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Everything posted by lare2

  1. I was really hopeful Bastion could be run somehow as a generic version. I'm alright for individual Lord Commanders for each host but they've done generic versions before. Hey ho...
  2. I wonder if, with the continued lack of 3.0 content, they'll adhere so rigidly to the 3 year edition cycle. At this rate, we're gonna have a significantly limited amount of time with actual 3.0 content.
  3. He's amazing. Love the model and the rules but my army isn't gold and I'm really not sure if a green Bastian will fly. Against friends I'm sure it'll be fine but I do like to attend tournies, including Warhammer World, and I've no idea how people think about colour/factions competitively.
  4. At this point I'd just be really happy with the new Annihilators.
  5. I can only commend you on the effort put into first figuring this out and then actually doing it. It's for reasons like this that I'm rubbish at this game! I would never have the patience for that!
  6. Just a quick update to say that I've spent this week still plodding on with red. I've 2 coats on the Sequitors and Longstrike. Just working on getting the first coat on my Thunderstrike stuff. Been taking me on average about 15 minutes per model to get a coat down. Have 5 Vindictors, 3 Praetor, 3 Annihilators, LA, LI, LR, and Yndrasta to go - 15 models. 15 x15 mins... looking at 3 hours 45 minutes to get the coat down. That would be Monday and a bit of Tuesday's painting sessions gone. Then for the next coat, there'd be 20 models, which would be 5 hours more work. Envisage finishing both layers off then about a week on Monday.
  7. Today's rumour engine is definitely giving out NH vibes (please be a new monster, please be a new monster).
  8. Nice one - thanks. I was kinda thinking along the same lines... but I've no Tauralon and Libs would be Vindictors.
  9. I've been chopping and changing to get a list that works with this - do you remember what the rest of the list included? Thanks in advance.
  10. Thanks for the responses everyone. I'll just ignore the error message.
  11. To those who use the app, does anyone know how to get rid of this error message? I've tried multiple hosts but it's always the same message... can't seem to figure it out.
  12. Makes perfect sense. Thanks for this.
  13. Just wondering, is there ever a reason to take staves? I know they're more damage but with less attacks and no rend... what am I missing?
  14. First time running evocats last night. Ran 3 backed up with a LA on dracoline up the right flank. I was pleasantly surprised with how hard they hit. They killed a full health mega gargant in 2 rounds of combat and secured an objective in the enemies turf. I'm definitely looking at them in a new light this morning.
  15. Kids recently started back at nursery... first time since the pandemic. Needless to say the whole house has been very ill for about two weeks. Was able to start up again this week though so thought I'd post an update. Managed to block out all black sections with Abaddon Black. This was mainly the guns for the Longstrike and the reverse of the shields. Both can be seen in the pics. Also made a good start with the first coat of red. I chose Mephiston Red for both the red fabric and also the red leather. This stage is both good and bad: good as you can really just whack the paint on and you don't have to be super neat, bad as the models really don't look too grand at this stage and you have to keep in mind the end goal. I started for the red with the Longstrike and the Sequitors as they have by far the most red on them. My Thunderstrike stuff should be a doddle once I get another coat on the older stuff. I'm just really happy to start getting some colour on these bad lads. I've also been thinking about how soon I can get these to tabletop standard. With the new book (I think it's mint - love it) out I'm really eager to actually play with the new stuff. I've a tourney in Scotland in November so my aim is to get them to tabletop standard for that. Nothing quite like a tourney to really get you motivated.
  16. I instantly thought that as well but then I thought maybe it could be some kind of plant life? Also, there's a dude's foot at the top left which implies, whatever it is, it's far from incorporeal.
  17. That's actually a really good point... I never saw it as that but it does say add 1 to the save roll. I kinda just assumed it said, those with shields have a 3+ save.
  18. Love lists like this. I always seem to gravitate towards KE now. Protectors are just nuts at the minute. Been playing around trying to fit 15 in. I also normally try to slot in 6 Longstrike because of obvious reasons. As someone who moved over from Death to SCE just before the new edition, this kind of elite playstyle is exactly what I was hoping to see. Very happy with the new book because of this.
  19. Just unlocked the tome in the app. It's actually pretty useful.
  20. A lot of things people are saying about the tome reminds me of what people were saying when the Soulblight book came out. Personally I thought that was a good book and I think so is the new SCE tome.
  21. Aye, I've watched a fair few reviews - very excited for my copy to arrive Saturday. Just wanted access to screenshots so that I could peruse at my leisure, on the toilet and whatnot. On that note, I've been thinking about this release. The rules and warscrolls aren't leaks. Once the influencers have their copies from GW then there aren't really anymore leaks or unofficial pics and they should be allowed here. All people are doing is taking screenshots of GW approved influencer reviews (which are clearly done in a way to allow screenshots), who are revealing the info in a manner GW are happy with. Anywho, was just thinking...
  22. Does anyone know if anyone's made a database of rules and warscroll screenshots from the reviews? I'm super busy at the minute and haven't really the time to compile one for myself.
  23. So much information! What a day. To summarise for here though, the list I was working on is now 2190. Far too high. Gonna cut 3 Longstrike, bringing it down to 1950. On the plus side, that's 3 less models to paint to get a legal army on the table. Celestial Vindicators' new rules though... they really aren't the best!
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