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Everything posted by silverstu

  1. Cool that they are casting some of the new models in metal, thats a nice surprise . Hoping for dwarfs this weekend!
  2. I agree, plus this community is so great it would be nice to keep it together with a fantasy focus and hopefully expand. TGA is such a great hangout.
  3. Nezzhil had thought there might be a second kit after the hero but wasn't sure so who knows, I thought it might be a Warcry war band but I'm not expecting anything for a while. We might get plastic war dancers for TOW before we see Kurnothi. But they are coming as they have been described in the lore..and the have had models relatively recently.
  4. It could be that they didn't include them because they have such nice new minis and some of the races they did include weren't getting much/any mini love in AoS. Like I doubt dwarfs are getting anything soon in AOS so resources can go to them in TOW. Skaven ae getting a big revamp in AOS, so obviously they don't need new models in TOW as well just yet. Hopefully the missing factions will come back via an expansion or second edition if the relaunch proves successful [and judging by the sold out nature of the release I'm guessing its got off to a. very good start]. I'm fairly sure I read early on when they were talking about bringing Fantasy Battles back they said it could let them explore different eras and settings - "The Old World " could just be the first..
  5. These look awesome mate! I'm hoping to take the opportunity of rebasing to add extra character to my old dwarfs.Love the unit fillers!
  6. Ah I read that quickly as WhiteFang not WhiteFang Back Me Up.. , Happy to wait for summer. A longer gap between releases brings the possibility of them reacting to increasing demand .
  7. I thought every quarter is more reasonable time frame
  8. Ooo I thought they were months away! Excited and nervous!! loving the return of dwarf runes. I always felt making your weapons/armour etc really made your characters your own! Back to the good old days!
  9. Yeah painful but promising I hope! Hopefully it shows there is serious demand for Old World and they can make a case to give it more resources and we get more plastic kits per faction and can plan expansions to bring in the pdf factions. I'll bet they have a few things up their sleeve they can bring forward if it was successful. I am dreading when I need to get new dwarf stuff, I was relaxed today a I'm not ready to buy in but in a few months ..different story.. The dwarf summaries coming out just took me right back, very familiar without being the same, rangers sound very good- I wonder if we might get a new unit of them?
  10. I'm currently working between my Votann and Nids in 40k but this year I'd like to get my copy of Cursed City put together and painted. I'm also looking forward to TOW coming out and getting my dwarfs out of storage and starting to paint them once again.
  11. Is it just me or do the more recent rumour engines get solved a lot quicker these days? Generally within 6 months?
  12. Yeah I was very disappointed when the Norse turned into just chaos marauders .. I loved their viking style with bezerkers and were-warriors. Plus their associations with Norse Dwarfs .. hoping we see proper Norse dwarfs later on as I'm guessing they will expand things once the game gets [hopefully ]well established. Also very excited to see dwarfs might be coming in the summer with the appearance of the dice...
  13. Yes if thats the prices going forward getting another army is going to be very tempting..Wood Elves are a possibility. Dwarfs - Juggernaught centrepiece unit- Rangers [bugmans brewers], Slayers? With plastic I think they could do an amazing set of Slayers, plus there would be AoS crossover. Bugman's Brewers were always a favourite of mine.. Wood Elves - forest dragon or great eagle mounts Wardancers Waywatchers I'm hoping if ToW takes off we will see increasing numbers of plastic kits for the factions.
  14. The books look nice, probably pricey but good. I think I'll probably get the rules and Raven hordes book for my dwarfs. Its a shame Skaven are only PDFs, hopefully they will be good enough for me to tempt my buddy back into gaming..🤞
  15. I think its been suggested there will be a Warcry war band for Kurnothi if anything, at least for now. They could have a good range- a centaur leader, faun types and regular kurnothi, possibly a beast or two..
  16. Would love another Quest game, hopefully with a good spread of playable races. Always nice to represent your chosen faction! Cursed City had some wonderful models so I hope whatever comes next is of a similar standard. Valrak had thought a Spacehulk styled game.. they could bring in the boarding action terrain for that. And yes @JackStreicher.. that is a wonderful Vamp model..😁
  17. I wonder if they might bring back the dwarf juggernaught for the centrepiece plastic kit! I think there were rumours of one being designed in CAD before the End Times hit...
  18. Thats a very cool new Vampire! Love the snake! Sorely tempted to collect a few of these Vamp heroes, such nice models just calling out to be painted!
  19. They are lost but there was evidence that some had escaped and left signs to follow but the Kruel Boyz that came with Kragnos destroyed them before he saw the marks. Probably setting up the possibility of their return eventually, Kragnos is looking for them.
  20. Yes I immediately thought Kurnothi! The text implies its not a horse.. Might be a bit short though...
  21. This seems to me to be a slow build to get the game re-established and judge demand. Based on the End Times stuff selling out I think its going to do well. Personally I'm very excited at the chance to get my Dwarf army out again and add to it, I've played and collected with it for over 30 years so the attachment is strong and I'd love the chance to buy some new dwarf kits and some of the older models [hoping for some made to order metal longbeards]. My old gaming buddy currently only build lego with his kids but I mentioned Warhammer coming back and his eyes lit up, I reckon there's a chance to get him back playing and I'm also guessing he could be tempted by new AoS Skaven. AoS and ToW compliment each other, they fill different niches and there is the potential for plenty of crossovers so I think both systems will get stronger as a result of ToW's release. As my old Warseer buddy Harry used to say BRING IT ON!
  22. That doesn't seem like a lot of skaven to me? Eshin would be a good pick though as well as new rat Ogres..Might be able to tempt my old gaming buddy back in with this- he always ran Skaven against my dwarfs..
  23. Yeah I think tiered/category voting would be great. I'm always torn by these votes as I'm also wanting to big up factions I'm interested in so GW see they are popular. There have been so many great kits this year and centrepiece models wouldn't be the first I'd vote for. The lictor redo is awesome and looks like a wonderful, versatile kit. The Harbringer of Decay and the mounted CoS Marshall are beautiful models I'd be tempted to buy just to paint up, they are stunning. I also really like the Votann killteam kit though as it is so fun and characterful and adds a lot for so little.. I mean you go through the list and there are so many kits that you think .. oh thats a belter as well! Being able to give a wider spread fo votes would be much better!
  24. Looks like Chaos beastie antlers.. although'd prefer Kurnothi but I guess they would be smooth..
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