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Everything posted by Stealth_Hobo

  1. Skaven Shadespire model was my first thought, but that tail doesn't look much like a typical rat tail.
  2. I would imagine it sounding more like banshee's screeching.
  3. Here's a rumor that claims the price for expansions will be 22,50 euros. Great news if that's the case. https://astropate.blogspot.fi/2017/10/warhammer-underworlds-shadespire-novita.html
  4. Maybe Death will have its day around time when the upcoming Malign Portents campaign is released? The teaser gave me sort of "evil spirits" vibe and maybe it's not coincidence that Death herald was the first one to be shown. I wish GW would give something for Death, if not only for variety, but so that the more louder part of the faction's playerbase would stop their tiresome moaning.
  5. I'm starting to like Shadespire after feeling cold towards it initially. And I know plenty of boardgamers who would love to play it, but who feel intimidated by trying out AoS, even with skirmish rules being a thing. So I'm thinking this might be the only realistic way to get games with my minis. Also, Shadespire warband would be a perfect size for a painting side project.
  6. Love the snail chariot! So many nice details. Looks like this Blightwar box will be a must buy for me after a dry period in the hobby.
  7. Looks like tattered cloak to me. I hope it's AoS related. Cloaks are generic enough to be almost anything.
  8. If it's White Lion / Aelf related, maybe a warband for Shadespire?
  9. Judging by the recent posts it must be a break in the spoiler season. I just hope to see something about the Aelves soon. As and old Dark Elf player, I wouldn't mind the sea raiding theme with a touch of horror, but on the other hand, I'd like to see something completely new regarding the Aelves. I don't wish them to end up being the Dark Eldar of AoS.
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