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Ratboy genius

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Everything posted by Ratboy genius

  1. I would hope that skaven or beasts of chaos get something significant before making yet another new faction for chaos
  2. agreed, we haven't seen new elves for at least 3 weeks
  3. If female skaven ever become a thing, the skaven insta / etc tags will become essentially unusable. pure pain.
  4. "Reply hazy, please try again" I think I got scammed
  5. As a skaven player in aos, it's best practice to stubbornly refuse something is skaven until gw reveals the model, otherwise many a letdown will be coming
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if they respond in kind to all factions in this manner
  7. Please don't bully skryre players like this
  8. i'm not sure what i'm supposed to be seeing here
  9. There's a survey i found on here from 2019 that had skaven at about 5% playrate Tournament stats had them at ~8% play rate (they are not close to top tier) I think Vince's (youtube) poll had them at about 5-8% playrate A discord i'm on had their "interest rate" at 27% as of 2019 (this discord is very pro-skaven, though.) Most of the polls i've seen have them at about 5-8% playrate, and you can be sure that none of this is due to New Model Syndrome/ New shiny chasing. This is more popular than , say, daughters of khaine or slaanesh. I'm sure a full refresh would cause their playrate to rocket to the moon (pun intended)
  10. Skaven can, but right now they're in need of a kit refresh, and quite badly. They'd need like 20 kits to bring them up to a modern standard, before expanding is thought about
  11. Other than Szeras, the entire necron refresh had 0 rumor engines, so that doesn't necessarily mean you're out of luck
  12. In skaven's case, their factions were never meant to be split-I don't think merging factions is a death sentence, I just think GW doesn't have plans for Skaven. Ironjawz you might be speaking too soon on that one, if rumors are to be believed
  13. popular(?) enough to get 2 big waves and some characters
  14. If it's not clan eshin piloting a sky grot ship with malerion riding on it casting idoneth endless spells onto the silent ones we riot!
  15. GW's not done much to counteract this notion, elves have, like, 6 gods, who are all extremely active, then theres the 5 chaos gods, who don't do much, whoever beasts of chaos have, grungi, gorkamorka, and sigmar, who are basically absent save when gw decides a new edition needs more stormcast
  16. Don't feel too bad, by all accounts skaven are a weaker faction despite having a lot of weapons that shoot
  17. we are perpetually at that stage of the preview cycle, tbqh
  18. multiple models for AoS that isn't just a hero, terrain, and spells Because while underworlds bands are cool, they're always unique, and usually have completely half-assed rules. Terrain and spells are usually cool, but you can only really run one or less of them, and sometimes you don't run them at all (When's gw going to label the warp lightning vortex as barak zilfin and be done with it?)
  19. But i'm not saying that bonesplitterz or spider grots don't need anything or that i would hate to see them get anything, it's just that, right now, since the start of aos, orruk warclans, sons of behemat, and gloomspite gitz have gotten a wave since the start of AoS, and ogor mawtribes have not. Especially with these soup tomes you're not going to have a wave of models hit every aesthetic that players of that soup tome likes (see gloomspite gits), and it'd be nice to see everything get updated, but it's probably more important to hit tomes that haven't gotten anything in aos first before hitting tomes that have. Not that that stops gw from releasing multiple waves of one thing within a few months of each other.
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