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Everything posted by Dez

  1. Oooh that might be a better short term financial goal. It would also almost completely free up my gaming schedule...LVO, here I come!
  2. Gives me more time to remortgage, sell the car and get my wife and kids jobs to support the release
  3. I am so giddy about High Tech Steam Stunties!
  4. So many I could do! I've wanted to recreate the Realm of Beasts for my Ironjawz, some crazy underground pier/factory for my Skaven, and I'm also mulling over an Ork 'Counts As' Genestealers, which would be lots of city/inside terrain with flickering lights and stuff and the Kommandoz sneaking around.
  5. After setting a frenzied pace and then accidentally playing too much ESO, I'm going to get back to work again. Stupid car accident didn't help either. I've got more Skaven to share, some Blood Bowl coming in the near future, and a fun Orky project I've been mulling over
  6. I've been wanting to do this for years myself, it would be nice to get it done!
  7. GO MEGABOSS GO!!! Krunk Krunk he's our man if he can't do it ...maybe Sangfroid can?
  8. yeah I have a bunch of Tzeentch stuff, a full WoC army I played for years. It's going to be hard to resist, I ordered the dice already
  9. Tell Krunk ta sharpen 'iz Choppa and get ta fightin'!
  10. SQUATS! I'll reset that clock with a hammer!
  11. I like this idea, mostly because I'd like to paint and convert some Witch hunters I think Crossbow Handcannon Murder Friends are go!
  12. YEEEEEEEHAW!!! Them Azyr Boys have done it again gol'dang it! The rootinest tootinest varmnts in the Mortal Plains!
  13. The same Wow/Blizzard that originally took it's look from GW? I'd say that would be pretty darn fun! "[Blizzard co-founder] Allen Adham hoped to obtain a license to the Warhammer universe to try to increase sales by brand recognition" http://kotaku.com/5929161/how-warcraft-was-almost-a-warhammer-game-and-how-that-saved-wow Bring on the Stunties vs Gobboz Dogs of War High Flying Fighting Extravaganza!
  14. Excelsior Warpriest also has that crescent moon belt buckle and his Gryph Hound is striped.
  15. Waiting for Dwarven Flying Army, Porkin's Pirates!
  16. I'd be poor between guitars, amps Magic and beer!
  17. And now the part of there being a transport becomes a bit clearer
  18. Awww! Poor junior high summoner! He just wants a girl to at least talk to him, he'll just dream of the heady heights of High School and dating a girl of his own. Perhaps his One True Love, They'll go to the Chamon High School prom on a stretch disc of Tzeentch and live happily ever after. Don't drink the punch, Nurgle spiked it!
  19. Well he said he has seen the models earlier. It's been talked/rumored about since before the end of WFB. It's also a rumor thread, not a fact thread
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