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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. *Swigs Copium Sugar-Free(tm)* Slaanesh's kids were included in Broken Realms barely a month after the Hedonites Battletome. Maybe they'll do something similar with Fyreslayers and/or Idoneth in future campaign books. *Drinks too much and dies*
  2. I think it'll just be a Battletome announcement. I think if either FS or IDK were due to get a wave we'd have seen it used on the Advent Calendar instead of both being 40k. 'Sizzling Duardin' just sounds like a play on them having a thing for Fire rather than a hint at anything. I hope I'm wrong of course.
  3. "Can I offer you a Primaris Space Marine in this trying time?" - GW, probably.
  4. I don't think people hate the box so much as they are "meh" about it. None really had high expectations it feels like - hope, yes but extremely tempered and wishlisty hope. It's not a... bad box, particularly for Fyreslayers. It's just disappointing.
  5. You might as well grab the Fyreslayer SC now, since it seems unlikely they'll do much more than throw a Hearthguard box and maybe a Hero blister in when the Vanguard inevitably replaces it and trims some of the savings.
  6. I suppose if there's one upside it's that you can very easily proxy him with the existing Runesmith and Runemaster model, but that just means there's even less incentive to pick it up.
  7. Fury of the Deep article. Well, if there's one positive it's that the new Hero won't be difficult to proxy with the Runemaster?
  8. Fyreslayers were definitely in need of another half-naked foot Hero. Truly, our prayers have been answered.
  9. Age of Sigmar fans refreshing the Community page and it's another 40k article.
  10. Tossing Dispossessed in with Fyreslayers doesn't work the same way it doesn't work with Kharadrons. Back in Ye Olde Worlde, Slayers and the more 'out there' Engineer units were just small parts of the army (Heroes, Special or Rare) and aesthetically designed to fit in with the rest of the range, both in terms of rules and aesthetics. Fyreslayers and Kharadron however both have very distinct rules, lore and aesthetics as they're intended to be standalone armies. Put the Dwarf Gyrocopter next to any of the Kharadron airships and you can see there's a distinctive, deliberate difference between them. Hell, put Gotrek next to a Fyreslayer and he looks 'off'.
  11. It's probably Bugman since Warhammer World has the Bugman's Bar with a few exclusive models of Josef. However my first thought turned to the 25th White Dwarf Grombrindal model, but that might just be the paint job that's doing it, since he lacks the curled moustache that Josef has.
  12. No, it was the semi-naked dwarf with a long orange beard and a small axe and a pick.
  13. Let me live in my delusion for another twenty-three hours please.
  14. They get three (Patriarch, Magus, Primus) but technically they come from the same box.
  15. Has there been a Battlebox yet that has repeated the contents of a Start Collecting(!)? I don't mean a bit of overlap, but the entire contents of one? I ask because unless they double up on Hearthguard boxes they pretty much have to include the Magmadroth/Vulkites of the SC(!) or include a new unit. I'm setting myself up for disappointment I know.
  16. With such a limited range I think it'll come down to how much they want to reuse the SC contents and if it'll be anything but a new Hero. These Battleboxes have been shrinking in size it feels like, probably to keep the price to around that £105 range. My guess? New Hero + Magmadroth + x2 Hearthguard
  17. It would be funny if they reveal the new Fyreslayer Battletome and all those Dwarf Soup """rumours""" and everything around them was promptly get shown to be nonsense.
  18. Stay calm, sons of Grimnir! I said stay calm! STAY CALM! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  19. I wouldn't expect anything for AoS tomorrow. Next bet is probably the New Year's Day Preview.
  20. Nothing in last years Advent Calendar was actually revealed at Christmas, right? It was just Glutos I think...? So I'm setting my expectations very low either way. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if it was just another Primaris character this year.
  21. I'm expecting Be'lakor to win, but I voted Crimson Court.
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