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Everything posted by jkav86

  1. Really cool Sauriv . If you don't mind me asking, what are all the bits you used? I'm mostly wondering about the spears
  2. And now, ungor raiders! Its nice to be slowly getting through this stuff.
  3. Thanks man, and yes, they are Chaos spawn, just fleshy and stuff!
  4. Spawn for the Gavespawn. More progress. I think it'll be some Bestigor next
  5. Been a while, kind of been distracted by other projects like 40k, necromunda and bloodbowl. Still! There is a tournament on in the end of April and its fully painted so I got to get my skids on. So I present progress.
  6. And a group shot! Also @RuneBrush, I thought the painting forum was the best place but I didn't help myself by not posting any pics in the first post
  7. The start of the Khorne force, 10 blood warriors!
  8. So, I wanted to sort of focus and get stuff painted this year, but I've got some free time pre-new year so I'm starting early! The objective is to paint up all my chaos! A bit of a tall order but over the course of the year I have hopes I can do well. So, the main focus will be on three things that kind of link in. Beasts of Chaos, one of my loves from pre-AoS, I have a large army in different stages of paintedness Khorne bloodbound and daemons, I have a smallish army of these guys, like 1500 or so Slaves to darkness, I couldn't resist the Christmas box this year, so these guys are on the pile. So, how they all link? I can mark them all Khorne as well as playing separately! I think this sounds cool so that is the plan. Pics as things get constructed/painted/any progress. EDIT! I forgot about this, but I need a boost to my painting so I'm opening this up to all my stuff, not just khorne.
  9. Sounds like a plan! I want to make up a unit of thirty so I'll use this to help me
  10. So I picked up some tzaangors and I was wondering if people had some suggestions on how to build them.
  11. 100% honestly? I have them made and painted while my only ungors are raiders This army was mostly from my old 8th ed beastmen force. I have them all round based since AoS started, but they were pretty weak, so, till the new book came out they saw little play. As for the use of gors, mostly they hold objectives, tie things up(I found 30 bodies with a 4+ save can make a nuisance of themselves). As I build on the army I do plan to get two units of 40 ungors.
  12. Going to a tournament tomorrow morning with the following list. The whole thing is set in the realm of metal and we get one spell per wizard, so that's in the list. I'll try post up a report on how this went after. Lets hope for not last Allegiance: Beasts Of Chaos - Greatfray: Gavespawn Mortal Realm: Chamon Beastlord (90) - Artefact: Mutating Gnarlblade Great Bray Shaman (100) - General - Trait: Unravelling Aura - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Vicious Stranglethorns - Realm of metal spell: Curse of rust - Realm of metal spell: Transmutation of Lead Great Bray Shaman (100) - Artefact: The Knowing Eye - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy - Realm of metal spell: Transmutation - Realm of metal spell: Transmutation of Lead 30 x Bestigors (300) 30 x Gors (210) - Gor-Blades & Beastshields 30 x Gors (210) - Gor-Blades & Beastshields 6 x Bullgors (320) - Axes & Bullshields 10 x Ungor Raiders (80) 10 x Ungor Raiders (80) 10 x Ungor Raiders (80) 1 x Chaos Spawn (50) Ghorgon (200) Desolating Beastherd (150) Total: 1970 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 178
  13. Generally I just grunt, moo and goat bleat at the other player during my games
  14. Keep in mind 40 raiders has a not insignificant footprint, you may find it hard getting a good spot for them to come in. In my last game I could not deploy any ambush units in enemy territory because the other guy played to deny me that. The game I did get to put my raiders somewhere good, it barely fit the 10 man unit. However they did their job, killed a cannon with shooting, tied up a second with a charge.
  15. I think one of the problems with a second beastlord is that he is another drop, the formation only gives me one. Although a three drop army isn't too bad either I guess.
  16. I had my first real game with my beasts last night against an ogre player. Have to say I really enjoyed playing them and the new stuff is all a lot of fun. My list was... Allegiance: Beasts Of Chaos - Greatfray: Gavespawn Beastlord (90) - General - Artefact: Mutating Gnarlblade Great Bray Shaman (100) - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy Great Bray Shaman (100) - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Viletide 30 x Bestigors (300) 30 x Gors (210) - Gor-Blades & Beastshields 30 x Gors (210) - Gor-Blades & Beastshields 10 x Ungor Raiders (80) 10 x Ungor Raiders (80) 10 x Ungor Raiders (80) 6 x Bullgors (320) - Great Axes 1 x Chaos Spawn (50) Ghorgon (200) Desolating Beastherd (150) So, we ended up playing the battle for the pass mission. I set up my one unit of gors, bestigor and bullgors and ghorgon with my heros and spawn right on the front line with some ungors on my back objective, the remaining ungors and gor units in ambush. The other player set up his ogres protected by a huge web of gnoblars. I got dropped first so I let him take turn one, not sure if that was the right move. I wont go into a turn by turn break down, but basically my bestigors and other big hitters went left and pushed through while on my right his ogres pushed through. We went till turn four, where we were tied for points, but it was getting late so we called it as a win for him. I wasn't able to score more then one more point for turn five while I was 99% certain he could get 4 or so more points. Some thoughts, The herd stone sounds cool but it didn't really do anything, with the formation I ran I wanted to be up in the other guys face so it was never in range for anything. At least it doesn't cost points. The beastlord with gnarlblade is a nice surprise, people don't expect a 90 point hero to be doing 18 or more damage with the formation, rerolling ones, and wounds against heros. As an aside, I did kill a hero with him to use his ability, but he died to the next combat and since you cant be within 18" of a corpse it was a wasted command point. Stacking the gavespawn ability, on the charge with bestigor is sick. I took care of his Ironguts with 5 attack bestigors. Geminids are a pain, they really helped take care of my gor units with their debuffs. Ambushing is cool, but my opponent was smart and didn't really leave me anywhere good to drop. And now a request! Anyone got any advise for how to play this list a bit better? I have to admit I'm not a great player and advise is welcome, as I plan to bring this to my first AoS tournament in November. I'm looking forward to it, but I'd be happy not to be the bottom guy Edit: My Bullgors have axes and shields, don't know how that got wrong!
  17. I am so excited, like, just take my money! Hopefully all the old beastmen models have good rules though, I have so many gors that haven't really got to play much in AoS.
  18. I have a game arranged for next week, it'll be my first of the new edition and I'm going in a little blind, my generals hand book wont arrive till after the game! so for summoning I'm just filling a spare case with saurus and skinks and seeing what happens for that As for the list... Allegiance: Seraphon Slann Starmaster (260) - General - Trait: Vast Intellect Engine of the Gods (220) - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160) Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (260) - Artefact: Blade of Realities 5 x Saurus Knights (90) - Lances 5 x Saurus Knights (90) - Lances 5 x Saurus Knights (90) - Lances 10 x Skinks (60) - Boltspitters & Moonstone Clubs 1 x Salamanders (40) 3 x Skink Handlers (40) Bastiladon (280) Bastiladon (280) Thunderquake Starhost (120) Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 I think it should be fun, I like a lot of monsters and, while I know knights are probably not optimal, I do like them. So any thoughts or suggestions?
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