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Everything posted by 5kaven5lave

  1. Yeah, it’s got to be this otherwise it’s worthless. The ‘magic-eating’ description on the back of the box becomes more merited now. That’s really fluffy and cool, love it. Still taking the Rage-Grip, but love it.
  2. @Malakree Aaaaah, completely forgot about the artefact. It’s almost an autoinclude for the list I’m running then, that answers that one, cheers!! Think the list looks great, let us know how it plays out!!
  3. Yeah, your experience mirrors mine pretty closely. That vomit is lethal but melee is swingy. She’s a great tarpit with spellcasting ability. Have been using the Cauldron, would like to find some points for Cogs so she can cast another spell with it and rerolling her saves would make her even more unkillable (probably overkill but useful nonetheless). Anyone else got any thoughts on the Batallion? Still undecided if it’s worth it.
  4. Great numbers, thanks man. I feel the Hag outperforms all alternatives in terms of pure sex appeal though, so keeping her in 😉 Been thinking about painting mine in the pale white colour scheme the Troggboss comes in on the box, think it’ll be cool to have them matching.
  5. Played 2 games vs. Stormcast, she’s nigh unkillable with the charm and D6 Regen, my opponent stopped bothering trying to kill her after a while.
  6. Yep, certainly how I played them, worked well. The models look amazing as well, great kit. They take an age to put together though!!
  7. Both really, maybe I was having below average dice but having played another quick game today I think getting full strength units into combat will be difficult. Played Knife to the Heart and the 60 Grots giving the Boss Look Out Sir! was golden.
  8. Yeah, Rage-Grip was your shout and it helped me turn a 1 into the 5 I needed both times, was ace. With the Troggs, that 5+ save is negated really easily and I found myself losing one model at least per shooting phase versus a Stormcast army with some shooting. 5 Bravery is really low too. If the meta does go to shooting to combat DoK etc. I can see Troggs finding it tough. Think MSU Rockguts worked ok, managed to get the boulder off a respectable number of times and that 2+ hit Fellwater vomit can do some damage, shame about the short range but beggars can’t be choosers. I’m determined to keep the list more or less the same for a couple of months to see how it goes.
  9. Ran this. Not optimal but had punch. Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzMortal Realm: GhurLeadersDankhold Troggboss (300)- General- Trait: Pulverising Grip - Artefact: Rageblade Troggoth Hag (380)- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of GorkBattleline6 x Fellwater Troggoths (320)3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160)3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160)60 x Stabbas (360)- Stabbas & Moon Shields- 9x Barbed Nets- 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers- 2x Badmoon Icon BearersBattalionsTroggherd (180)Endless SpellsScrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 140 Someone posted about running 2 Hags a few posts back, that would be immense.
  10. Both really, my MSU Rockguts managed to get a couple of throws off but the 5+ initial save is too easily rended away. My unit of 6 Fellwaters got fed to a Stardrake unfortunately, it ate 2 or 3 and the rest were shot off by turn 3. I wanted first turn to control combat but I think if I went second I could Hand of Gork something of my own choosing into the Drake instead, probably the 60 Grots.
  11. Brief BatRep vs. Balanced Stormcast: Battleline Troggs do melt away vs. shooting but hit like a truck in combat. The Batallion actually did some work for me today so that was cool. Hag with Gryph-Feather is godlike and the Rage-Grip combo on the Boss helped me take down 2 Dracothian Guard in one combat which was immense. Won Shifting Objectives by the end of Turn 4 but by that point only the Hag was left standing. The Cauldron is great and an excellent source of MW on enemies too once you get her stuck in. A blob of 60 Stabbas really helped in the end.
  12. IT’S TROGGOTH DAY!! EDIT: And to celebrate I rolled 2 6s to wound with my Rockguts for 11 damage total in my first combat. Batallion doing at least some work then.
  13. Hmmm, the app can be unreliable sometimes. While we’re on about the boss, how are we gonna paint that bad mutha if we want to keep the pale skin. Spray white, purple(?) wash and dry brush it up with something like Pallid Wych?
  14. Yeah, having done some research I agree with you now, mainly due to the fact that the Hag’s ability is called ‘Hag Regeneration’, not ‘Regeneration’ as named in the Allegiance Abilities. That said, I do think the use of ‘or’ in the wording doesn’t stipulate that a roll must take place (though obviously it does for the new ability). Doubt they’ll FAQ it but it’s safer to not play it. D6 is loads unless you’re me and keep rolling 1s!!
  15. Cool, though so, thanks. That’s how I played it in my game last weekend.
  16. Does the Hag get the double Regeneration under the moon?
  17. I am absolutely champing at the bit to get this Troggherd on the table. Game with the bases at least confirmed for Saturday. My Friday night fun will be writing out a cheat sheet so I don’t miss anything. The hype is real.
  18. Just pick your fave one brah and start going with it. I hear a lot that the best lists will be mixed lists so your don’t have to deny yourself everything.
  19. If the batallion is a flop, he’s right in there.
  20. @Malakree Thanks man, my gut was smaller units of Rockguts and larger units of Fellwater, a unit of 6 really smashed face yesterday.
  21. @Malakree So if I was running 6 Rockguts in total would you run 1x6 or 2x3? I find the wording on the throw rule confusing - it is the models in my unit or theirs that affects the dice roll?
  22. Yeah, she was utterly besieged at one point so was managing to pass it around. We had some rules queries though as the warscroll says they become one model and so at one point my opponent and I were attacking each other via base to base with the Cauldron. I think that’s how it’s supposed to work?
  23. Well, having had a test game today to try the Fellwaters and Hag out, I have say that the Hag with Gryph-Feather charm is almost unsinkable, even taking the MW from the cauldrons, and that the Fellwaters are brutal. Took 10 wounds off a unit of Palladors in one combat.
  24. I do genuinely think that once the dust has settled with all the Gitz stuff mixed Destruction will start to come back into view for competitive lists.
  25. It’s got to be the Forgeworld Hag all the way. Worth the cost in points and pounds just to paint those saggy mammas and put them on the table.
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