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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 6 hours ago, Paladin of Khorne said:

    Is anybody worried that when the next waves or Tyrion’s nations come out, the current 4 paint schemes might be out of date or different than what one might want? If I paint my spear men and horses ymetrican blue, and Tyrion comes out with an awesome green nation.... see where I’m getting at?


    how are you all planning for this or is it kind of cross that bridge when we come to it?

    I doubt it. 'Eavy Metal schemes are very consistent to keep a cohesive theme around the box pictures.

    A good example are the Thousand Sons. The stock blue/gold technically represent Ahriman's (former?) renegades, rather than those who were still loyal to Magnus but pretty much every single piece of art still depicts them in that scheme.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Xasto said:

    With the GHB on the horizon, what changes are we expecting ? 

    Increases in points for hearthguard?

    Decreases for the magmadroths? Vulkites?

    Points increase for Hearthguard.

    Everything else untouched.

  3. 3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah, they have best seller stuff on their store site. The only old kits I've consistently seen there are Skaven, Seraphon and parts of the Daughters of Khaine.

    Otherwise it's all new stuff and former limited-supply heroes. Even the Stormcast kits from 2015 & 2017 went strong this year on best sellers despite not matching up to the competitive edge it's usual slew of DoK, Fyreslayers and Ossiarchs have.

    In fairness, I really wouldn't trust the Best Sellers list. What gets slapped up there seems to be pretty arbitrary. If it was an actual best sellers list updated off raw purchases, the entire 40k section would literally be nothing but Primaris Space Marines. 

    I mean Tyrant Guard, really

  4. 12 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:

    Do we have any idea what will be next army after Gargants? I'm guessing it's toss between Kurnothi, Malerion Aelves and Soulblight at this point?

    My guess is either multi-part Slaves To Darkness or Soulblight. On the other hand there's every possibility that GW will just pull something completely out of the left-field. 

    I'm also willing to bet it'll be a Christmas Day reveal like Gloomspite were.

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  5. I wouldn't read too much into the Warpriest going OOP. He pops up on almost every piece of promotional art for Soulbound, which needs to go through an approval process by GW. The Skaven Deathrunner also went OOP and we know they're not going anywhere.  Based on absolutely nothing I can only guess the moulds broke and they weren't selling well enough to justify fixing it (this happens with Forge World sometimes).

    Cities of Sigmar is one of the most popular AoS armies out there at present and not just because of WHFB holdovers considering how often their stuff - including humans - goes Temporarily Sold Out Online on the website. GW are probably pretty happy with that considering those moulds will have earned their costs years ago. 

    I DO think that when AoS started, GW might very well have gone in with designs of keeping 'normal' humans to the background and giving almost all their human focus to the Stormcast, but they've been dialling back that focus for some time now and Cities of Sigmar coming relatively recently might not be a coincidence in that regard.

    Also, humanity can't be wiped out because Sigmar's purpose and planning will have amounted to nought. Even when Chaos 'won', non-corrupted humanity endured both in and outside of Azyur. It's worth keeping in mind that lorewise humans who worship Sigmar and side with Order are the EXCEPTION unlike in Fantasy and most of them at least pay lipservice to the Chaos Gods, even if it doesn't feel that way when so much of the fiction is from Order's POV.

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  6. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    We know they do playtest, so why do things like Changehost, Petrifex, Locus and, well, Lumineth as previewed still make the book?

    There is less need to write new books if the powercreep of half the new books (somehow there's a clear distinction) is curtailed.

    We know from Iron Hands playtesters that GW rules writers only really take things under advisement and that they'll ignore things if they think it's 'thematic' or 'characterful', which is why we can end up with abyssal balance much of the time.

    Having competitive players chipping in is actually a very new thing to the studio, as it seems like they mostly playtest in a very casual environment among themselves, which is also why they're often so blindsided by combinations that seem obvious in hindsight.

  7. As much as I'd love to see Vampires, Ossiarchs are still less than a year old, Order has Lumeinth of course and Destruction will get Sons. That leaves Chaos unless you count the StD Start Collecting.

    My guess is either a new Chaos army (Dwarfs please) or the multi-part Slaves to Darkness kits. With 9th 40k probably clogging the focus for the remaining six months, I reckon the next big AoS army will be previewed at Christmas like Gloomspite were and released New Year. Tthe very-possibly-vampire Rumour Engines could be hinting at a new army, but the very-possibly-FEC ones mixed in make me think War Cry and/.or Underworlds is also possible, especially when we're about due (if not for Covid) to get another season.

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  8. 14 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    This is the first time that GW has kicked off a brand new AoS faction with a limited release box set right? The only other time I remember them doing something similar was with sisters of battle and it ended up taking like... a month or two to get the whole range out afterwards didn't it? Or am I forgetting something?

    It's the first time for AoS unless you count Feast of Bones having Ossiarchs ahead of the proper release. 

    They used to do these limited army bundles years and years ago for some factions when they received an update with new models, usually including one exclusive miniature. Tau had a unique Ethereal, Guard had a Standard bearer (it was literally the Kell model but wearing standard Cadian gear), Beasts of Chaos and Bretonnians had a unique Battle Standard Bearer I think, the former of which was on Made to Order a while back.  I don't remember the rest, but I think they stopped doing them just before 4th edition 40k.


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  9. 26 minutes ago, Raviv said:

    They are doing a full unboxing of the new box today. Doesn't it mean it might go up for preorder as soon as next week?

    Not necessarily. If I recall 8th had about a month gap between announcement and pre-order, which was over two weeks rather than the usual one. I think Dark Imperium was revealed right alongside the announcement too, though I can't say for sure. 

  10. Good to see some interest. 

    Since creation is pretty self-explanatory, could you please put down some information about their potential characters? Name, Species,, Archtype, possibly Short and Long-Term Goals (as individuals) if you've ideas for them already, plus whatever bits of background and personality you wish to include (doesn't need to be wordy, but an overview is nice). We can sort out the cruchy bits later. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Surely then as they've just put up the 8th book they would take a week or two before dropping the 9th? Besides PA what's left for 40K before 9th now? A Necromunda gang?

    I think the consensus around the rumours is mid-July? But I could also see GW holding off if they think a second wave might send the UK back into another lockdown. 

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  12. Until an RPG-specific forum rears it's head, this seemed as good a place to put this. If one appears or this needs merging with the RPG thread then I'm sure the mods will do just that. Until such a time however...

    I've noticed a few people mention a play-by-post for the Soulbound RPG over on it’s native thread and since having skim read the book a few times I thought I would take the plunge and set up a play-by-post game here on the forum. Ordinarily I'm quite adverse to play-by-post games because as soon as combat rolls around everything has a way of grinding to screeching halt, but luckily Soulbound's somewhat more abstract and narrative-driven ruleset appears friendlier to these slower formats. This will be as much me experimenting with the system as it will, likely, be most (if not all) of the group's first time with it. Of course the beauty of play-by-post is the lack of "UHH"'s and time lost flicking awkwardly through a rulebook at the table.

    I'll be looking for ideally 3-5 players, although being PbP there's a bit of flexibility here. This won't be first come, first served and if players drop out there's always the possibility to insert replacements if the story is permitting of it (which it may not be in places). I should also point out that I'm planning this as something of a lengthy one-shot rather than a campaign, but if the group meshes well and things go smoothly, I might keep it going into a proper ongoing campaign. You should know that I'm a sucker for roleplaying in my RPGs, so those who come forward with 'character first' intent will, hopefully, enjoy themselves more who look at these as a scaled down wargame - here's nothing wrong with that approach of course, it's just how I tend to run my games.

    Archtypes - To keep referencing simple, I'll only be allowing 'official' Archtypes presented in the book. As much as I love the idea of the homebrewed Free Guild Guard or Ironbreaker, I want to keep things pretty RAW for the time being. The characters will have undertaken their Binding pretty recently, with this being their first mission undertaken as a group (though individuals may have known one another prior, but that's up to player discretion). I'm leaving party-specific deliberately vague right now since it will depend on who/what we end up with.

    So what do I need? Interest first of all. This can be as simple as "I'm down, I would like to play a X" or posting a character sheet with background, personality and the works. It won't be first come, first serve, but if there's a sizeable amount of interest I will have to pick and choose based on what's in front of me. 

    Expectation -  The death-knell of all play-by-post games is first and foremost ghosting, but also tardiness, especially when it comes to combat. Sometimes events conspire to make daily posting impossible and that's expected, but waiting in vain hope of somebody rearing their head after too long has a way of making the game slip to the fringes of peoples minds. For that reason I am going to be somewhat strict when it comes to posting times. In 'free time' where there's nothing of urgency relating to the characters there won't be too much of an expectation to post, nor much of an order, however when players are expected to respond (interacting with NPCs, skill checks, etc) I will be expecting at least a post every three days. In combat, I will want a post every two days after which point I will either skip your turn, or control the character for you. Where possible I will 'group' rolls together and take them on your behalf (EG: I have your character sheets so I can just roll as a group for Initiative, etc). 

    Newcomers to RPGs are of course welcome. This is a very new system so pretty much everybody will be at least a little new to the mechanics.

    If you've any questions then feel free to fire away. I'll probably keep updating this OP when things I've forgotten to mention spring to mind.


  13. On 5/28/2020 at 9:08 AM, NazbitWeirdstabba said:

    How do ASoIaF scale with GW? 


    Stormcast -> Robb -> N/A -> Lannister Guardsman -> N/A -> Clanrat -> Lannister Guardsman -> Stark Outrider -> N/A

    Not my pic just one I found, though I do have the makings of a Baratheon army. They're definitely on the larger scale but nothing that would stand out with the way newer GW models have been scaling up (with some obvious exceptions like Clegane). The detail on the newer kits is great though and the size makes 'em much less frustrating to paint for someone like me. 

    @AthelLoren I always liked the look of Orboros Reeves though so I'm bias, but I do think they'd look great in a Living City.

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  14. 11 minutes ago, Overread said:

    there was clearly a phase - 40K started adopting and AoS at lauch was embracing it fully - of when GW was going to roll out lots of smaller factions. We saw this - Custodes, Sisters of Silence - Yinnari  - the growing prominance of "subfactions" outside of Marines. I think at the end of the Kirby era marketing was moving toward spreading armies wider through many many subfactions rather than new armies and new ideas. Clearly the thinking on that took a huge turn with new management and adopting a new focus. I think GW was starting at new armies as a secret weapon of big fast sales; however that's a short term profit generating idea and overlooks the importance of long term considerations. Especially for a market that relies heavily on long term gamers. Long term fans are the ones organising clubs; welcoming newbies; running games; playing the game; marketing the game. That guy with his one Daughters of Khaine army for 10 years is your marketing man selling it to others. If you release a billion new armies and never another DoK new model or update then you lose that gamer (at best) and at worst they turn into a campaigner against your game 

    Around the same time the first rumours of AoS were leaking out - most of which proved true - one of the things mentioned was that it's armies would be cycled and all, essentially, limited releases. The theory was they'd be encouraging people to buy a new, albeit smaller army every year or so rather than sitting on one collection and slowly expanding. Obviously this being the Kirby era - and going full steam ahead into AoS - they didn't foresee how pretty much making people's collections redundant in a big/whole way might upset people.

    Presumably they've moved away from that though.

    You can also see this with things like Fyreslayers - one of the earliest AoS-exclusive armies - only such a small range, compared to things like Ossiarchs and Lumineth had pretty decent numbers of new and varied kits with good scope to expand into different designs than, 'Naked Dwarf on foot'.

    My personal take is that we're going to keep seeing new armies until the holdovers from WHFB are either replaced, or have AoS specific sculpts (EG Slaves to Darkness.) obvious exceptions being Skaven and Lizardmen as they're a very 'GWified' range already.

  15. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    Yeah, my first instinct was to say 40k, but it's got a crude gear heavy look that would work for AoS's more advanced tech factions.

    The The round part looks almost identical to what's on the Imperial Knight joints.

    My guess is a a terrain piece for 40k with rules to it.

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  16. 2 hours ago, michu said:

    I must say that I don't see in Dark Elves anything I didn't see in Drows. Equally sadistic and terrible.


    Dark Elves being biologically the same as High Elves was their biggest difference, I think. They weren't literally 'dark', just ideologically opposed which was always more interesting than the usual Drow depiction. 

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  17. 34 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    It's absolutely not inevitable. Many businesses are approaching this situation in the opposite way; they see that consumers have less to spend and are trying to increase value and/or decrease prices in order to drum up more business.

    GW probably looked at their product selling out pretty much everywhere despite the crisis and the demand drowning their webstore upon reopening and figured (see: knew) that people will pay pretty much any absurd price for their products.

    I mean, I don't blame them. They could mark up 100% at this point and most people would still gobble it up. They probably figure the number of people who'll buy at increased prices - especially with a new 40k edition on the horizon - will make up for those who can't afford to buy into the games anymore.

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