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Everything posted by Yokai

  1. Good spot! I think he is roasting his shroom for some added effect. ?
  2. There's a Tyrion and Teclis omnibus scheduled for release in november. Might coincide with something bigger, mayhaps?
  3. About 90% of this discussion thread is wishful thinking, so it fits the theme. :p
  4. Ain't that the truth. And you can only stand so many of the damn campaigns, conflicts and whatnot ending in a pyrrhic victory with catastrophic casualties for both sides before you say "****** this" and find a more interesting setting. Like, say, Age of Sigmar. Edit: apparently, the forum does not allow me to use the word for a certain kind of fastener made out of metal and with a helical ridge.
  5. I'm not sad at all. Even if GW would not release anything at all for the remainder of the year, this has been an amazing year for AoS. Don't act too spoiled, now.
  6. Par for the course with the golden poster boys, isn't it?
  7. Fair enough. And we received some very interesting previews. Large-scale releases like brand new and updated armies have previously been preceded by some very specific hype-building videos and whatnot (like DoK and Idoneth) before big events, which we have seen nothing of this time. So I don't quite understand the expectations here.
  8. If by "they" you mean GW, that is not quite right. The community did that all by themselves, as usual.
  9. I think it is actually kind of unlikely that Moonclan (as a full on updated AoS army) will be shown off at Nova, it would steal too much thunder from the Beasts of Chaos who are not even properly released yet. But maybe as a Nightvault warband, together with the new troggoth? Seems far more likely to me.
  10. Reinforcements / summoning rules = more models being sold = more money for GW. So yes, that seems likely indeed.
  11. Yup, today's NOVA preview supports that notion. There was some blurb about "we will finally reveal who that bull-formed endless spell is for" which has now been edited out, it seems.
  12. Guess we will see Moonclan in Orktober then? ?
  13. We can't go on together, with suspicious goats ?
  14. Not usually tooting my own horn, but I kind of called it the other day. ? Still, could be GW misdirection again, but with the endless spell revealed last week I doubt it.
  15. It's a combination of both, I think. Remember the SCE Vanguard battleforce from last year? It included 12 Gryph Hounds. 12. Gryph. Hounds. 12.
  16. I disagree. Personally, I was delightfully surprised with the mysterious endless spell revealed and want to know more as soon as possible. That's hype enough for me. What fun is there to be had when all is developing exactly as expected? ?
  17. Or false rumour leaks originally planted by GW themselves. Grot comics, for example.
  18. Kinda funny that up until just a moment ago everyone was "grots, grots, grots" and now it's "beastmen, chaos dwarves, what???". Well played, GW. ?
  19. More Stormcast. ? Nah but seriously - a gobbo preview is what we will see, I reckon.
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