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Tim the Enchanter

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Blog Entries posted by Tim the Enchanter

  1. Tim the Enchanter
    Time is flying by this month!
    So with the new White Dwarf enjoying awesome, and deserved, success, I have cracked on and finished my free slaughterpriest for my bloodbound. I have admittedly already painted one up for my warband so this time I thought I would add another character.
    The aspiring Deathbringer is currently being sold with the old Champion of Khorne model so I thought I would update is presence on the battlefield with something new.
    May I present my Aspiring Deathbringer of khorne.

    I am extremely pleased with the finished model and I have received some extremely generous comments an Facebook and twitter.
    I can't stress enough how important it is to keep painting if you want to improve. I've been trying to do at least 1/2 hour a day to keep a brush in my hand and I hope its paying off!  
    Hes going to get a flash picture for the competition running on TGA and then we'll see how I fare.
    My next project is the Mighty Lord of Khorne and a blood Stoker and assembling blood warriors, but that's for another blog entry...
  2. Tim the Enchanter
    What a week!! 
    Just when I needed to get in some painting I have hell of a work week!!
    Still, got my blood secretor completed  and started my blood reavers.
    And this horror is getting ready for paint...

    I want to get my initial warband painted but No! Endless obstacles!
    But I battle on and here I present what I will have done to start my global campaign battles.
    Mighty Lord of khorne
    Slaughter priest with hack blade
    Blood secretor
    Blood stoker
    Bloodmaster herald of khorne
    15 blood reavers
    10 bloodletters
    daemon prince of Khorne with daemonic axe
    Scyla Anfingrimm 
    hardly a terrifying force but, at the size of battles I'll be playing, will be great fun!
    obviously loads of options to add units to this so expect more after these are complete.
    But so close to my first fully painted army since...FOREVER!!
    Love Age of Sigmar, it's everything I've ever wanted from my gaming!!!
  3. Tim the Enchanter
    So after a month I have finished the get started stormcast eternal boxed set.
    I have had so much fun and satisfaction painting them up and can thoroughly recommend the range.
    My inspiration comes from listening to the hallowed Knights audio dramas and the tales of Tarsus and his mission to seek audience with Nagash!
    Its an awesome set and really gets me immersed into the background.
    This is very much just the beginning of these and I'll be adding plenty more narrative themed units to them as the army grows.
    So here we are, the beginnings of my Hallowed Knights  

    Alongside the warriors of Sigmar I also made a start on their unlikely ally who will 'help' them on their journey through the realm of shyish...

    more on this aristocrat coming soon...
  4. Tim the Enchanter
    Another blog! Yes indeed
    I hope this will be the perfect tool to help me keep my hobby on track!
    Many years ago I started a chaos army and the coming of AoS has thrown all kinds of fuel on my hobby fire!
    Initially I started a slaanesh force. I knew the current fluff of the dark prince but I've always loved the garish and excessive nature of them.
    So I've got a few of my slaaneshi goodies pictured below. Not much admittedly (that comes later!) but I love painting them.Oddly enough I hadn't really looked at the AoS starter box, not sure why, and had only looked at the Internet pics of the stormcast and Khorne bloodbound...WOW! The Khorne models are awesome! I was sold and picked up a set of the starter set models and set about getting them ready for paint...
    Then I saw the new Bloodbound "heroes" and was totally sidetracked! I just had to paint some up!
    In a freak chance I won some bloodletters on evil bay  and so after dipping them in dettol to remove the "pro painted" finish I set about painting them.
    Before I knew it I had all these done!

    "But it's such a small force" you cry!
    And this is my problem. Like many the hobby is way down a list of important real life things like marriage, kids and full time job etc...so I squeeze it in where I can.
    I only get to paint at work on my breaks so army painting is slow going. But AoS is perfect for me as you can play incredibly fun games with only a few models!
    So what next? Well, I have some more characters to work on, blood reavers, war hounds, Khorgorath and a shaggoth!
    Plenty to keep my hobby juices flowing
    I'll write more on this blog whenever I can. Before I sign off I'll leave a little something I got lost in recently. 
    Such a great model I had to paint it! Not quite finished but I couldn't resist adding a picture.

    I'll be back soon!
  5. Tim the Enchanter
    We have those moments when we realise out painting style has changed. This is normal over time as we pick up new skills as improve outr hobby life!
    It seems overnight my paint style has changed and it's all a bit weird!
    I picked up Scyla Anfingrimm recently to enter into my local GW store competition.
    It seems I've changed tack completely on how I approach miniature painting but only a week or so since I painted my last mini!
    I'm putting this down to inspiration so will chalk it up to experience.
    Anyway, the finished Scyla for your viewing pleasure ;D
    Back to rank and file this week now I think.

    This model has been so much fun to paint. 
    I love the fact that he's like a red hulk, stomping into battle and getting more angry and dangerous the more you hit him!
    More soon in the form of bloodbound foot sloggers!
  6. Tim the Enchanter
    After a few crazy weeks at work I return!!
    Finally got some hobby in this week and finished all the base coats and shading on my first batch of blood reavers.
    I am really enjoying building my bloodbound. AoS is infectious! My small warband is growing and creating its own character as I paint up units and characters.
    Ive managed to catch up on all my pod casts and particularly annoying recent topics regarding painting time and optimising painting opportunities.
    picked up my new white dwarf, dropped it in water, bought another and now have 2 awesome slaughterpriest to play with.
    With Mr Curry announcing a fun painting comp this month with the free model I thought I'd have a go.
    I'm going to try something completely different with this guy and try a different colour pallette.
    I really want to improve my painting so any opportunity to do it, like competitions, is an excellent way to help me.
    Talking of new white dwarf, WOW!!, it's so awesome! This last year has brought my hobby back to when I was just starting out and everything was exciting, looking forward to every release and nugget of newness. I'm even sniffing every new book again ;D
    GW for life!!
  7. Tim the Enchanter
    It's been a while sadly, so busy in non hobby life!
    My latest efforts have been to get a couple more blood reavers finished, my mighty lord of Khorne completed and purchased Gorechosen for yet more awesome models!
    Not a great deal I know but some progress! 
    Ive also assembled 10 blood warriors to join the ranks of the bloodbound.
    So my current plan for the rest of the year is me trying to be realistic. Finish 20 blood reavers, Bloodstoker and 10 blood warriors.
    Should be possible but we'll see as I got a little distracted by the listening to the hallowed Knights quest to find Nagash audio books.
    And this happened...Only the faithful then...
    Be back soon I hope
  8. Tim the Enchanter
    After a lengthy hobby break I'm back! 
    The audio dramas have been a huge inspiration for me and I got the stormcast bug!
    Chatting with local Rotherham GW manager Liam (awesome dude!) he mentioned they had started an AoS event based around building a new force and expanding it over several months. 
    Picking up the stormcast getting started box I've been really loving the models. And they are a joy to paint!after the getting started box is done i'll be adding judicators and some more retributors.
    i'm going to theme the force on the hallowed Knights 'Bull Hearts' from the audio books.
    I've got loads of ideas for adding units and writing scenarios for awesome games.
    more updates coming soon
  9. Tim the Enchanter
    Working weekends...yeah! But I managed a bit of hobby on my break!
    Ive got a couple of weeks until global campaign begins.
    My humble force will be around 40 models with a mix of bloodbound and Khorne daemons made up of units I like the look of.
    My store is using an escalation campaign so I can keep adding to my force.
    I managed to get this chaps base colours and washes done today. I'm totally blown away with the new GW models, they make the older stuff look childlike in comparison!!
    I'm so excited about the hobby and can't wait for more amazing stuff from GW!
    Next week my reinforcement will arrive...

  10. Tim the Enchanter
    Evening folks!
    A quick entry today. 
    So recently got my hands on a Darkoath Chieftain and painted him up. A fantastic model with lots of character and great fun to paint.
    Having painted this cheerful chappy I decided i must get a copy of the whole game! Which would no doubt lead to all kinds of projects...which is likely a reason I don't own it yet ;D
    But having finished this model I realised I really need to paint some mobs of reavers for my bloodbound. I don't have much in the way of "troops" for my bloodbound currently and really need some so 20 reavers are queued up.
    After I complete some cute little doggies i started today I'll get right on with them!
    Back soon with pictures of puppies and more ramblings
  11. Tim the Enchanter
    A quick update...
    So, frustratingly, I have not gotten much done last couple of weeks.
    Real life stuff etc...
    Anyway, I have managed to get some more done on the blood reavers and really love the new bloodbound range.
    However, just recently I picked up a couple of audio books starring the hallowed knights and one mannfred von Carstein!
    I am completely enthralled with the character and built this guy...

    Still early days but I think I'll model him in such a way he is fighting in one of the great battle scenes from the audio books.
    More of that later...

  12. Tim the Enchanter
    So no pictures today and instead some meandering thoughts.
    I'm sure there are many like me who work, married, kids, pets...it goes on! So where do we find the time for out hobby? That fine balance of real life and the 'other' life of pushing, or in some cases throwing, our lovingly painted armies into war!
    On most days I manage to get between half an hour and an hour painting. This includes any assembly so time is short! Army building is troublesome but I'm working hard to get my collection worthy of wars in the realms. 
    So counting the days...because my hobby time is so precious I have to really plan my time. Does this lunch break give me time to do this? Have I got time before work to do that?
    I have a plan in mind. Next year I want to enter the South Coast GT. I have never experienced a tournament environment and as this is the big one of U.K Tournaments I want to be a part of it if I can.
    The podcast chaps do an amazing job of spreading the Age of Sigmar hobby and how can you not get excited by such an experience.
    So I have a goal for my hobby time this year. As well as playing more Age of Sigmar, I want to expand my bloodbound and Khorne army.
    I'll be blogging the growth of this army as much as possible so hopefully updating on here as much as possible. 
    My immediate goal is to start painting some blood reavers...lots of them! I've been enjoying painting the army "heroes" but now it's time to expand the blood tide!
    So next update will have fascinating photos of blood reavers in various states of build/paint/finished! I hope
    Take it easy sigmarites!
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