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Posts posted by daedalus81

  1. 1 minute ago, DamonRafael said:

    Are the bonesplitterz only the savage orruks and the boarboys (and the 3 characters) ? I've seen some rumors that this repack will be something like the Flesh Eaters's one, but I can't see the centerpiece in the bonesplitterz faction O.o Am I missing something?



    According to the points they are getting no centerpiece.  Maybe they'll have something in the future, but for now I struggle to imagine what it would be...maybe some idol or something.

    Fans of the faction will hopefully have lots of tweaks to how the infantry works.

  2. 6 hours ago, Ossyan said:

    Hi any chance of getting Death and Destruction?



    4 hours ago, Druchiilord94 said:

    What are the command abilities and artefacts for chaos?


    4 hours ago, Dracoth said:


    Any chance I could get order and Chaos too please. Don't have any Death models.


    3 hours ago, Ian R said:

    Are the battle line scenarios available anywhere?

    No, but here's one we've been enjoying.

    Divide the table lengthwise.  Roll off for alternate deploy.  Deploy 12" from enemy territory.  First to finish chooses first round.

    Objective is the center of each territory and 9" from their table edge.  Whomever controls both these points at the end of turn 3 (more models in 6") gets a major victory.  Otherwise at turn 5 sum up points killed.

  3. 3 hours ago, fiZZycoke said:

    would you mind PM'ing me the Chaos and legacy points?


    On its way.

    3 hours ago, Nico said:

    Is the Bloodscorch Bulltribe in the GH?

    It's a formation from Godbeasts.

    Thanks in advance.

    I did not see it.  What army does it involve?

    3 hours ago, Soulsmith said:

    If it isn't too much trouble could I join these folk in asking for the destruction points? Want to see what is possible with a mixed force, having to take the bleh battlelines. I can't not use my FW banner :P

    On its way.

  4. Quote

    End times has nothing to do with AoS. The way they do everything has changed completely. They don't release models or books like that anymore, AoS is organized in a specific new way.

    I'm not so certain of that.  Skullcrushers, wrathmongers, skullreapers, skarr, and scyla (and 3 other character models) all made it into bloodbound with no issue.  I'm sure blightkings are going nowhere and archaon is almost exactly the same as he was before -- aside from being on a giant monster.

  5. Quote

    Sylvaneth is actually the first exception to the rule, but basically all they did was create a brand new faction on top of the treeman kit. 

    There are a number of kits that came out just before or during End Times, which I think qualify as "AoS" models - all the elf releases (presumably the DE models where supposed to come with the Khaine book),  slaughterbrute, all the End Times book stuff (of course), gyros and other dwarfs, etc, etc.

    I expect we will see a mixed release eventually.  The chaos warrior kit will probably fade away along with others, but things like the more recent chaos lord is here to stay.

  6. Quote

    I wonder for the global campaign that is coming up, will there be fixed units in battleplans that we play against for the storyline to progress? Awesome - that makes me so happy.

    There doesn't appear such a thing, but some encourage more monsters or use of the dreadhold.  Also painting scores you points during the campaign.

    You'll enjoy this review posted elsewhere:


  7. 36 minutes ago, Bass294 said:

    Any sort of spell or ability that creates a new unit will need to take from your "reinforcement points" when they are put on the battlefield. You can choose not to pay the points and forfeit the unit if you so choose.


    Any type of ability that summons models in a unit but not new units doesn't have to pay points, but you can't exceed the units starting size.

    Direct from the book?  That's much cleaner, and better, in my head.

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