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Posts posted by EMMachine

  1. 32 minutes ago, Honk said:

    a mob of 12 might even be too big to position, move and pile in. Terrain and enemy units might make that tricky. 

    Isn't this the same problem with a 40 model unit of Ghouls?

    I have now looked what the points are and the models I wrote in the list would be 1960 Points (and just the needed points for a Chalice of Ushoran.

    With Blisterskin and  if I put the ghouls into 2 units of 20 I could make the list like this.


    Gk on terrorgheist

    Abhorrant archregent

    Crypt Ghast Courtier (one or more)

    1 Crypt Haunter Courtier

    1 Crypt Infernal Courtier
    2x20 x Ghouls

    6 Crypt Flayer  


    6 Crypt Horror

    With Blisterskin and  if I put the ghouls into 1 units of 40 I could make the list like this because of needed battlelines (this list would actually be 1920 Points without counting endless spells because of the horde bonus of the ghouls).


    Gk on terrorgheist

    Abhorrant archregent

    Crypt Ghast Courtier (one or more)

    1 Crypt Haunter Courtier

    1 Crypt Infernal Courtier
    40 x Ghouls

    2x3 Crypt Flayer  


    6 Crypt Horror

    Still unsure who should be General (looking at the lore it would most likely be the Archregent, in case of model the GK on terrorgheist would also make sense, as the most resilient of them).

    • Like 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, Honk said:

    so yes, the flayer/horror question is very tricky and expensive for us. Both units have their merits, flayers are faster with the option to deal mortal wounds, while horrors are pretty good in melee dealing good damage, especially if they have a king nearby... 

    I'm in the same possition right now with the Flayers/Horrors question (I have bought the german version of Carrion Empire and some other boxes) and I'm thinking about making one of them Battleline. I have the feeling I like the rules of Blisterskin more than Hollowmourne (and making a Courtier to a general is a little wierd when a ghoulking or Archregent is arround, so not taking a grand court is not the best option, if I don't want to go Ghouls as Battleline only).

    Flayers are faster, have a Missile Attack that deals mortal wounds and have Rend but less damage

    Horrors are slower, are melee only but have more damage on there attacks but no rend.

    My thoughts are partly going to make Flayers as Units of 3 and Horrors as units of 6, or is bigger always better.


    And in preparation to the the dialog above. I want to have both units and don't want to magnetize. I think the plan with my actual models (nothing build yet and not a finished list, yet)

    Gk on terrorgheist

    Abhorrant archregent

    Crypt Ghast Courtier (one or more)

    1 Crypt Haunter Courtier

    1 Crypt Infernal Courtier
    2x20 x Ghouls (could also be 1x40 after they get a bonus at 20 models)

    6 Crypt Horror

    2x3 Crypt Flayer   

  3. On 11/24/2018 at 10:57 PM, Throt the Unclean said:

    One-offs: Fine to purchase now. The novel probably won't be part of a series or related to an event and therefore won't be in a collected works book.

    • Neferata Mortarch of Blood
    • The Tainted Heart
    • Overlords of the Iron Dragon
    • Nagash the Undying King

    After finishing The Tainted Heart today, I can say it isn't a One-off, or at least not anymore (the same for Overlords of the Iron Dragon)

    In case of the Iron Dragon crew there is a little prequel story named "Shiprats"

    And in case of Talorcan & Esselt (The Tainted Heart) we have "The Witch Takers"

    I don't know if this is the right thread for this, but I partly have the feeling I have a little problem with the stories of C L Werner.

    While the shortstories "Shiprats" and "the Witch Takers" were quite nice, in case of Overlords of the Iron Dragon I had the feeling the story was tough as chewing gum and in case of "The Tainted Heart" I was cheering with Talorcan & Esselt for a good ending, but not getting it (and there is no room for a sequel, so the main book basicly ends the story of them, making only room for prequels). 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. 56 minutes ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Just building my third set of Stormfiends. I already have 2 units with Grinderfists, should I put the Ratling Cannons on my third unit as it’s unlikely I’ll deepstrike all 3?

    Do you have the new battletome? Monounits aren't possible anymore.

  5. 21 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    Maybe it's my personal preference, but I find alternate weapons=new unit a little cheatsy. Free People would be a pretty "large" army if they separated the freeguild guard into 4 units! (well ok thats how the empire used to work).  

    If both units would cost the same at the end it could be one unit. In case of Free People. Free Guild Crossbowmen and Freeguild Handgunners are one box but two Warscrolls as well as Freeguild Pistoliers and Freeguild Outriders. And in both cases the compared warscrolls the same point costs.

  6. 6 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    I think Darkoath may become a keyword, but will not be separate from Slaves to Darkness or whatever the heck the Undivided army will be called. I can't really see them becoming a full on faction, unless it's a relatively "micro" faction like Daughters of Khaine which relies a lot on dual kits (5 dual kits+character is the entire army). 

    At the moment we see 6-7 possible units with the released models (not counting at old barbarians)

    • Warqueen
    • Chieftain
    • God Speaker
    • Barbarians with Javelins
    • Barbarians with Bows
    • Barbarians with Greatweapons
    • Units of Dogs
    • LOVE IT! 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    i dont know where the rumor came from or how valid it is, however if we assume its true, i wouldnt expect any army that had alligence abilities printed in their battletome to get updated, with the exception of maybe khorne due to Wrath & Rapture (the changes from that will no doubt be applied to the other daemon units making the whole book near useless due to the amount of erratas). id expect the following battletomes to get updated:
    -Everchosen (rolled into Slaves To Darkness with the rumored Darkoath release)
    -Skaven Pestilens (rolled into a combined Skaven book like Beasts Of Chaos)
    -Flesh Eater Courts
    -Seraphon (i expect a retcon of their background making them phyiscal living creatures once again and removing the daemon keyword)

    this is just speculation on my part, but it makes sense to update these before things like Sylvaneth, Beastclaw Raiders or Kharadron Overlords

    Hm, the question is, will Ironjaws get some new models (at the moment they have 8 choices or 9 with Ironskull's Boyz). In fact, could it be possible that Ironjaws and Bonesplitterz could share one book, still having there own two Allegiance Abilities like with Legions of Nagash (or sharing the same with different rules for there Subfaction, like with Gloomspite Gits). In case of Age there are only 3 month between both battletomes, even with the difference that Bonesplitterz was one of the First Battletomes with Allegiance Abilities.

  8. 7 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    @EMMachine so Black Library got back to me and said City Of Secrets isn't contained in The Silver Shard... so maybe that was only a thing for the German edition?  

    Hm, it is a possibility. I just looked at amazons description of the german and the english  version. The english version has about 400 pages and the german one 525. 

    In the end City of Sectrets was way to expensive for an 160 page story because it was released in a time where the books where more expensive + hard cover. In the end, if City of Secrets would have been released now, it would have been a book like in the novella Series.

    And now I have to fix my list 🤔 (I actually hadn't thought that content could differ in case of the same book).

  9. 15 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    Spire of Dawn was sold as an Age of Sigmar product. As you mention it yourself it is only 3 years old.  Yes, it is a rebox of Islands of Blood, but my wife wasnt suposed to know that. I wasnt suposed to know that, actually i didnt!

    It should only be two years. The box came in December 2016.

    I actually wonder if there was the plan to bring Swifthawk Agents and Eldritch Council together. I mean, they renamed the Seaguard from "the world that was" Spireguard and spire is another word for tower. And even in the AoS Background, the Eldritch Council is living in White Towers (also in case of living in a tower, the Skycutters are really making sense).

    3 hours ago, Schulzy said:

    I hope GW don't end up squatting the rest of the older aelf line. I purchased the 'warriors of the great cities anvilgard' box set in the hope that the rumoured fish elves (at the time) would be expanding on the scourge privateers range, obviously turns out that the fish elves were idoneth deepkin, which is still find bizarre that they weren't somehow meshed with the privateers considering they both have an aquatic theme.

    Scourge Privateers are part of the background, with the Callis & Toll Stories, having Arika Zenthe and her crew as well an her own sequel shortstory Heart of Winter (taking place on a Black Arc, where Scourge Privateers are living and working together with Daughters of Khaine and Darkling Covens)

    1 hour ago, JPjr said:

    There seem to be a surprising amount of people here building up 6K armies, especially of ‘older’ ranges. That’s a lot of eggs in one basket. 

    I don't know if my Brotherhood of Korhil aka Lion Rangers will reach 6k points (perhaps with battalions at some time), at the moment I have 4,4k build without battalions and 910 Points more to build investing about 1.500,-€ in about three quarters of a year and about 9 months of time to create my fanmade battletome), bringing them into the 5k club. (counting up all my aelf Projects, where still most things I have to paint I'm in the range of 14k to 15k Points).

    And I really think, that this army really doesn't have a the WHFB esthetic anymore, instead it has become an own culture (this army wouldn't have been possible to build if the Lion Rangers would have been ditched). Most of the stuff that some other simply want to get rid of, only needs a little rework. In fact there are two stories where a member of the Lion Rangers are part of. Kuva in Hammerhal and Thystra in Red Hours.

    In the end, I wouldn't see the aelfs as an max competitive faction, more different cultures/cults/brotherhoods to be creative and populate the mortal realms and really would like to see them getting more fleshed out instead of being ditched.

    6 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    It seen dark elfs were not as shattered as High ones. It is a tad easier for those players to field an army.

    They are as scattered, after both races where split into 5 subfactions each. The diffence is that in case of the highborn nearly all coreunits where removed with the Grand Alliance Book (Spireguard were brought back nearly a year later with Spire of Dawn and a new Warscroll, but only as a Battleline if, as well as Reavers) only having there special units, and losing the Sisters of the Watch to Wanderers. Where in case of the old Dark Elves, the entire core stayed, mostly because those models were new released in 8. Edition WHFB.

  10. On 1/13/2019 at 7:17 AM, Mykah said:

    I didn’t see anything about “Scourge of Fate” by Robbie MacNiven. Has anyone read it, and what’s your opinion on it? Also does anyone of know if it’s in softcover?

    At the moment this story seems to be ebook only.  In GWs Webshop there are announcements until the end of april, and a printed value of the book isn't part of it.

    I only have seen a german release date for this book called "Geissel des Schicksals". And it is announced for August 1, 2019 (but after this is a Thursday I think it would be either July 27 or August 03, 2019.

  11. @robinlvalentine

    I'm actually reading Sacrocanct and other Stories, so I should come to read "The Old Ways" soon (there are about 50 pages between me and the start of The Old Ways).

    When reading the description of The Old Ways, there could be another possibility.


    Agents Callis and Toll of the Order of Azyr venture into the vast marshlands east of the grand city of Excelis to investigate the death of the noble son of one of two warring clans. Was his death a tragic accident or vicious murder? A full-scale uprising could result if they're not careful – and this would cause untold death as the Stormcast Eternals get involved. So it falls to Callis and Toll to uncover the truths and save thousands of lives.

    Written by Nick Horth

    I will not spoiler to much about "the Silvershard" only saying that the End of the Book has a timeskip of 4 months for the last chapter.

    It could also be possible that "The old ways" could also take place in that 4 month timeskip. The point is that the next grand story shouldn't take place in Excelis or even the same realm.

    19 hours ago, Overread said:

    Eg Sacrosanct and Gods and Mortals both share 3 of the same short stories and they are published quite close together. 

    Yeah, I know that they printed some of the stories multiple times.

  12. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    For some unfathomable reason BL keeps reprinting a lot of short stories into collected editions for AoS. They don't really do this for Chronicles and the old Warhammer line at all and where there are reprints its often cases like the new Inferno Print on Demand - where they are reprinting an old out-of-print book that had some of its stories printed later in newer inprint publications.  

    So "Warhammer Chronicles" is not Old World Warhammer? When looking at Gotrek & Felix it is. In the end I never had bought a single WHFB Novel after reading 40k Novellas most of the time (so it wouldn't be a problem in that case.


    3 hours ago, robinlvalentine said:

    WTF! Going to send Black Library a disgruntled email tonight, that's not mentioned anywhere on the website, really feel like I should get my £10 back. Thanks for letting me know!

    Yeah, they messed up the Description, not mentioning that City of Secrets is in their.

    In the end, this was the way I found it out (it is the german book):


    In the end it was a good thing for me, that the Book was included, because it was the first time City of Secrets was translated into german.

    But after I had seen the case with The Prisoner of the Black Sun I thought I make my Google Excel Sheet that I linked in this post:


  13. 1 hour ago, JPjr said:

    @EMMachine If you're talking about the reissues of the original inferno anthologies they are super old yes.

    As for AoS in Inferno 2 we have the following...

    Guy Haley - At The Sign of the Brazen Claw: Part Two - The Merchant's Story

    Jaine Fenn - From The Deep

    Robert Charles - Faith In Thunder

    Jamie Crisalli - Ties Of Blood

    C L Werner - No Honour Among Vermin

    Thanks. They should have really grouped them by a themes. I actually haven't thought hat "At The Sign of the Brazen Claw" would have been an Age of Sigmar Titel. I have thought about Blazen Claws of 40k 🤔

    The only one of the first  book I have pot into the list is "At The Sign of the Brazen Claw" The only story I would see as an AoS story there is "the Path to Glory" but anything else could be everything (even Warhammer Chronicles)

    1 hour ago, Overread said:

    The New Inferno (of which there are 2 issues published now) are only short story collections and feature the current worlds which are basically the same as the old, save that there is now Age of Sigmar instead of the Old World fantasy stories. Part of the reason that the new inferno is only stories is because today BL and GW have more outlets - they've got dedicated comic strip pages; dedicate art  websites and products and the like. So there's no need to squeeze it all together. 

    Hm, I actually would have thought that Warhammer Chronicles are still "Old World fantasy stories".

    I think it will be interesting to see which stories will be republished in other books. And there will be a volumn 3 in May 2019.

    48 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    Thanks for this

    When you say both stories are in the same book, what do you mean? That City Of Secrets is included in The Silver Shard? Will be annoyed with Black Library if so as I've just bought City Of Secrets separately! 

    Yes, City of Secrets was painted into the book The Silvershard. I found it out in november, but I think, I had bought The City of Secrets before the Silvershard was released.

    But it can be worse. The Stories "The Prisoner of the Black Sun" and "Great Red" are printed 4 times.

    • Mortarch of Night (The Realmgate Wars Book 9)
    • The Realmgate Wars Volume 2
    • Hammerhal & other Stories
    • Sacrocanct & other Stories

    Okay "The Realmgate Wars Volume 2" is a collection where Mortarch of Night is included, but still, they released the same stories in four books.


  14. 58 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    What's the correct reading order for Callis & Toll? Is it City Of Secrets > The Old Ways > The Silver Shard? And can anyone offer any opinions on either of the collections The Old Ways is found in? 

    So far I've just got City Of Secrets, but I'm really enjoying what I've read

    I don't have read The Old Ways yet, but I would say

    City Of Secrets > The Silver Shard (both stories are in the same book) > The Old Ways

    also if you like the Callis & Toll books look also for the novel "Heart of Winter". It is Arika Zenthes sequel after The Silver Shard.



    Hm, I have ignored the inferno books until now. Can you tell me which stories (the titels) are AoS Related. So I can put them into my List. (the Print on Demand stuff is most likely older. Am I right).

  15. 11 hours ago, TheHarrower said:

    I don't mind the publishing. It just doesn't really work as a game. It needs tweaks like Hinterlands or some of the other supplements that have come before.

    I think the main problem is, that "other supplements that have come before" were all fanmade. So these are not in the Skirmish invention pool (or not yet).

    There are two possibilites.

    We can give GW Feedback to the White Dwarf rules (and the rules get improved with the final release) or the problems can be fixed by houserules like it is at the moment with the old Skirmish Book


    11 hours ago, TheHarrower said:

    With Wrath and Rapture, Bloodcrushers do D3 Mortal Wounds on a 2+ when they charge. That unit is broken beyond belief in skirmish, not to mention quite a few other ones. It's just disappointing they wait so long to update the rules, and just drop this on us. I don't get it.

    As long as units don't get there own Warscrolls for Skirmish (like it is done with Killteam in 40k), there will be units that are overpowered or useless.

    • Like 1
  16. 54 minutes ago, Kramig said:

    Can you please tell me which colors did you use for the ice scheme?  

    Yeah, I can do that. I can give you the colores for both armies (hopefully I didn't forget something)

    Colors of the Frozen Serpent Cult


    Cyan Armour / Dragonscales / Dragon Wings

    • Ceramite White
    • Temple Guard Blue
    • Coelia Greenshade
    • Temple Guard Blue (correction)
    • Baharroth Blue


    • Leadbelcher
    • Nuln Oil
    • Runefang Steel


    • Daemonette Hide
    • Warpfiend Grey
    • Druchii Violett
    • Slaanesh Grey


    • Celestra Grey
    • Coelia Greenshade
    • Drakenhof Nightshade
    • Celestra Grey (drybrushing)
    • Ulthuan Grey (drybrushing)
    • Ceramite White (drybrushing)
    • Drakenhof Nightshade + Lahmian Medium ( emphasizing of the recess )


    • Celestra Grey
    • Nuln Oil
    • Ulthuan Grey


    • The Fang
    • Nuln Oil
    • Russ Grey
    • Fenrisian Grey


    • Mechanicus Standard Grey
    • Nuln Oil


    • Stirland Mud
    • Agrax Earthshade
    • Karak Stone (drybrush)
    • Valhallan Blizzard
    • Steel Legion Drab (Base edge)

    Colors of the Brotherhoods of Korhil


    Red Armour

    • Khorne Red
    • Agrax Earthshade
    • Evil Sunz Scarlet
    • Wild Rider Red (edge highlights)


    • Leadbelcher
    • Nuln Oil
    • Ironbreaker


    • Retributor Armour
    • Agrax Earthshade


    • Rakharth Flesh
    • Kislev Flesh
    • Reikland Fleshshade

    Animal Skin (Furcloak)

    • Bugmans Glow
    • Cadian Fleshtone
    • Reikarth Fleshshade
    • Cadian Fleshtone


    • Abaddon Black
    • Skavenbright Dinge
    • Nuln Oil
    • Stormvermin Fur


    • Dryad Bark
    • Gorthor Brown
    • Agrax Earthshade


    • Rhinox Hide
    • Agrax Earthshade
    • Doombull Brown


    • Waaghflesh
    • Warpstone Green
    • Moot Green
    • Ultuan Grey

    Furcloak/Skin War Lions

    • Mournfang Brown
    • Agrax Earthshade
    • Skrag Brown (Brush/Layer)
    • optional Deathclaw Brown (drybrush)

    Claws/Teeth War Lions

    • Zandri Dust
    • Ushabti Bone

    Fireeffect (Bows, Lionmanes )

    • Ceramite White
    • Yriel Yellow (brushing)
    • Trollslayer Orange (drybrushing)
    • Mephiston Red (drybrushing)
    • Abaddon black (drybrushing)


    • Mechanicus Standard Grey / Troll Slayer Orange (definition of defaultground and cracked ground with lava)
    • Astrogranite / Martian Ironcrust
    • Mechanicus Standard Grey (brushing)
    • Nuln Oil
    • Dawnstone (drybrushing)
    • Karak Stone (drybrushing)
    • Troll Slayer Orange (inside the cracks and drybrushing in case of cracked earth)
    • Steel Legion Drab (Base edge)


    • Like 2
  17. 2 hours ago, Eevika said:

    You can get +2 bravery quit easily with Troggboss giving +1 normally and +2 with the correct trait in a 12" bubble around him

    A unit of 12 would have an additional +1 Bravery (as long as the unit has at least 10 models), but this wouldn't be a point to make a large unit.

    After I have a preference to make units with similar size if I have multiple units, I don't know if I would make them larger than 6 models.



  18. 21 minutes ago, Dai-Mongar said:

    Honestly I could see them just dropping the warriors and thunderers/quarrelers.

    Longbeards, Hammerers, and Ironbreakers already look great as the basis for an army of armoured Dwarf infantry, just the same as the Irondrakes are an impressive-looking missile unit.

    Most battletomes don't have more than that many options for infantry. I think purely from a design standpoint, there's not much to be added to the look of the army by making new kits for the basic Dwarf grunts.

    It would be a possibility, after it seems that we have lost the Sourbreath Troggoths with Gloomspite Gits, even it would be sad.

    After that Dispossessed would be  only 7 remaining units if they wouldn't merge them again with parts of the Ironweld Arsenal.

  19. 15 hours ago, TheHarrower said:

    Kinda disappointed with the new Skirmish Rules in White Dwarf. How is everyone else feeling?

    Is it only the publishing or something else?

    I mean changing the points should help because it too them a near eternity to make an errata when a New army came out. I made tables for my fanmade armies, which isn't nessessary anymore with The new rules.

    And most heroes were way to expensive for the starting size of 25. Now most heroes should be playable.

  20. I think I will Start with a small 1000 point list. Sadly it seems that the Sourbreath Troggoths are out of action (6 of my existing models).

    My thought is

    A 300 Dankhold Troggboss

    220 Dankhold Troggoth

    2x 160 Fellwater (3 of them) 

    1x 160 Rockgut (3 of them)

    This should be 1000 points.

    Mollog is sadly a narrative NoGo for me because he is a named Character.

  21. On 11/24/2018 at 10:57 PM, Throt the Unclean said:

    Series: Could be best to hold off. There's a high chance the novel will be in a collected works book if it isn't already.


    • Callis and Toll:
      • The Silver Shard 
    • Legends of AoS:
      • City of Secrets

    Actually "City of Secrets" is the start of the Callis & Toll Series and the story is in the book "The Silver Shard" too.  Other stories of the series are Callis & Toll: The Old Ways by Nick Horth like @Overread said and as part of a sidestory the Novella "Heart of Winter", the story of Arika Zenthe after "The Silver Shard" ended.

    I also had made a list for the stories, including the german translations (but only the published books, not ebook only content). There are many stories that aren't translated yet.


  22. 19 hours ago, Aegisgrimm said:

    I'm bummed to see the Goblin Warriors and Wolf Riders removed, as they were always a "one day" idea of mine as I really liked the models and thought they aged the best of the older kits.  I'm really happy to see the Shaman renamed, as it means he will stick around so I can grab one so my Skirmish Orruk boss can have a "pet" shaman. 

    Yeah, I had also some thing in mind with them, I never made (using the fenrisian wolves for the Riders and the Thunderwolfs with Orc Chariot parts as platforms on there backs as Wolfchariots. The main reason I didn't made this was the 13 year old look of the grotmodels. They really needed new models.

    20 hours ago, Barbossal said:

    - Shadowblades

    - Lion Rangers


    14 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

    Lion Rangers... depends on if High Aelves get a legion faction or not. On the one hand, the kits they have are plastic and nice. On the other, they aren’t adding anything to those kits, and there isn’t much to build the Lion Rangers into the “Souls stolen from Slaanesh” narrative. So logically, they are gone too.

    Let's come into my thread and we can chat about what can be done with Lion Rangers (or in my case my Brotherhood of Korhil) or the idea with the Shadow Guilds. (Even if they discontinue the Lion Rangers I will have my 5000+ Points of my fanmade army when I get my order next week 🙂.


    15 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    I think Dispossessed are the outlier. They have out-performed some new/battletome armies (*cough* Fyreslayers *cough*) in several ownership surveys I have seen over the years.

    There will always be a demand for "classic" dwarves, and they seem to have a certain small - yet not insignificant - fraction of the player-base that is fiercely loyal.

    Existing range plus a new plastic Anvil and a few guns, and they would remain solid sellers IMHO.

    I think, the Dispossessed would only need new Warriors, Thunderers and Quarrellers that fit with the Ironbreakers, Longbeards, Ironbreakers and Hammerers and they would mostly be fine.

  23. So, after there are new Skirmish rules in the White Dwarf January 2019, I made a small change to my fanmade Battletomes. Most of my Fanmade Battletomes had a Skirmishtable. These shouldn't be used with the new rules, so I wrote a sentence that they only should be used with the rules released in May 2017.

    Brotherhoods of Korhil_2.6.2

    Aelfian Knightly Order_0.9.2

    and as a new Battletome in alpha state that would fit into this project

    Shadow Guild_0.9.1

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