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Everything posted by silverstu

  1. I'm kinda hoping the extra surprises might be glimpses as to what's coming for the edition beyond the launch box.. maybe a small sighting of new dwarf stuff.. But I'imagining the set itself should be a belter- maybe a man crusher, wolf cav.. troggoths possibly..
  2. Loved the stuff about Athel Loren regrown and reborn and Grungni revealing himself. Hope for new Grungni dwarfs to kick ass and settle grudges as well as Kurnothi finally showing up.
  3. The mount has one the screaming/leering metal faces form the rumour engines on it as a belly guard for the rider..
  4. I can understand that- I don't play just collect. But I'vereally loved the recent dwarf sculpts form them [few though they have been]- Gotrek, Bugmanson and Dagnai are all great [two of which are Kharadron so it would be a shame if they don't bring us more.] Hopefully we will all be pleasantly surprised by new models, but best not to hold one's breath. I have been intrigued by the 3-d print warmaster community so I can see there is a real pull there definitely.
  5. The Gotrek sculpt shows how good Slayers can be [the Underworlds warband is rather good too]. I'm hoping for Norse Dwarf beserkers eventually when the Old World is released . I respectfully disagree, Kharadron follow leaders judged on their deeds not their status, plus they could well just be allying with his forces rather than following him, they could retain their independence - I can't imagine Grungni demanding obedience from anyone let alone the Kharadron. The KO book states that Grungni left the Duardin to get on with things without him because he wanted them to be independent, he can still respect that and ask for their support in times of war. I think we all want the same - more dwarf models, more lore and more factions - I think the compromise in the short term is that they might be in the same book. The glue of the book will be the faction between Fyreslayers and KO that bridges the two just as in the old World dwarf armies had warriors, quarrellers and veterans in-between the slayers and the engineers. I don't like the prospect of the combining the forces in one book, I'm trying to look to the positive which is the possibility of new dwarfs.
  6. As an old longbeard I love my Kharadrons, love their lore and I'm excited by the idea if them getting expanded and becoming a deeper faction. I can see the potential in Fyreslayers too , plenty of scope to do really interesting design ideas with them which I'd love to see as well [someone mentioned a short story with Fyreslayers riding giant ground sloths and wearing furs which sounds epic!]. However the pragmatic dwarf in me also notes that dwarfs as a race need more variation beyond these two nations- the classic dwarf tropes of smiths/heavily armoured warriors/warmachines/ miners /brewers/ rangers and rune weapons all could do with being brought into AoS and there's the problem. There are already what 24 factions? Seraphon, Skaven and Beastmen have had virtually nothing so far in AoS, CoS need fresh models, Malerions faction has to arrive and I'd love Kurnothi to appear next to Sylvaneth. Add to that this rumour of a combined dwarf book - Grungni's grand alliance or Duardin Nations is persistent and our own rumour monger has all but come out and said its coming, wether we like it not its happening. On the plus side I reckon its coming soon after launch as its so mentioned, maybe 3rd battle tome after Stormcast and the new greenskins. I also think it won't just be Fyreslayers and KO -I think there will be a big release of another updated dwarf faction which will sandwich between the two. Probably all three will be available to be taken as pure armies, hopefully we will get some new lore, new artwork and possibly in the not too distant future at least the odd kit for Fyreslayers and KO. A combined book gives a place to explore all the aspects of the dwarf culture, hopefully we can benefit. I just don't see the release schedule allowing a new dwarf faction AND an substantial model updates to KO or Slayers. I'll take new models over nothing everyday of the week. On the subject of Ko following Grungni- they already did in Br:Belakor and they did not because he is a god, they did because, as their culture, he is a good leader. Kharadron value skill and good leadership- Grungni can offer these and gain them as allies [not blind followers]. Again I would prefer serrate books and lots of new dwarfs of varying factions but that looks highly unlikely so I'll hope for some new dwarfs in the immediate future and new KO in the longer term.
  7. I wonder if he will be further revealed in BR: Kragnos ..I hope he's back in Chamon after bailing out Sigmar again.. [They did say there might be other surprises as well as the box reveal this weekend.. maybe we can hope for a glance of a future duardin release..probably not but you can always dream.. ]
  8. Yep definitely .. Hopefully this has some significance for the duardin factions .. like some new models , hopefully Grungni himself popping up on some fantastical war machine.. Yeah getting that vibe a bit.. hopefully still might mean more models.. I'd really like to see updated Grungni Duardin in there - I love the iron breakers and hammerers but it would be nice to see some new units, the recent dwarf sculpts have been amazing.. well you did mention way back who Gromthi was.. 😉... I hope he signals some new duardin coming our way..
  9. It definitely sounds like they are laying down the basis for a Dwarf revival/expansion - love to see new lore and new models- Gotrek, Bugmanson and Dagnai are fantastic models - would love to see more. A battle box of them vs Skaven would be awesome too- what could they uncover in Grungni's lost hold.. where is Valaya... who is the White Dwarf... we need answers and models!
  10. I really hope they release these as a collection from Black Library - they sound brilliant.
  11. Just on the whole “everything in the same book” thing- they could act like smaller grand alliances, which would let GW add new types to that class/race without over producing battle tomes. So you could get new clans of green skins as well as new models for existing factions. Could have an alliance of Life with Sylvaneth, Kurnothi and wanderers plus what ever else they dream up. Dwarf nations could work adding additional types exploring Valaya faction or the miners and rangers etc. So you could run pure lists or mixed with limits (A bit like Cities of Sigmar) . Bigger books and more models sounds alright (although I do love my independent Kharadron..
  12. Orcs and gobbos have had hooks for hands in the past .. plus look at Azog from the the Hobbit movie - big old hook for a hand.. wolfs and squigs bite after all..
  13. I had the Lead Belcher! I remember I had a troll, a few wolf riders and a the odd goblin when I was about 12. Very nostalgic .. never did collect an army of them as I went for dwarfs. But yeah it really looks like the totem heads on the old war machines. Looking forward to seeing them revealed, I imagine they have a sneaky vibe to them form the old hobgoblins and the general nastiness of old orcs and gobbos.
  14. I really get the feeling its a legal dispute - hence they can't talk about it etc..like copyright infringement. Until its resolved they can't do anything with it- only thing that makes sense to me. Oh I love them too- fantastic models, I have a big unit painted up in my old VC army. Looks like multi option arms. Fantastic sculpt , very tempted to pick her up as a painting project.. the whole Soul blight release is really well sculpted.. must resist...
  15. Yeah I could see Soulblight getting another wave in a year or so. There isn't much in the way of AoS flavour there other than the heroes- maybe foot/flying vamp troops and a mounted vamp lord. The look like they might be designing a whole range all at once and then splitting the range up, but delivering them sooner so they aren't creating the micro factions. Its only a pain from the battle tome side of things, I'd prefer to see my army get an update sooner rather than later whenever something I like gets released rather than wait 4+ years for an update. If they aren't introducing as many new factions they could also get back to expanding the existing ones sooner too. a double expansion of most factions would be excellent. I'd love to see where they take KO and dwarfs generally .
  16. Yep, I wonder if its connected to the Old World- the new Vamps fit perfectly into VC, the core of Lumineth would fill in for high elves. Its probably because these core elements are what they see as "Warhammer" in design terms but it does leave a lot of room for crossover when the Old World gets released.
  17. I'm loving the giant bear elementals and bear calvary .. map wise - Norse Dwarfs please!! Norse dwarfs would be good to develop- not seen in ages, get the dwarf fans in and cross over with dispossessed and KO [norse KO would be fun!]. Very excited for the new game - hoping these things come in plastic rather than resin but guessing plastic will be dedicated to rank and file.
  18. Yeah could be around binding/allying to your army. Possibly bring a new character class into armies- a hunter/beastmaster/beast tamer type. Model wise it could be fantastic, they could bring out Fenbeasts, Swamp Dragons, Death Creatures and jus imagine the flying creatures the Kharadron encounter. I've really loved the look of the Warcry beasts as well as the Ambull and Zoat in Blackstone Fortress, it would be great to see what the designers could come up with for one off critters. Yeah they could be a random encounter too, or maybe the risk of losing control of them. KO have a few mentions of female Admirals/captains and they appear in the art for the current Battletome so hopefully they get models soon as well as other dwarf factions] Yeah that could be another way to play them - unfriendly environments and would as you say link to the resurgence of life.
  19. Looks like a bear-type head to me - maybe Kislev from the old-world? Although that would make those arrows huge.. I'd love to say Kurnothi but maybe Order/knights of Sigmar- looks like its sitting on armour plate. I also noted that yesterday's write up of 3rd Ed included Order "wrestles with the arrival of new gods.." gods plural so not just Kragnos - Kurnoth maybe, Grombrindal/Valaya.. I wonder who else might arrive [probably more for Destruction forces.. Kragnos could do with more rivals]. Really looking forward to finding out more [and the new monsters mentioned- I wonder if these will be individual monsters popping up - in old WFB you could take 25% of your points in monsters - would be apt for the Age of the Beast- the equivalent of endless spells and the excuse for some fantastic new models..
  20. Yep they look huge there- the wingspan is magnificent ! Like that the skeletons and zombies come as 20s, but I'm definitely not, definitely not getting any vamps... they do look lovely though... Hoping the fake bit is the nonsense about dwarfs..
  21. Yeah it means "Made By Grungni- quality products since forever"..😇 I'm fine with them updating the Stormcasts - they might be poster boys/girls but they aren't as prevalent as marines have become in 40k [we aren't going to get releases for red ones, green ones and grey ones]. Plus its exciting to think what they might do with the ranges that need refreshed/expanded if they take this design approach to them. Personally really looking forward to seeing what new dwarfs will look like when they get round to them. Especially that Annihilator paladin- I can imagine heavily armoured dwarfs in a similar vein. Bring on the Destruction forces and the rest of the range!!
  22. well that was great- the new Stormcast hero is fantastic! I like the new look Stormcast as well and then of course Grungni was mentioned... Really... "the Maker God has been busy .." should have led to.."making new duardin stuff.." but no.. helping out Sigmar again... 🙄 poor lad can needs all the help he can get, thats whay the new stormcast look so good..😁 Exactly this... But yes looking forward to 2 more previews and seeing the new Destruction faction.. the rumour of the beastial foot definitely looks like it belong to a Destruction mounted hero.. we shall see- are they fighting over the ruins of Excelsis? Also - they seemed to emphasise forces of Cities of Sigmar sallying out- could be one of the early factions for 3rd?
  23. WANT- anything dwarf/kurnothi/sylvaneth-would do .. [like a teaser for things accompanying AoS3/Norse Dwarfs for Old World] Expect: AoS 3, really looking forward to seeing what they are bringing for Stormcast [the sword-brethren style would be great for them] and for the new destruction crew. Don't Want- 30k/40k marines..
  24. Yes I'm thinking there will be multiple things shown- probably not full reveals but more like trailers for AoS3, Old World and maybe new Horus Heresy. Is it on at 6 again or is it at the usual time of weekend reveals? Tonight should have the new Orks -I wonder what else they will tease/preview.
  25. Well that was great! Love the new Dire Wolves - always had a soft spot for them, Radukar the Beast and Belladamma are fantastic - love the wa they have expanded the vamp bloodlines. The Vengorians are highly disturbing- I wonder if you could take the spare torso from that kit and add it to a mounted vampire .. might be too large. Vamps are looking pretty cool it has to be said -the range seems really big. On the Cursed City sprues I thought they would make the basis of an excellent start collecting set- the zombies, skeletons, bats and rats are all on the same sprue so they could pack a couple those in and add a character and its good to go. [the characters/specialists are on a separate sprue]. dragons looks pretty cool- glad he's not for Kurnothi- he's clearly more beastial and powerful and suits destruction more. He's a like an ogre/giant-centaur- probably the first of more more special characters for Destruction I'd imagine. Looking forward to seeing these new greenskins, I bought a Rock Troggoth for the dwarf statue bits but I do quite like him... On the Kurnothi front jus to point out Whitefang very kindly was responding to my enthusiastic dreaming around them - he's constantly indicted they are coming, just not soon-maybe a year away, maybe more- who knows, but I'm sure they'll be worth the wait [ I had been expecting them in the next few months- hence his "not as soon as you think' comment]. In the meantime I've converted a few Kurnothi for my own war band like @Nos and I am letting my eye wander over the new Sylvaneth sculpt and my existing Kharadrons which need finishing. Have faith I'm sure Kurnothi are in our future!
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