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Posts posted by Mayple

  1. @Ben - I was in the process of writing a tips&tricks strategy blog a while back, right before GHB2 dropped. Could do a few articles on that subject about a host of brutally cunning ploys, as well as some "how to deal with.." scenarios if that sounds interesting. Could be a solid resource for new and experienced players alike. Likely going to steer way clear of listbuilding though, unless I think it is relevant to a specific strategy, or if it comes up in a "How to deal with.." write-up.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    I kind of hope not.  I really like both the colossal and the Squig Gobbla after the last round of changes.

    Speaking of the squig Gobbla - I'm getting a vague impression based on what we've seen so far that Gloomspite Gitz might be a fairly decent artillery/shooty based army. Not that they're predominantly aimed that way, mind, but there seems a real capability there.

    Between Squig Gobblas, Bad moon global (sectioned?) comet drop, the skarsnik prodder artifact, Loonking's shooty range, the various more "unreliable" shooty elements like some of the Troggoths, Arachnarock catapults and such - Feel like we can blast away all we want. Especially considering our nasty collection of bonuses versus return fire, and ability to dissuade actually running at our lines (fanatics)

    Just some hypothetical fungal lunacy rambling ;)

  3. I'm properly spoiled for choice! I want to run a full unit of the squig knights, accompanied by the -very- desireable loonboss on cave-squig, as well as getting ahold of the mangler squig, Loonking, and the moonshrine. I think I can live with my current fanatics for now, but will replace them down the road, for sure! These will all play around my full units of stabbas and shootas.

    But I also have to consider the incoming gobbapalooza and the sniffers! 

    Darn it GW! I don't have the funds for this! :O 

    Any insight//theories//opinions on how you'd efficiently run a list around a full blob of squig knights? Be it split up into several units (oh I hope they don't go up to 30. I mean, I do, but my wallet does not), or run as one big kill squad --- Of course, based on our current knowledge, since we don't have the full picture yet including battalions, traits, etc, etc.. 

    Edit: The moonshrine seems more or less mandatory considering my core horde of 120 happy gobbos. That battleshock immunity is such a nice little cherry on top; it will feel like I'm playing Skaven again :D  (I regularly abused the crown of conquest battleshock immunity when playing skaven)

  4. Just now, Malakree said:

    Eidolon, Celestant Prime, Cauldren of Blood, Akhealian King.

    There's actually reasonably good precedence for him not being a monster.

    Also the notable case of the Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace, which also lacks the monster keyword, despite being massive.

  5. Troggboss, Fanatics and Squig-knights :D Prioritizing Squig-Knights. I've got 60 moonclan grots ready to go, and I don't feel the need to fill out the other two with more of the sort, unless gitmob archers are included in the allegiance. So to that end I'd want to either fill the remaining battleline slots with squig-knights (assuming they're battleline), or Troggoths. Grabbing pretty much everything in the long run though.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Congratz said:

    So you base with Skarsnik green? What do you shade with?

    Athosian Camoshade and Nuln Oil based on whether I need to tone down the colours or not (if toning down; nuln oil) - but I tend to go a bit crazy with the shades. Throw in some fleshshade/fuegan orange to add variety of colour, or Drakenhoof nightshade/Druuchi violet for the darkest areas (use minimal amounts of this, as they are on the opposite end of the color spectrum, and also much darker, so they'll serve as your "black" without killing your colour) - you can make the model look even paler by highlighting with a non-green colour from there, like ushabti bone or any of the dark elf flesh (pallid wych flesh, flayed one flesh, etc) up to Ceramite white. Although I didn't do this, but it's good to keep in mind :)


    Edit; When using any of the non-green shades, except nuln oil, don't use them as a wash. At that point you're looking to apply them to specific areas such as around the mouth, nose, joints, ears, etc.

    • LOVE IT! 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, Congratz said:

    I wanna get started by painting up some of my grots now! I really lile the “Pale” green skin colour, but i have no idea how its painted... Does somebody have an idea?

    thanks :)

    Skarsnik green into Ogryn camo has yielded good pale green results for me :) Reccommended. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Basically it's a phrase that we use to refer to all awful grainy leaked pictures :D  Have a quick gander at the WHTV Video on YouTube (which is hilarious).  The list of what's cool to post is listed in our site rules (spoiler: items from GW are fine)

    Sure, yeah, I understand the phrase :) I just missed the part where one was posted here, so I got a bit confused if you were maybe referring to the blurry pictures we were *ahem* shamelessly spending way too much time and effort on decrypting (from Warhammer TV) - but seeing as that is not the case, there's no problem ;) Better safe than sorry.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    Yeah it was on article on how to paint Monnclan Grots on teh Warhammer Community and they had a link to the product and it had mushrooms and stalagmites as additional items! 

    Oh! The shattered dominion base detail kit, yeah :) That's a separate one from the shattered dominion bases. You'll get loads of stuff from that one! 


    Edit: @RuneBrush we had a potato camera in here? What was it, if you don't mind me asking for the sake of knowing what exactly "No photos from the potato camera" means? ;) I'm assuming it had nothing to do with the pictures/video released by GW themselves.

  10. Just now, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    Haha true! Although i found out today that the shattered dominion sets comes with mushrooms and stalagmites! this whole time ive been looking on ebay for the old necron/goblin underworld basing set! 

    It does? Not the 25/32mm ones at least. I have three boxes of those, and all you get is the bases and skulls.

  11. I have done some detective work using the power of computerized technology!


    As we can see there are blurry shapes. Now, if we enhance..


    Oh yes! A clear shape of some snake-like creature, perhaps a centipede, or some kind of..


    Wait! No! Get out of here! Wrong book! Wrong book! 

    • Like 9
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    • Haha 16
  12. 3 minutes ago, Oreaper84 said:

    do we think all this new git and squig updates are they gunna align to the profiles of the underworlds warband....ie, nets just being a model upgrade with a debuff, but no attack profile. And squigs going to the attack profile of   4+,3+,-1, 1dmg?

    would make sense to align and update now if they are doing it.....what do y'all think?

    I'd expect so. Would save time from rolling attacks with the grots, as splitting up the net attacks always bloated the time.

    Squigs getting a 2 attack, 4+, 3+, -1 rend, 1dmg is also a straight up buff from their current form, so would be most welcome :)

    I suspect synergies and buffs within the faction will give us quite a bit of punching power for units we're not used to having much offensive capabilities, so all in all we should be crazy dangerous.

    I just hope we maintain the +1 save vs shooting on the moonclan grots. Such a solid defensive trait.

  13. Just now, Turragor said:

    V excited to do some destruction now.  Am I a bit foolish to hope (seeing I am starting from scratch) to see a few "elite" options for army lists?

    A blob of 30 or so night goblins with some fanatics, squigs adn then LOTS of trolls could be awesome.

    Squigs and fanatics are your go-to elite options as far as "Less models for more points" goes :) The Troggoths will also fall within this, on the far end of the "Expensive, low model count" spectrum, without a doubt. 

    I wonder if we'll get a variation of the Mangler Squig w/hero that involves a non-hero rider, the same way that Beastclaw Raiders does it. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. From what I can gather from it's rules, the Loonsmasha Fanatic (I assume this goes for the Sporesplatta too) can deploy at the start of the charge phase, as they currently can, but with the change that they now can't deploy within 3" of an enemy unit. 

    No more deploying them into combat, or auto-mess with the charges of a unit 3" away from the host unit :(



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