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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. They've not even had the MTO they announced before the Defence of the North-themed one yet, so I doubt it. I think we'll see the Dragon Emperor revealed first - maybe even released - before then.
  2. Next week seems a good bet. I could also see next week being the Nighthaunt vs Daughters box. There's A LOT of Eldar stuff to come out, probably too much for it to fill one-week and the 19th is the Black Library Celebration, so I doubt they'd want to split it across three weeks. Plus they'd presumably want the FOMO box to sit for a while and releasing kits separately within a week might take away from that. If it's not next week then I wouldn't be shocked if we don't see it until March. It feels like we only had the announcement/roadmap due to the negative reaction of LVO, which may hint at it being much further out.
  3. What's going on in this thread- ...Grimnir's Beard.
  4. Random lore tidbit, but the Harrowdeep book confirms Halflings are a thing in the Mortal Realms. I know most people guessed so by Glutos' chef, but I remember some people still being sceptical.
  5. With DoK getting another 'tome already, I honestly wouldn't apply any logic to Battletome releases. Throw a dart at a board. The result is about as likely as any other guess.
  6. Black Library Celebration pre-orders are on the 19th. In AoS terms that's just the Kragnos novel (and tangentially the Witch Hunter reprint I guess?) but hey.
  7. There were no Elf Soup rumours, but equally I don't think there's ever been any legitimately sourced Dwarf Soup rumours either. It was entirely educated guesses based off Mawtribes/Warclans and the lore talking about Grungni wanting reunification. It just took on a life of it's own because it was parroted enough. Sort of like all those now debunked """leaks""" saying Ossiarchs were getting a new 'tome and an archer unit any day now because their Underworlds warband had a model with a bow.
  8. If that. GW's shown they've no problem releasing new Battletomes for armies less than twelve months between their last one. It's possible we get a Dawi Soup 'tome in the next eight months. STAY VIGILANT!
  9. I think the difference with 8th is that everybody except Space Marines (surprise, surprise) reused the same cover art from 7th, whilst the roadmap seems to be pointing at some factions having new art and some (most?) being new pieces which is a bit odd,
  10. I'd be surprised if it didn't come out in the next few weeks honestly. The release schedule is looking a bit thin and considering they didn't announce them at LVO it's possible IDK/FS won't have their Battletomes until the end of February.
  11. With Endless Spells regularly going out-of-stock for long periods on the webstore and the lack of Soulblight Endless Spells despite Warhammer Vampires always having been powerful with magic, I'd put it down to Covid-related issues getting things shipped from China more than anything else and perhaps GW wanting to move more in-house on that front. Genestealer Cults had their faction terrain straight up yanked out of the codex this month, which seemed odd when it was a relatively new model in an army that was already severely lacking in it.
  12. To be fair, the Soul Wars didn't see many post-NH Death releases until Ossiarchs at the tail end of the second year. Might be Winter is when we start seeing it go all Destruction, particularly with the lack of Battletomes until then.
  13. On one hand it definitely feels cheap and sort of indicative of FS' literally red headed step-child status. On the other hand it's a really nice cover and it'd be hard to improve upon. I do wonder if getting a new cover depends upon the 'tone' of it. The 2.0 Nighthaunt cover art does not look out of place next to the new artwork, nor does the Fyreslayer cover, whilst the 2.0 DoK book doesn't have the same dark palette and feel to it.
  14. My guess is the Chaos 'tome will be Blades of Khorne because if they shove their sub-faction rules into an actual Battletome they can take Wrath of the Everchosen out of print.
  15. In other news, the Blood Bowl Yhetee's been confirmed to none's surprise.
  16. I guess this quashes most of the """leaks""" then? No OBR 'tome or wave. No Destruction 'tome at all, so no Ogre Summer No Dawi Soup until at least 2023, etc.
  17. At first the reused Fyreslayer cover had me worried, like it was a phoned-in book whilst they prepped for soup in the near future, but then I saw the Nighthaunt cover and KALM. I doubt there's any logic to it since Nighthaunt are very popular, beyond maybe a commissioned artist not getting it done on time. I don't blame them for reusing it, as sandlemad said they're not going to top it but it does feel a little weird when almost everyone else is getting new artwork. Poor Daughters of Khaine players though. If I was them I'd be even angrier if I'd forked out for the Limited Edition, nevermind BR: Morathi.
  18. It's also £125. Yikes. Hopefully the DoK vs NH box manages to dodge that and still be £105, although the presence of the new unit makes me doubtful.
  19. The sizzling is their sprues being melted down.
  20. Daughters of Khaine just being the Witch Elves from Dark Elves split off and given a few more units/centrepiece is what makes me think they'll be souped, similar to how Mawtribes was just remerging the separated Ogre Kingdoms, Skaven bringing Pestilens back into the fold and Warclans bringing Savage Orcs and expanded Black Orcs (Ironjaws) together again.
  21. I can see DoKhaine being merged into whatever Malekith's lot are, but Idoneth just feel too distinctive visually and in lore to really soup well into that.
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