big number of the enemy units. Or the SotT moving up to the flank and casting it from there. Pendulum travel a lot and if our opponent does not want all his army hit by it he will have to move quickly. 

    9 hours ago, awcamawn said:

    Its big downfall is that they shackles are relatively easy to dispel, but that means the opponent has 'wasted' a spell to do so or else have their army move at a snail's pace.

    And this was exactly my point with the Swords. it is a 20 pts spell that has the potential of allowing us to one-shot small characters or at least helping us to kill them in one turn and the enemy will HAVE to dispel it or risk to have more MW suffered. It is so random that can result in a faff or a big shot (while others cannot do more than, say, d3 or d6 MW the swords have the potential, very small chance is true but still, to do 12!!!!).  And it is another one that can be cast long distance (se-up wholly within 12", moved 8" (20") and one unit within 6" (26"!!) is affected) and it covers a big area.


    8 hours ago, adreal said:

    I hadn't even considered the shackles, but slowing down combat armies (who sometimes tend to lack in the wizard department) is a good idea, but getting them into range seems to be the hard part

     I think there is the potential to have a big area covered still. You place the main one wholly within 12", then the other two within 6" of the first one and then every unit within 6" is affected  so potentially you cover a 18" area in a straight line or you can place them in V shape to keep less but more dangerous units slow for longer.

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