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Everything posted by Arkiham

  1. here is a thread already established to discuss the AoS 2 talk.
  2. i get the feeling these new elves will be like the gungan in star wars episode 1 with their cities your new army.
  3. you already can, but not that many explore the site i dont think
  4. as you suffer 3 wounds. wounds is the profile name, damage is what you do to her. she can suffer a max of 3 wounds a turn. meaning, you can deal a max of 3 wounds to her aside from special things
  5. 3 damage. aside from skarbrand. he deals 8, max 11
  6. a subscriber thing might be good, i don't think the likes an stuff are necessary. this isn't facebook, id rather not create an environment similar to that. i think the subscriber thing might be a good way to try an maybe use your influence? maybe get some subscriber-only content things from games-workshop, this is the most popular aos forum, worldwide im pretty sure a monthly subscriber raffle for prizes? pay via paypal, £1 a strip winner gets a new model/box set etc etc £50 box set, 300 people buy tickets for it, bam £250 profit - postage fees. do a little raffle on youtube or something maybe to show it
  7. says alot for the quality of the releases really.... hes got what?? 4 wounds literally dies to a nurgling f-art
  8. toads, and cant summon daemons of nurgle. so, things which have not changed are obviously fine
  9. https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/aos_matched_play_points.pdf https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/warhammer-aos-tamurkhans-horde.pdf stealth update for forgeworld Eguo remains unchanged. fairly confident this issue of it " being a named character " is resolved now with the maggotkin book not stating it as one either.
  10. It may be a coincidence but there seems to be alot of witch elves being painted and used lately.. #justsaying
  11. Oh hey yeah, btw nurgle released today....anyone? Hello? Good job games workshop marketing team
  12. With nurgling horns? The only other models with horns like that are old chaos warriors models
  13. It's definately nurgle. Nothing else looks like that now
  14. The mouth was long confirmed but we had no model.
  15. Sylvaneth travel nurgle style baby. Hopefully
  16. deathguard has been getting releases since what? August ?
  17. What is with this obsession with cthulu elves ? I dont get it
  18. Some are worth, most not as alot have tax units like blightguard, 200 points and 2 heroes who aren't very good. So that's like 400 points to get -1 to hit on blightkings. So costly
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