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Little by little...

Tim the Enchanter


It's been a while sadly, so busy in non hobby life!

My latest efforts have been to get a couple more blood reavers finished, my mighty lord of Khorne completed and purchased Gorechosen for yet more awesome models!

IMG_1201.JPGIMG_1233.JPGNot a great deal I know but some progress! 

Ive also assembled 10 blood warriors to join the ranks of the bloodbound.

So my current plan for the rest of the year is me trying to be realistic. Finish 20 blood reavers, Bloodstoker and 10 blood warriors.

Should be possible but we'll see as I got a little distracted by the listening to the hallowed Knights quest to find Nagash audio books.

And this happened...IMG_1272.JPGOnly the faithful then...

Be back soon I hope :)


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