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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Thunderstrike Liberator tease? Seems GW are trying to get ahead of the speculation and all but telling us they're coming to the tabletop.
  2. I was wondering that, but Valkia's current spear seems to have a Khorne symbol on it, which it seems likely they'd keep? Not that anything is stopping them from changing it up of course. The spikes on the haft align. Or maybe we'll get some sort of 'Generic Khorne Valkyrie' Hero?
  3. Callis and Toll I think are more likely to be the Black Library Celebration model(s) next year, especially with Cities of Sigmar technically not even being out yet (since GW don't seem to consider Army Set LEs a 'proper' codex/Battletome release). It's far from impossible GW still slap a CoS release into Dawnbringers, but I feel it would still be in Book IV at the absolute earliest. For AoS I think we'll see the leaked Ghouls, just because otherwise GW would probably have 'unspoilt' them by now if they weren't being saved for the stream. It's also the worst kept secret in the hobby that FEC will be the next Battletome, so they'd serve as a nice "FEC coming 2024" reveal of sorts, without blowing the lid on everything. Scyla and Valkia are both viable candidates for new models. It would be unusual for us to get two new named Heroes at once, but then we did just get Dawnbringers II being exclusively Destruction (and mostly Ironjawz) at that. My money is on Scyla just because he's been name dropped, whereas Valkia has only been implied. On the other hand, Valkia is far and away the more popular character and very requested for a resculpt. Sylvaneth received their model wave not long ago, so a single Hero seems a good shout. Based off the Dawnbringer Chronicle, maybe an Outcast/Spite-Revenant Hero of sorts? They could also be the 'Kharadron' of this book and just get an Army of Renown as a pity reward. A Darkoath Hero seems likely based on the trailers, but I wonder if that might be a Book IV thing if this one has emphasis on Khorne? Of course, Book II was all Destruction, so who knows. Maybe we'll finally see the 1998 Marauders updated here? With Nurgle and the Harbingers being desperate to get their plagues spreading, maybe a Clan Pestilen model? We had the Underworlds warband the other month. A new generic Plague Priest? Maybe even a unit of Censer Bearers? If 4.0 is going to be fronted by Skaven it would be a good idea to start the party early.
  4. Foot Battle Standard Bearer revealed early, as a tease "of many reveals coming this week for Warhammer: The Old World".
  5. Early reveal of the Foot BSB from the Preview. "He is the first of many reveals coming this week for Warhammer: The Old World and a host of other games"
  6. Skaven, Khorne and Sylvaneth seem the most likely shout based off Book II. It also seems a reasonable assumption The Blacktalons will get rules in one of the books and they were announced a while ago now, so maybe them for III as well? That GW haven't un-spoilt either the FEC Ghouls or the Bretonnian Pegasus Lord makes it extremely likely they'll be shown there at the Preview imo (along with the Tomb King equivalent). As always I'm usually wrong about this stuff though, so just assume the opposite of everything I wrote above.
  7. If I remember right, on the stream they revealed Get Off The Road they said more stuff for MESBG was coming, but something happened behind the scenes that necessitated it being pushed back.
  8. Man Reads Book reads... uhhh, box (and book). Also Sprews and Brews. I haven't seen any of the influencers talking about Vulkyn Flameseekers or Monsta-killaz yet, but I don't know if that's just because they have too much stuff to review, lack of interest or if GW made them hold out until next week. Ordered my own box of Flameseekers at any rate. Can't let the side down.
  9. Technically there was the Battle for Skull Pass Lord who was plastic. I've always been torn on the unreleased plastic Lord. It doesn't look like it was a very good sculpt, especially compared to the other multi-part characters of the time (Empire General on Horse, etc) and I think the metal Lord/BSB we got in it's place was much better, but I still think it would have been nice for conversion potential.
  10. The educated guess is Harry the Hammer. The optimistic guess is Grombrindal. The real guess is a Primaris Marine.
  11. They've said for a while now TOW would have new plastics.
  12. Underworlds gets a Metawatch, which is surprising. Have they ever name dropped "Warhammer Skirmish Studio" before now?
  13. Vulkyn Flameseekers and Monsta-killaz Warcry rules preview.
  14. Those weren't his leaks. They were posted on Bolter and Chainsword and he just regurgitated them. There's a reason his "Primarch rumours" are lambasted and memed. He's been wrong about TOW dates. There's a number of 30k things he's been wrong about. His "40k 10th launch will be Angels of Death themed" turned out wrong as well, I'll give him credit for being accurate about a fair amount of stuff, but that's largely been things which weren't super far away from a reveal. If it's something no more a few months away he's usually good for it. Any longer and it gets so-so.
  15. Valrak's trustworthiness usually dives off a cliff with regards to anything more than a month or two out from a reveal. If he's talking about what a reveal show will have only a few weeks away he's usually spot on, but the further out he is the more his credibility drops.
  16. Good stuff, although a few things smell of the game being designed for consoles first, which is always eyebrow raising for an RTS. I'll still give the demo a good go though and that'll decide my final decision on whether to pre-order or not.
  17. "Nevermore FEC Rumour Engines" quoth the Raven. Or something.
  18. Some Warhammer Day details. Since they've not revealed the Ghouls today, probably fair to assume we'll see them there, presumably along with Dawnbringers III?
  19. Well if they didn't want people to get confused, GW shouldn't have released a box called DeathGORGE the same week as a different box that has Gorgers in it. 😅
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