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Everything posted by pseudonyme

  1. My only problem concerning the "Soulblight is just an icon, you should not read anything behind", is as it is 'oy a proper faction since the beginning of AoS, why didn' t they put Nagash or Arkhan ? That would be so much more relevant.
  2. Not sure about the single battleline requirement, but I can imagine a restriction on the maximum point of any unit / warscroll to avoid block of 40 something and too powerful monsters.
  3. Following the Warhammer Fest reveal on the upcoming 1k games specific rules, I am rather excited to give tje opportunity to throw even more money out of the window in buying viable smaller armies. Being a complete newbie, what do you think they will change to scale AoS to 1k points games ? What could they do to make the experience different and yet similar to 2k games ? Do you think they could go alternative activations / phases for small games ?
  4. My guess on the Warhammer Fest 2019 reveal of the dedicated 1000 points rules in the next GHB: encourage people to have multiple small armies to stop them complaining that their only faction does not get anything. It will also help people to have allies and mercenairies.
  5. I think the 1000 points mode could be cool
  6. I don't see them releasing a messy product like the quick shade. At least not advertised as a dipping product.
  7. I am starting to think they will in fact create a MOOC for miniatures painting. If there is a company / group that could make a great MOOC, that would be them.
  8. Yes, this screams Nagash and Mortarchs' mount. But is this LoN terrain, endless spells or Deathrattle related (which would be more or less odd as LON replaced Deathrattle in my mind)? Excited because Death, but very puzzled
  9. I think it is more than à rumour as in the trailer, the insect thing that get eaten by the squig matches to rumour engines. My guess is that there will be one new hero for each faction
  10. But What about the rule of cool ? This warband looks so good, and you can't field them officially in LoN. It does not make sense to me. Anyway, back on topic
  11. Dear @John Roy and @dewidiot Just to tell you that in the upcoming GW community survey, I will ask them to hire you for a Web series on the daily life of GW staff. You've been warned 😁
  12. @Thomas Lyons told me on Twitter that GW did not stated that they will all be new sculpts, but the way they presented Warcry at Acon seemed to implied that. Not that it is an absolute truth, but Thom seems to think that it was ambiguous enough to hope.
  13. As apparently there is also a mirror matching DOK design, do you think there will also be artefacts hinting the future elves factions on this Slaanesh terrain?
  14. I asked @Thomas Lyons on Tweeter about the new warbands as the way they presented it confused me, and he replied that they did not say that the non chaos warbands will be new sculpts, but it was more or less implied. My reasoning is that if they want to support Warcry as Kill team, I can't see a Soulblight warband bundle with a non plastic vampire in it.
  15. If it does not comme true, I guess it will be my AoS28 project.
  16. I call the 9th warband will be Death aligned voodoo necromancer humans with new animal and humans zombies 👌
  17. Frankly, it had been months that we did not have any rumour, as if GW succeded in getting everything under the radar. I guess we have to accept that we left the age of rumours and entered the age of speculations
  18. @Thomas Lyons has an interesting theory that this box is only chaos but their there is a good chance there will be boxes for all the grand alliances. Grain of salt, tin foil hat... https://twitter.com/WHWeeklyTom/status/1105824894686769156?s=09
  19. No worries mate, the RPG is not released yet. I would suggest to open à section a few weeks before or once it is released. No rush 👍
  20. A little disappointed because of the chaos focus (which I did not believed when the rumours came up here some weeks ago). Like many I would have preferred different factions or destruction instead of chaos in the box set. BUT, it seems to be packed with terrain, I love the fact that they are pushing the word « narrative » and I am sure it will be a good rule set. It is just that ****** box content.
  21. This potential Dwarf book could be The dispossessed one but with specific Battalions to fill KO and Fyrslayers. on a side bite, I wonder if they will make Chaos gods terrain compatible for 40k as the nurgle trees
  22. I bet on the future Idoneth WHU warband. Even it could be an Idoneth terrain
  23. Are we now talking août Space marines chambers and no more about Stormcasts legions ?
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