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Everything posted by Envyus

  1. So how many units will we likely be able to bring in the legions of Nagash.
  2. Teclis exploded because of Mannfred killing Gelt.
  3. It's mainly to allow Dark Elf players to complete a collection. Though I have no idea why they discontinued Lokhir Fellheart. He is an awesome model and would work great as an alternative Black Ark fleet-master. (Somthing they even point out about him.) I am also of the opinion that Fantasy's Lore and Age of Sigmars Lore can co exist. And that I think it would be great for them to spin off Warhammer Legends into a sub game.
  4. As mentioned we may get a Warhammer Legends book that will have stuff like point values and such.
  5. I like this idea and am happy there are doing something with the older stuff. I think a really cool idea would be to release a Warhammer Legends book. With Spell Lores, basic Faction abilities and point values for the Legends factions.
  6. There are rumored to be three versions of the Aspects of Mathlann.
  7. Fun fact while it may not be true according to the ex GW employee who wrote it. One of the main reasons Tomb kings were dropped is because the lore writers forgot to write them into the core book before it went to print.
  8. Honestly I am shocked that Lokhir Fellheart's model got discontinued. It's really awesome.
  9. Yeah I think it's the Purple Sun of Xereus. An Aspect of Mathlann is the report. Appearntly there are a couple of variant Aspects of Mathlann as well.
  10. Also I think I realized what that Orb is. I think it's the Purple Sun of Xereus. Which for those who don't know is one of the iconic Lore of Death spells.
  11. I really like the Warhammer Legends thing and hope for more details on it.
  12. Impressions being given that we may be getting an expanded magic book.
  13. We don't know yet it's just assumed I think. What is cool is that we look to be getting a magic expansion.
  14. From the description and video featuring the Orb I think some sort of magic supplement may be coming.
  15. Both games which is a awesome. The Fantasy one and the Age of Sigmar one.
  16. Secept last I checked Gladiators were just slaves meant to fight for amusement. They were not a murderous cult that killed everyone else related. I am still of 100% of the mind they should be their own thing. There is no need to hold to just four grand alliences. Just have a GA for the forces of Ulgu like Death is for Shyish and Destruction Ghur.
  17. I feel like they should have GA Other for factions that don't fit with the others. Fyreslayers and the Dark Elf factions would work best there.
  18. I never played WHFB I just read the lore and only became interested in it recently. As most people new to the hobby are. Many were brought in by Vermintide and Total War and were a tad confused when everything was different. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ REMOVED COMMENT - Really not impressed with that
  19. No honestly they would fit better in Destruction or their own GA.
  20. No it's fine with being exciting. The new stuff is cool. I am just saying it's not new. The part that is actually souring me is that it is GA Order.
  21. I hope they get somthing similar to the Dark Elder Wychs. Were they can always attack first in the fight phase even if charged. (Unless someone has a similar ability.)
  22. When did I say it was boring? To share your analogy. The Daughters of Khaine are not a new branch. They are a branch that is already there growing some new leaves that people are treating as a branch.
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