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Posts posted by Moldek

  1. 4 hours ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

    I am spending way too much time on a Warcry warband knowing that it won't take off in my area. Specialist games other than Blood Bowl are never played here. I am using Bloodbowl Goblins with Boingrot heads to make some Grot Foot Knights. All armed with Stabbas except one with a spear that will have a flowing banner coming off it to be the banner bearer, and one with a gong. Those are in case I use them for real AoS. It's actually a real pain sanding down the pyramid shapes that connect the helmet to the Bounder, and some of the Blood Bowl Goblins don't take shields very well. Also i don't know how I will paint them after I am done. Iron armor and black and purple cloth to match the rest of my army?

    I feel your pain man. I don’t have many players around me either. That said the rules are really simple to teach, maybe if you have 2 warbands ready to go you could convince some people to try it out?  People with AoS armies might already have enough minis to make a warband, so their buy in could be as low as the faction cards if they’re into it :)

  2. This is the perfect thread for me! I love reading what people get up to, and I'm not particularly focused myself :)

    After about a million obsessive back and forths, I've decided to hold off on buying the warcry starter set. I'll just get the book and faction cards for nighthaunt and stormcast. I'm keeping the starter set as a reward for finishing the other stuff I have! That might just get me painting more.

    I've just started painting the Thorns warband for nightvault, having fun with an airbrush and toothbrush. Experimenting is fun, but I hope the result will be decent.
    About a month ago I bought a box of necromunda cawdor on a whim, and recently I realized that they look brilliant with skulls instead of heads. So I've started converting them for a LoN band for warcry. I've really liked the couple of demo games I've played, looks like I finally found my perfect fit...

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  3. 1 hour ago, Cerulean said:

    I was planning on doing this very thing, actually.

    I like Warcry quite a bit so far, and also love Mordheim. I'm torn on it, so thought I'd go on the idea of trying to make it so that my friends and I can use our old Mordheim models in Warcry, then move on to the other side where we can play Mordheim with new, modern Warcry rules.

    Since the sudden spoils of all the extra factions, it's been a bit easier to make the warbands up. I went ahead and attached a pdf of the one that's gotten to the point of being testable. Let me know what you guys think?


    Skaven - Clan Eshin v0.1.pdf 369.39 kB · 1 download

    Man this is cool! You really did your homework. I’m not great at balancing but on first read this seems quite well done. Lots of high movement, weak underlings... the abilities are very thematic and seem interesting. The only remark I’d have is that I’m not sure if the rat ogre’s triple would see much use. It feels a bit risky to bet on crits, although it would be very cinematic when it does work and he just tears a big ennemy apart...

    I don’t have a lot of suggestions to add to this, but I’ll think on it. Well done!

  4. 27 minutes ago, soak314 said:

    The three part deployment system in a limited turn format is massive. It does my head in to see so many of the big YT names gloss over it for Warcry and Meeting Engagements both.

    Discourse inevitably keeps circling back to whichever unit has the scarier numbers in a vacuum because, honestly, I feel that's just what some people want the game experience to be.

    Yeah I guess a lot of people like things that can be measured and ranked efficiently. My theory is that most players (myself included) actually rarely get to play and spend more time discussing the game and watching / reading about it. So a vast amount of the discussion is held by people who have little actual experience to put these numbers in context, especially when the game isn’t even out yet...

    I’m sure there will be a few broken lists and subpar choices, but I’m not too worried about it. Mostly because I’m not playing super competitive, and I don’t think that’s the main purpose of warcry anyways. As long as I have a fighting chance and I have an exciting game with cool minis I’m happy!

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Nin Win said:

    The math looks like actions aren't as important as damage per turn across the entire warband.  So you've got a bunch of actions?  That's nice.  You very likely don't have the same actual damage output as a mixed group with access to sources of damage from abilities which don't require actions.

    Furthermore, the splitting of forces into groups could well end up with a small group of chaff/basic grunts having to face off against some truly excellent fighters and being defeated in detail before their reinforcements arrive on later turns.  So it's not just average damage per action/activation/warband but also the damage output of each of the dagger, shield and hammer.

    I'm expecting my skeleton heavy Legions of Nagash warband to really struggle against my friend's Iron Jaws.

    That's an interesting point. It's true that even abilities have to be considered in the context of which fighter can use it, and 3 part deployment does cause some tactical headaches. I wonder if the chaps at the design studio didn't set out to make a game that would be impossible to play WITHOUT battleplans, terrain etc as factors. Of course people will still try to compare unit stats as if they were fighting all at once on a barren plane, and claim that stormcast are definitely OP and so on ;)

    • Haha 1
  6. 44 minutes ago, ArmitageShanks said:

    I was thinking along the lines of matching a Mordheim faction to a warband in Warcry and get the feel of good old times. For example, Sisters of Sigmar could easily play as the cypher lords, possessed as the unmade and so on.

    On another note, I'm in a process to build a cityscape board and terrain features for Warcry, to bring the new game closer to the old setting.

    I think that's a really good approach to keep the aesthetics while not having to spend hours designing stats and balancing! Actually with the simplicity of weapons options etc, warcry is very well suited to proxying in general : you can just put a picture of the model you're using on top of the picture on the card and there you go . Along your lines, I could see corvus cabal as skaven...
    It would be cool to design a full add-on, with a couple of more complex injury tables, custom warbands etc. but I think it'll be easier to do once we all had some time to digest the game's mechanics.

    Please do post some pics of your terrain, it sounds awesome! I have a couple of ruined buildings made for mordheim and I'll definitely add to that in the coming months.

  7. I will be using my Stormcast force as my first warband! Might try out gryphound spam, I’ll just use the sacrosanct models as count-as raptors et all :)


    I have also started converting a LoN warband, mostly because I needed an excuse to use the beautiful cawdor models for something!




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  8. The Eight Points are a vast and twisted place. Some say that somewhere, folded in a knot of time and space, there is a crooked, half burnt inn, and inside a twin-tailed fish nailed to a shambling door. They say that if you go through that door, you’ll find yourself in the nightmare before time, the pandemonium city : Mordheim...

    I was thinking about the disappointment that a lot of people felt because they were expecting something closer to Mordheim. While I’m glad that we have a more streamlined ruleset, I wonder how hard it would be to homebrew some kind of hybrid?

    There are 6 warbands in the original mordheim rulebook : Human mercenaries (although with several flavors), witch hunters, sisters of sigmar, undead, skaven and possessed.

    I’m thinking that it could be cool to come up with profiles and aptitudes for these warbands, add a couple of D66 tables and maybe a bit more meat to the campaign system, and be able to enjoy the fresh rules with the old setting!

    what do you think, what would you like from such an expansion, what would you change? This is basically wishlisting at this stage but who knows, it might develop into something more :)

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  9. I see you’ve done your research! It does seem like hinterlands would be best suited for you. I’ve always wanted to try it, it’s just hard to find people to play with consistently.

    I understand your concerns about the lack of variety in warcry, and I agree that it’s a bit too limited; although I guess that’s the price to pay for balance. My plan is to just use count-as anyways : you can easily put a picture of the miniature you’re using over the unit card. That way I can play with my storm strike stormcast and nighthaunts. Of course using freeguild soldiers as stormcast might break immersion lol.

  10. I totally agree with @NinthMusketeer regarding using the basic skirmish rules. I suppose it comes down to unit selection, but from my limited experience most of the profiles don’t really work as individual skirmishers. Lots of turns where nothing happens when lone warriors have to pass 3 rolls to just get one wound in, and minor heroes able to destroy other combattants very easily. Might work with tailored lists maybe?

    I think you’re on the right track with the fan supplements, while I didn’t play any of them yet. What matters is that in spirit they aim for a narrative experience, which seems more functional at this scale.

    Even without the supplements, if I had to play skirmish again I would go towards narrative / open play : a couple of heroes vs an infinite skeleton horde, a band of plucky goblins trying to take down a troggboss, etc. ****** balance and have fun :)

    one thing I did try is a free system called Age of Fantasy skirmish, which has equivalents for most of AoS units and feels more fun to play imo.

    And do let us know what you end up doing, right now I’m looking at warcry but I’m always interested!

  11. 43 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

    This. My other half has shown interest but games have been a bit overly complex for someone who has never played a miniatures game. But having everything ready to go in one box, alongside my ironjawz and gloom spite, with the rules for the game, makes this a perfect starting point.

    I see we have the same objectives!

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  12. I just saw the starter box contents at my store and it’s testing my resolve. The minis are really beautiful!

    So plan A is to just buy the book, battleplan cards and nighthaunt + stormcast cards, and play the miniatures I already have with some proxies (I have sacrosanct stormcasts but no vanguard).

    Plan B is to buy the starter box if I can find buyers for the minis and maybe the terrain, so I get to keep all the counters etc (maybe even the terrain)

    Plan C is to just buy the starter box and hoard everything in a big pile like a nerdy dragon 😂

    • Haha 1
  13. So I just went to my local GW that had the base game available for demos, and played a quick 3 minis vs 3 game.

    With just the getting started booklet and what i’d already  read online we were able to play really quickly without much questions arising. Combat is really streamlined compared to AoS, which is a plus in my book. The tactics are really going to revolve around movement, activation order and aptitudes imho. From a casual standpoint the game seems really easy to houserule and have fun games with.

    I also think this is the best GW game I’ve seen to introduce someone to the hobby. It feels very straightforward and intuitive in its design.

    The minis and scenery look freakin good in person and are really testing my resolve not to buy the whole starter box haha. The cards are well made and it really helps to have all your stats laid out and readable at a glance.

    To sum it up : I love it, and I want it!

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  14. I was really planning on buying the starter set ( that terrain 😍), and could already feel the buyer’s remorse from spending that amount, considering I  have a lot of grey minis and don’t get to play often...

    Then I realized I already have  stormcast and nighthaunt warbands; I can just get the book and cards and play them, using count as if needed. I’ll probably do that and get the starter set when I have more money and time 😀

  15. Personnally as a life long fan of realms of chaos and mordheim, I’m really glad they went for a specific setting as a starting point. I think it’ll really help create a narrative between players, which is a lot harder to do with a bunch of random armies. And I hope they add campaign setting as they expand the game. You won’t just be playing such and such chaos army, you’ll be playing gortuk the bloody’s warband, who has a grudge against Valksss the snake priest and a bad limp... I hope!

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  16. Great points @JPjr . I’ve only played a couple of games of AoS skirmish but it felt pretty dull to me. I’m hoping they have spectacular actions, stuff like push back, diving charge etc. I want to decapitate an ennemy then have my guy pushed off a ledge by some low level warrior with a lucky streak, stuff like that instead of I roll 4+, then I roll 4+, then you roll 4+...

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  17. 1 hour ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    More reveals at the Australian Championship so I thought it was worth continuing the discussion outside of the rumour thread - https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/04/australian-championship-warhammer-previewgw-homepage-post-1/

    So the starter is very likely going to contain the only two Warband revealed so far - the Iron Golem and Untamed Beasts. Personally liking the Iron Golem a bit more at the moment but really loving all of it.

    I’m also hoping the goat-lion thing is the new Chaos Hounds. I’d like them to be a thing again.

    Thanks for the heads up! Yeah I thinl it’ll only be these 2 warbands, they have suitably opposite themes. I’m dying to know more about the game already, this drip feeding is driving me nuts... I’m hoping for simple rules, a solid campaign system and a nice amount of terrain.

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  18. I’ve started the assembly / basing step of my gryphounds. I was able to do some headswaps but if I want to do a bigger pack I may have to convert some to avoid having too many duplicates, as the box already has only 3 different poses. Can’t wait to be done with the prep work and slap some paint on those good boys!


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  19. I just managed to finish my march goal of 1 knight incantor and gryphound. I really liked painting the beast, and that’s good because I bought a box and have another 6 of them. I really like the idea of a hunting pack of gryphounds.

    so for this month I pledge :

    -build, base and paint 6 gryphounds.

    And as a stretch I’ll add these goals :

    -texture and paint my 4*3 board so I can start playing some real games

    -build and base my 30 or so brettonian men at arms, able to assist and worship my small stormcast warband 🤓

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